Chapter 8

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Violence & De@th

"Y/n? What were you doing?" Kai said as he poked his head out the door, I looked up at him and his hair was wet and dripping water drops on his face. I was frozen, I didn't know how to explain what I was doing but I was doing something.

"i-i remember..." I said softly, "Remember what?" Kai asked, I was hesitant to answer. I didn't want to say that I remember doing that specific thing.

"One thing, but I don't think it's important.. s-so don't worry about it." I replied, I was taking small steps backwards until I hit my side on the corner of a stool. "Ow.."

"Are you okay?" Kai said as he came out the bathroom making sure that I wouldn't fall. I felt my cheeks getting hot, "Please Kai, i-i'm fine.. I'm okay....bye!" I said as I ran away. I don't know what came over me, all I know is that it had to be Kai in that memory...

- A Few Moments Later -


"Hey guys, what did I miss?" I asked as I met Irene and Mark in the living room. "We really need to keep a close eye on y/n." Irene said hesitantly, I questioned her why and she proceeded to tell me. Irene was telling me the real reason why y/n's parents kept trying to marry her off.

"Y/n's a..." - Kai

"Yup, a Princess. She has royal blood in her." - Irene

"But how? Neither of your parents have a single ounce of royal blood in them... neither do you." I said to Mark, he sighed. "Y/n is our half sister, same mom... different dad." He said, "Once Taemin, Minhyuk, Taeyong, and I found out she was a princess... we wanted her back, but they had different reason on wanting her back." Mark continued.

"What were the reasons?" I asked, "They wanted her back because they could threaten her biological dad into making them rulers, I wanted y/n back because I missed my baby sister.." Mark said. "If Minhyuk gets a hold of her who knows what will happen, he already has Junmyeon. He will either A, kill Junmyeon in front of her or B, kill y/n to show her dad that he's not playing around." Mark said.

"We need to get Junmyeon back alive and do something about everyone who's in this situation." Said Irene, I didn't respond because I was too busy on thinking how Sehun didn't find out that Y/n was a princes... or whether she has royal in her.

"If you're wondering why your guys couldn't find any details on her having royal blood is because our mom had it erased from everything, she even erased everything on her meeting that guy" Mark explained, "Y/n told me that she remembered something else but she didn't tell me what it was.." I said, Irene quickly moved her glance over to me and told me to explain where we were when that happened.

I began to explain everything on what I was doing and how I saw her when I got out the shower, then it clicked in my head that the same thing had happened when Junmyeon was showering...



Okay y/n... don't freak out anymore, it was just an accident...

I tried calming myself down in my room after everything that had just happened but it wasn't working out..

What happens if he find out that I was watching him shower again for the second time... wait, was that the second time or have I done it multiple times...

My life is mess..

*Knock Knock Knock*

Please don't let it be Kai...

"Come in!" I yelled out, my heart was pounding as it felt like the door was opening slowly. When it opened all the way I saw a guy that I've never seen before come in my room, "Hello, who are you?" I asked, the man smirked and came closer to me.

"Boss, I found her." He said while pushing on his ear piece. I was able to hear what was being said through the earpiece, the person had said perfect knock her out and bring her to us. I began to panic but made sure to not show it. I was stepping back as I remembered leaving a fork on my bed from when Irene brought me something to eat. I could use this as a weapon.

"Now now little angel, I'm a good guy. I'm just saving you from these people you so call "trust"" He said as he threw up his fist attempting to swing at me but I dodged it and stabbed his arm with the fork causing him to scream very loudly. His blood began to stain my bedroom carpet as I took this chance to run out my room. But once I opened the door there was more masked people covering my way out.

"There she is! Get her!" One of them said, there was approximately 4 men standing outside my door, I had no other choice but to fight all of them bare handed as I had nothing else to use as a weapon. I didn't know where all this strength I had came from but all I know is that we were making a lot of commotion because a lot of my furniture were starting to break.

"Y/N!!" I heard Kai and Marl yell out as they were running up the stairs. My face, carpet, and fists were covered in blood that wasn't even mine, by the time Kai and Mark reached my room I had already beaten everyone to death except for one person and that was the guy that I had stabbed with the fork.

"What did you do..." Mark said, I was just standing there in silence looking at all of their lifeless bodies and remembered when I killed Taemin and Taeyong in cold blood and out of anger, but this time I fought and killed to protect myself.

"They tried taking me..." I said softly, the guy I stabbed was still crying out in pain. I walked towards him but he just kept getting away from me. Mark got me away from him and Kai put him in the basement where someone named Baekhyun was going to get answers out of him. I was taken out of the room which left Irene was in charge of getting me cleaned up. And left another guy named Kyungsoo to clean up the bodies as well as the stained carpet.

I wanted to do it again...over...and over again..

To Be Continued...


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