♥︎♡ ! >﹏< 𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗧𝗘𝗥 𝟯𝟲 !

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the next two days are...weird. siwoo felt humiliated and appalled that her own husband would treat her son that way. she's so angry and unbelievably upset by it all, and on top of that, she had to tell juwon and jihye that their dad had been arrested. we had to all go to court over the weekend where he was sentenced to twelve years for child abuse. jihye was balling her eyes out, not understanding any of it and upset that she doesn't get to see her daddy. meanwhile juwon just...i don't know. juwon just sat in silence.

i don't understand how yeonjun has been so calm about it all. his guitar is broken. his face is all cut up and bruised. i was avoiding talking to him about it, not wanting to bring any of it up. but by monday morning, i was so confused by his reaction that i outdent stay silent about it any longer.

juwon leaves the car, closing the door behind him before walking across the school car park.

"yeonjun." i say to him.

he turns his head to me.

"what are you thinking?" i ask him.

he pauses. "i'm thinking, people are going to be looking at me pretty weird with a face like this-"

"i'm serious." i say. "you seem so calm about it all."

he pauses again in thought. he shrugs slightly.

"tell me how you're feeling." i say to him quietly.

he inhales and exhales slowly. "well...as soon as those security guards came in and grabbed him, i felt sort of...free." he says. i look at him and he looks down to his knees as he thinks. "it's just strange." he says. "in the moment, it just felt like he was angry. but now he's been arrested, charged for abuse. it sounds so real and official." he says. "sounds like a story. but it happened. to me." he says.

i sigh, looking down at my knees. "it wouldn't have happened if i didn't-"

"no." yeonjun says. "stop it. stop doing that."

"what?" i ask.

"blaming yourself for it. i'm glad it happened."

"you're glad?"

"strangely." he says. "i mean...he's gone. he can't control me if he's gone." he says. "yeah, it hurt like hell. and yeah, i'm crushed about that guitar." he says. "that was my guitar, you know? i bought that with my own money that i earned. i played it for years. it felt like a part of me. so...the guitar? yeah, that...that probably hurt more than his beating." he says. "but i'm strangely glad that it happened."

"why?" i ask him.

"because...the way the audience cheered? the way they reacted and the feeling i felt - we felt - like it was such an achievement and we felt so appreciated and special." he says. "i had never felt like that before." he says. "and even if my dad's response was unforgivable, i felt sort of uplifted and empowered. i stood up to him and it felt...i don't know. it felt good." he tells me. "plus." he adds. "i made out with this amazing girl that night..." he says, starting to smile playfully. "what was it...four times?" he says, causing a smile to form on my face. i look away, feeling flushed at the mention of it.

"i feel like it would be better if it was rounded up to five though." he adds cheekily. "that's a good number. five fingers. five senses. five olympic rings..." he's saying, suddenly being all cute and playful.

i bite my lip for a second to conceal my smile. "do it then." i say.

"what?" he says, smiling at me innocently.

"kiss me." i tell him.

so we rocked up to english late. i think we could have snuck in unnoticed, except yeonjun's cut and bruised face is a little distracting. the room goes silent, and even mr. carter stares for a second.

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