Chapter 10

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This is another short chapter my bad😪
Please notify me for errors


Minhyuk POV

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU ARENT LETTING JAEHYUN MARRY HER!" Suho's mother said, I rolled my eyes because she was starting to get annoying. "Look Jiyoon, Y/n isn't marrying your son because I have other plans. I just needed you to get your eldest to me so that I have a higher chance of getting her and my little brother back." I said as I took a sip from my wine.

I could tell that she was furious but how stupid can she be if she really brought her first son to me just so that she can marry y/n to Jaehyun her youngest. I mean, they have dated before and that's how I found out that Junmyeon was also her son, it really is a small world after all. This entire situation would have been avoided if Taeyong hadn't sent some of our men to go get Junmyeon, he should've said y/n but no. Everything had to go his way.

"I WILL SET JUNMYEON FREE IF YOU DONT LET YOUR SISTER MARRY JAE-" she said before I interrupted her "If you set him free I will kill both you and Jaehyun, test me Jiyoon." She just stayed quiet because she knew I would murder the both of them without any hesitation. I felt stress take over my entire body and I didn't like it, this is taking too long.

"Hyung, we more information on Y/n." Said Jaehyun as he came into the room, I asked him what it was and he told that she had killed four men trying to take her away. I was so confused, "Did you guys send people over there to get her without my command?" I asked, he shook his no and that's when I really started to panic.


"How?!" I asked, my men proceeded to tell me that he had woken up right before they were about to put Junmyeon into his new room and beat them. "Find him... FIND HIM!"


"How are you feeling?" I asked y/n, she just shrugged her shoulders and said that she didn't know how to feel, "Well then, I don't know what to say. We believed that you'd get your memories before we go get Junmyeon but it seems like there isn't any progress." I continued, we need her back to her old self so that this could go more smoothly, but we can't rush things.

"I'm tired..." she said softly, it was pretty late and a lot did happen to day. "C'mon, let's get you to a guest bedroom." I said as I helped her up from the medical bed but once I helped her up she clung onto me. "Y-Y/n? What are you doing..?" I question her, I took her off of me and distanced myself a bit. It just didn't sit right with me.

"I wanted to hold onto you until I got into my new room." She said, I told her that it wasn't right to do that without letting me know first and that it didn't sit easy with me. She had looked away and said she understood, so she just walked next to me as I guided her to the room. It felt as if she was catching feelings for me but I don't want that to happen, she's with Junmyeon hyung... it wouldn't be right.

Suho POV

Those damn bastards... if they were trying to keep me alive why would they inject so many things into my body and make me inhale many gasses that came from my air vents...

I don't even know where I'm at, after I beat those guys I just started running.

Why was my mom working with him...

I can't breathe.. I need to take a break, where am I?...

I tried looking around to see if I could atleast know where I was at and see if I was near any of our bases, one of my comrade or ally bases. I read a street name and saw that I was near one of our ally bases I quickly made my way over. Once I arrived, their security guards recognized me and tried getting me inside but I told them to wait until they did a scan on me. So they went to go get their leader, Leeteuk.

"Junmyeon? Why are you here?" He asked, I explained everything and asked for shelter after they did a scan in me, I was afraid that I had a tracker in me since I wasn't conscious for almost the entire time I was there.

"Looks like there's one in the nape of your neck, I could also see the incision that they made. Seems like they made you into a dog." Leeteuk said, I asked him to take it out and he did which hurt so bad. He had two of his men drive off with it and take it somewhere far from the base, he brought me insides and had his other men treat my wounds.

"How did you end up like this?" Asked Eunhyuk, "It's a long story that I don't want to get into.." I responded, I kept flinching here and there due to the stinging of my wounds being treated. I felt as if I wasn't in the right mindset, this isn't over... I know it..

The Next Day

"Want me to take you home?" Leeteuk asked me, I told him no because I wasn't ready to see Y/n.. especially if she still doesn't remember me. He asked me if I had found out what type of injection was used on her to make her lose her memories. I started to think about it because when we ran blood tests on her when she was in her coma, everything was okay there was nothing going on... until one day that didn't sit right with me.

It was a few weeks ago, I noticed that y/no's bedsheets weren't in the neatly placed on top of her as they had been earlier in the day. At first I thought it was just the nurses who had moved her causing the bedsheets to mess up but now as I'm remembering it again, the bedsheets had a little damp spot where her arm was placed. And it looked as if she had dry tears coming out of her eyes... before that day I never did blood tests because they kept on coming out to the same result. Meaning someone had forced her down and injected something else into her knowing I stopped doing blood tests, causing her to lose her memories...

"I... I have to go.. could you take me? Like immediately." I asked, he said yes knowing I found something out. He rushed me rushed me home but I still had to hide in the back seat due to them looking for me. Once I find out who you are, you will regret what you did...

Irene POV

"Hey, has anyone seen Y/n?" Mark asked, "She's probably still sleeping, that girl loves to sleep." I answered, he walked away and I continued to wash dishes as I waited for Kai to wake up because I needed to talk to him.. about what is going on.


I froze... someone was pointing a gun at the back of my head... I felt it, I didn't know who it was.

"Where is she."

It was Junmyeon... I began to shake and I dropped a plate causing it to break..

To Be Continued...


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