Breaking the Prophecies

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Great Prophecy:-

"Not about a single deal"

The quest was not about single Paratheon

"Many shall together feel"

Many Paratheons united to stop Chaos

"The greatest enemy they have yet"

He attacked every living thing in the entire universe

"Nothing like the villains they met"

Chaos was invincible and more difficult to defeat than any other villain

"One shall be lost in the fog"

Someone of them entered the Labyrinth in San Fransisco which had abundance of fog. The labryinth lead to Tartarus and ultimately their doom.

"When fighting the villain they shall be agog"

When they were fighting Chaos under the Statue of Liberty, Percy got scared and shrunk down

"Wisdom and Sea search for the one who preserve"

They searched for the gem which held the universe together

"Magicians would have the nerve"

They decided to risk themselves into Tartarus

"Undead shall unite them"

Magnus met up with them helped a lot

"Villain can only defeated with the gem"

At the end Chaos was defeated by the gem when it was destroyed

Prophecy for the quest:-

"Six shall embark on a quest to stop the chaotic"

Six members, Percy, Carter, Annabeth, Sadie, Thalia and Grover went on a quest to stop Chaos

"Which shall be lead by son of world aquatic"

The quest was lead by Percy, son of Poseidon, Greek god of aquatic things

"To find the gem, on a trail"

They went on a trail to find the gem

"And they shall fail"

They ultimately failed as the universe was still destroyed

"Shall have help with another future"

Chronus sent Percy back in time to make things right

"They will meet someone and pls don't think him as a intruder"

They met Magnus and Carter thought him as an intruder. Also this is the first time when the Oracle has given a straight forward advise

Prophecy given by the Norns:-

1. Together

Many Paratheons met

2. Back In Time

Percy traveled through time

3. Shall Fail, Shall Prevail

They failed as the universe was destroyed. But they won because Chaos did not get his hands on the gem

4. Gem Is The Key

Gem was destroyed and Chaos fell apart

-Renid Rowstan