♥︎♡ ! >﹏< 𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗧𝗘𝗥 𝟰𝟮 !

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"what the fuck are you doing?" elena says loudly, with shock, disgust and pain laced into her words.

yeonjun stands, quickly ascending the steps towards her while saying. "shhh, elena please, i'm begging you, don't tell anyone."

"don't tell anyone my ass." she says. "what the fuck are you trying to do to me? what about us?"

"us?" yeonjun says. "elena this isn't about you."

"yeah right." she says with a scoff. "is this you just trying to get back at me for sleeping with andy?" she says. "that's messed up, yeonjun-"

"yeah, that is messed up so of course i'm fucking not." he says. "and if we're really gonna go there, you also slept with riley, edward, danny, ethan and-" he cuts himself off. "look this really isn't about you, okay? i'm not like you. i don't go meaninglessly sleeping around with half the year to get back at someone." he says.

"i didn't sleep with them to get back at you-"

"elena, just stop." yeonjun says, glancing back to me before saying. "look, chaewon and i. we're not together. there's nothing between us. there's nothing for you to tell-"

"that didn't look like nothing to me. looked like you were sticking your tongue down that bitches throat-"

"hey, that bitch happens to be the most real, genuine and extraordinary girl out there. you could take a few lessons from her, so don't you call her a bitch to my face ever again, you got that?" he says.

she finches, staring at him with pain in her eyes as if she breaks anytime someone raises their voice at her. then her eyes narrow on him. "you're gonna say all that about her and then except me to believe there's nothing between you two?"

he pauses, not sure how to respond.

then she looks down at me from the top of the stairs. "and you. i thought i told you to stay away from him."

"what makes you think you have any kind of authority over me?" i say. "i'm not your little pet, elena. i'm not going to do as you say."

yeonjun frowns at her. "you told her to stay away from me?" he says with disgust. "why? for what? you go around sleeping with half the year like a little slut and think you can call dibs on me and tell her to back off? what the fuck is wrong with you?" yeonjun says to her.

"what the fuck is wrong with me? who the hell do you think you are to call me a slut." she says. "that's one of the worst things you could say to a girl. you shouldn't ever say that to a girl, ever." she says, faking all of this emotion to make herself look like the victim.

my eyes narrow. "how come you called me a slut in the pe changing room then?" i say to her.

she looks at me, a sense of fear flashing in her eyes that i've just brought that up. yeah, you're not so innocent.

yeonjun looks at her expectingly and she glances from me to him. "that-that's different." she says.

"why? because your made up rules don't apply to yourself?" yeonjun says. "look, you're just digging yourself deeper, elena, and if you want me to have any respect for you what so ever then you wouldn't tell anyone about what you just saw." he says.

she stares at him. "you two are never getting out of this." she says. "i'm telling the school, and the little bitch can be on the next flight back to poshville." she says, about to walk off.

my heart starts to pound viscously in my chest. what?

"no, elena." yeonjun catches her arm quickly.

"i will fucking scream if you don't let go." she says.

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