Ask Them!

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Question: Who do you think is the hottest person in the room? Then kiss them.

Annabeth: Oh gods. *kisses Percy*

Percy: Mwah!

Jason: *kisses Piper*

Frank: *kisses Hazel*

Hazel: *kisses Frank*

Beetle: *blows a kiss to Jenna*

Jenna: Wut. :O

Calypso: *kisses Leo*

Leo: *kisses Calypso* *pulls away* There's someone else too.

Calypso: WHAT?!

Frank: Don't say...

Leo: *kisses mirror*

Everyone Else: ARGHH! *facepalm*

Question: What's your favorite holiday?

Annabeth: Um...

Percy: World Water Ocean Day!

Hazel: Does that even exist?

Percy: *glares* YEAH! How do you not know?! It's on June 8th! And... I also I like the holiday 8/18.

Annabeth: Psst, Percy. your birthday.

Everyone Else: OHH! I get it now.

Annabeth: Architecture Day. My favorite.

Frank: When's that?

Annabeth: October 6th.

Leo: I have never heard of it.

Annabeth: Then maybe you're as much of an idiot as Percy.

Percy: HEY!

Hazel: Anyways, I like March 13th, Jewel Day.

Leo: Where the Hades are all these holidays coming from?!

Annabeth: People made them up to celebrate something, and soon it became popular and now people celebrate it as a holiday.

Leo: ...

Percy: Ha! Ha!

Annabeth: Why are you laughing, Seaweed Brain.

Percy: Ha. Ha. ha. I dunno.

Frank: November 11th, Remembrance Day.

Leo: What's that? Is that Memorial Day? You mean Veteran's Day?

Piper: Well, that would be the first holiday I've heard of so far in this question.

Annabeth: Dummy. Leo, Remembrance Day is like Memorial Day in Canada.

Frank: That's right. And I'm a child of Mars, so I guess it makes sense.

Piper: Well, I kinda like National Lipstick Day, July 29th. I think my mom did that. I only KIND OF like it. I like Christmas, though.

Jason: I like Wind Day, June 15th.

Piper: That exists?!

Jason: Yep.

Leo: I like March 15th, Tool Day. I also love fire safety week. Reminds me not to get out of control.

Everyone: *silent*

Annabeth: Leo, you are more serious than I thought you could be.

Question: Why is this post so boring?

Annabeth: I dunno.

Percy: I dunno.

Leo: I dunno.

Jason: I dunno.

Piper: I dunno.

Hazel: I dunno.

Frank: I dunno.

Nico: I dunno.

Calypso: I dunno.

Annabeth: You copied me!

Percy: I didn't mean to copy you. You copied me!

Annabeth: You copied me!

Leo: I didn't mean to copy you. You copied me!

Jason: I didn't mean to copy you. You copied me!

Percy: I didn't mean to copy you. You copied me!

Leo: I didn't mean to copy you.

Piper: I didn't mean to copy you. You copied me!

Percy: You copied me! You copied me!

Leo: I didn't mean to copy you.

Piper: I didn't mean to copy you.

Hazel: I didn't mean to copy you. You copied me!

*process continues*

Annabeh: Now is it boring?

Everyone: Yeah.

Leo: Aw.

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