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Wren woke up to a knock on her bedroom door. She groaned rolling out of bed. She had been up way too late to be woken up before her alarm. Swinging the door open with a sour look on her face she came face to face with Hangman. She was about to give him hell for waking her up early when she noticed the serious look on his face. He held his phone up solemnly.

"Admiral Kazansky, passed away yesterday. The funeral is today. We're all going."

Wren didn't say anything, trying to process what he just said. Hangman nodded slightly then headed back to his room. Wren slowly put her uniform on, going through the motions of tying her hair back trying to avoid thinking too much about the day. Wren didn't know Iceman personally but knew that he was well respected and pretty amazing in his time. Wren was lucky that she had never lost a wingman during service so far but she had been to her fair share of naval funerals. It was always a chilling reminder of how dangerous their job was.

There was a large turnout of mourners at the funeral, Wren could see what must have been Iceman's family sitting up front as she took her place in the line-up between Fanboy and Rooster. They both nodded slightly in greeting but kept quiet out of respect. Maverick walked forward placing Iceman's wings onto his coffin, knocking them gently so they stayed in place. An officer presented Iceman's wife with a folded up flag , prompting everyone to raise their arms in salute. A group of planes flew overhead, indicating that the service was over. Rooster's hand brushed slightly across the back of Wren's as they turned to head back towards their cars.

The team stood in a circle in the crowded parking lot, chatting amongst themselves. 

"We've been given the day off," Payback said. "We're just talking about our plans for the day."

"Is this really a debate? What do we end up doing anytime we have some free time," Wren asked. Everyone looked around at each other, trying to figure out if they were all in agreement.

"The Hard Deck it is," Payback said clapping his hands together as if ending the team huddle.

"The Hard Deck it is," Payback said clapping his hands together as if ending the team huddle

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The whole team was gathered around a couple tables that they had pushed together. No one was really in the mood to be playing pool or dancing. People were trading stories of those they had lost during the service. The mood was solemn but they were trying to focus on celebrating the lives that had been lost rather than being sad about it. The door to the bar swung open and in walked Phoenix and Bob having just been released from the med bay. The team cheered to see their friends alive and well after their close call yesterday. When they had settled around the table Hangman stood up raising his bottle in the air.

"To Iceman, may we all go on to be as loved and respected as him."

"To Iceman," everyone else chimed in.

Wren got up from the seat she had claimed next to Hangman and approached Bob who was waiting at the bar for another drink. He looked at Wren as she appeared beside him and smiled slightly before turning away again. Wren could tell that something was off so she kept looking directly at him. Twice more he looked out of the corner of his eye at Wren, not moving, as if hoping that Wren would move on, even as he got his new beer.

Finally he sighed and tilted his head indicating the door out to the patio. Wren followed him out and they found a secluded area near the beach to sit and talk.

"What's up," Bob started sounding slightly nervous. 

"You tell me," Wren prompted. "I'm worried about you. You're quieter than normal, and that's saying something."

"I was hoping no one would notice," Bob sighed. "It's nothing really. I think it's just a mix of crashing yesterday and then the admiral's funeral today. Just feeling suddenly very vulnerable, that's all."

"Are you worried about flying with Phoenix again?"

Bob's eyes shot open and a panicked look crossed his face.

"No not at all, is that what it seems like? Crap. Phoenix is one of the best pilots I've ever been paired with. I'm not worried about flying with her again at all." 

"Then what is it?" 

"I just..." Bob started. He stopped and looked up at the sky as if hoping he would find the answers he was looking for in the clouds. "Do you ever feel weird about having no control up there? I mean we have to put our complete trust in our pilots to get us back safely. Even in class the other day, Maverick put it all on Phoenix, saying she would have to explain to my family why I died at my funeral."

Wren didn't speak at first, wanting to make sure he was finished, but also processing all that he had said. 

"Shit Bob. You've really got a lot going on in that pretty little head of yours," Wren joked trying to lighten the mood. It worked for a moment but Bob's smile quickly dropped from his face again. "I mean we do have to put a lot of trust in our pilots. I fly with Hangman so there's been many times where I'm worried he's going to make sure we go out in a blaze of glory, but then I remember they've got to put a lot of faith in us too. Without us they'd be sitting ducks. I think you don't put enough stock into all the work we do." 

Bob was still looking out at the waves slowly lapping at the shore, but Wren saw some of the tension ease away from his shoulders. Trying again to lighten the mood, she continued.

"And I'll be dammed before anyone tells me that I'm just a bystander while Hangman saves the day." 

This caused Bob to giggle slightly and Wren joined in. 

"Come on. We've got a big day tomorrow. I'm sure they're going to work us twice as hard after our day off." She reached down to help Bob to his feet and they slipped back into the bar. 

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