Chapter 11

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"So what did you find out?" Leeteuk asked, I couldn't bring myself to talk but I had to tell him. "No one was home a few weeks ago due to one of our missions, the only person that was there was Irene to watch over Y/n... and once we got home I went to go check up on her and her bed sheets were messed up. Plus there was a damp spot near her arm, meaning she most likely woke up and was being forced back down onto her bed for an injection which didn't go all the way into her system..."


"Where is she." I said in a serious tone, Irene had froze which also caused her to drop a plate making it shatter. That's when Mark ran back into the kitchen and was shocked to see me pointing a gun at her.

"S-Suho.. how are you here?" Mark stuttered, i didn't answer him because I was focus on Irene not escaping or her attempting to do anything.

"Where is she Irene? You're the only one who knows, you're also the only one who started this entire situation.." I said as I put the gun a bit deeper into her head, "Slip up and I will shoot.." I continued.

"Shoot and you won't find her.." She replied, my jaw clenched and I shot the knife that Irene had grabbed thinking I didn't notice. "Try anything else and I'll put a bullet anywhere else in your body." I said.

Irene stayed silent...

"Suho hyung?..."

I looked over to see that Mark had brought Jongin down, I'm guessing for help since he did t know what to do. Kai had his eyes wide as if he had seen a ghost when he looked at me, my expression stayed the same. I showed no emotion since I was still busy on this traitor.

"What's going on? What did she do?" Kai asked, I grabbed Irene by her wrists, help them behind her back and pulled her towards me but had her facing Kai and Mark. The gun was pointed behind her back and I responded.

"Y/n isn't in her room or in any of the guest rooms, I've searched everywhere for her and she isn't here.."

"What does Irene have to do with any of this? Please let her go!" Kai yelled out, I put my gun down but I had to grab Irene's hands and place them behind her back. I signaled them to follow me into the living room and I threw Irene onto the couch.

"She's working with Minhyuk... she's also the reason why Y/n doesn't have the memories of when we first met and forward." I said, Kai and Mark looked at me as if I was crazy as Irene was playing victim.

"I guess all that time being locked up with Minhyuk made you go insane huh?" Irene stated, I got so irritated to the point where I wanted to punch her but I don't hit women... so instead I threw a pillow at her.

"You guys have to believe me, I may not have proof other than the way she's acting right now, but you guys need to believe me..." I pleaded, they weren't going to believe me either way due to Irene's believable lying. If they're not in, I will do this myself with with Leeteuk's team.

I sighed.

"Suho hyung, I want to believe you but I can't... what happens if it's not true, we'll not only lose Irene's trust but we'll also lose our trust in you for making us go against one of our comrades." Kai said, I felt betrayed by the two people I trusted with so much. This is what I get in return after everything I've done for them...

Irene POV

"I'm going to my room to figure everything out without you guys.." Junmyeon said as he rubbed his forehead with frustration, before he left upstairs he gave me a cold glare that sent shivers down my spine causing my to freeze for a few moments.

"He's really going insane isn't he?" Mark said, Jongin agreed and said that he probably just needed a nap. I got up to go upstairs but i hesitated whether i should or not.

"I'll be back, I'm going to go check up on him." I said, Jongin didn't want me to go since he was afraid that he'd hurt me again but I told him not to worry. And with that I proceeded upstairs to Myeon's room.

"Why did you do it?..." said Junmyeon, I hadn't even stepped into his room, he had his back towards me with both hands in tight fists on his desk.

"How did you know it was me?" I asked him, he stayed silent which was scaring me. This was the only time I've felt scared being around him.

"GOD DAMMIT IRENE!" He said as he slammed one of his fists on the desk causing me to flinch, "DO YOU REALLY THINK I'M THAT STUPID?!!" He continued as he turned to face me.

"No, I don't... but this happening is for the best-" I said before he interrupted me.

"For the best?!! FOR THE BEST?! How is this for the best Irene? You made her lose her memories of....." he paused, I slowly entered the room as he was remembering things.

"Myeon..." I said softly.

" only erased the memories of me.." he said, "but how... she remembers everything else but me... or everyone else.. how Irene, HOW!!?" He shouted.

Suho POV

"I can't tell you why but I can say that you were supposed to forget everything about her as well.." Irene with a smile, I didn't want her get near me, I need her to get away from me but she just keeps getting closer and closer.

"Is that why they kept injecting those fluids into me?.. Is that why they-" I stopped my sentenced as Irene came up to me, put her hands on my face, and made me look her in the eyes.

"I love you Myeon, I don't want anyone who isn't me to have you... do I make myself clear?"

Meanwhile downstairs...


"Chanyeol is almost here, I have to tell him that Junmyeon is here..." I said to Mark, I was hoping that everything was going fine upstairs with the both of them. If Junmyeon hurts Irene with no evidence then I have to hurt him too.

"Suho said that y/n wasn't in any of the rooms... is that true? I thought she was sleeping." Mark stated, I told him to go check just in case if he was just saying stuff to make us then against Irene.

I sat there just thinking about what y/n did the other night. Why would she cling onto me... why would she want to hold me as I walked her to her room.

Not gonna lie, I felt my heart pound when she did that, but it's not right...


To be continued...


A/n: Hello there my wonderful readers, I am so sorry for my 1 year Hiatus, I was going through a lot and i was finishing school. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and celebrate my return. I love and appreciate you all for your patience <33

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