Wedding Day

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AN: Just a fun little add on : )

"Man of honour coming in," Hangman said as he barged through the door, hand covering his eyes and immediately running into a nearby table.

"What are you doing? I'm dressed you can open your eyes."

"I thought it was bad luck to see the bride before the wedding though?"

"First, that's an old superstition, and even if it was true it only applies to the groom so it would only be bad luck for Brad to see me."

Hangman lowered his hand and opened one eye as if expecting a black cat to jump out or a mirror to break if he looked at Wren. Seeing that nothing immediately burst into flames, he relaxed and opened both eyes. 

"Well one can never be too careful. I'm not about to get blamed if anything goes wrong today," he said making himself comfortable on the couch in the room and picking over the breakfast food still sitting out.

"You're the one who is supposed to deal with things if something goes wrong. What else is a man of honour for?" 

"I was told I just needed to stand up front and look pretty. Maybe console some single ladies." He chuckled, clearly amused with himself. 

"Not sure how Elise would feel about that." Hangman just smirked in response. Elise was Hangman's girlfriend of the past two years, and they were well on their way to getting married as well. Hangman had been looking for rings and asking Wren for advice. As much as Hangman still played up his cocky, playboy attitude, Wren knew that he was deeply in love with Elise and would never do anything to jeopardize that relationship.

Wren shoved his legs off the couch and sat down next to him. He reached his arm around her shoulders and gave her a half hug. 

"You ready for this?" he asked sincerely. Wren nodded her head, avoiding eye contact with him. He knew her too well and picked up on her nerves. "If you don't want to go through with this you just say the word and we can leave right now. Maybe start new lives in the Bahamas. I'll just have to grab Elise first because I don't think I could handle living with you for an extended period of time. Bradshaw is a brave man."

Wren punch her friend in the arm but was grateful that he was trying to lighten the mood. 

"I do want this, I want this so badly. I don't know why I'm so nervous."

"Atlas," Hangman said turning so he looked directly at her. "This is a big step. It's normal to be nervous but I know you love each other. It's truly, deeply, sickening most days," Wren glared at Hangman but he continued, "and you've got everyone here to support you."

It was true. Everyone had managed to find the time to travel to Charleston from their various placements for the wedding. It really was everything Wren hoped it would be. 

As Hangman walked her down the aisle, Wren felt her heart race as if she was hurtling down a runway about to take off. Her eyes scanned the room slowly. Phoenix, Bob, Coyote, and Fanboy all sat together giving her encouraging smiles as she passed. Penny sat near the front, eyes only for Maverick who was standing next to the man she was about to commit to for the rest of her life.

When Brad turned to meet her eyes, everything else faded away. She relaxed instantly as she took his hands and exchanged their vows. 

The party lasted well into the night. They drank, they danced, they laughed and snuck away for quiet moments to themselves whenever they could.

"I love you Wren Bradshaw," Rooster said, eyes lighting up with mischief.

"Wren Donahue-Bradshaw, dear husband," she chided, smiling in spite of herself.

"Did you ever imagine we'd get here?" 

"I don't know what I imagined but I know it wasn't better than this. I am so lucky to have met you." They stayed wrapped in each other's arms for a moment before Wren continued. "You know, I was thinking, maybe it's about time we have the conversation about kids again."

Rooster's jaw fell open in shock. He had been very open in his desire to have kids, but Wren had never felt that the time was right. She wasn't sure if it was Coyote sharing pictures of his second child or Phoenix doting on her very pregnant girlfriend, but she suddenly felt very ready to discuss the idea with Rooster. 

She nodded at him and he crashed his lips down onto hers, speaking each word in between kisses.

"I... just... know... we... will... be... the... best... parents." Then he paused for a second, frowning slightly. "You are my whole world Wren. I hope you know we don't need to have kids for me to be happy. You are more than enough."

"I know," she replied. "I just really like the idea of a little mini you running around."

He smiled widely, spinning her around in a hug.

"Just so you know," he said, "Hangman is not allowed to babysit. I don't need him influencing any children we have."

Wren burst out laughing as she looked across the room to see Hangman with his tie knotted around his head as he led a very off beat conga line. Surrounded by the people she loved most, celebrating the love she shared with the most amazing man, Wren was unsure exactly what the future would hold, but she knew that there was only great things ahead of them

 Surrounded by the people she loved most, celebrating the love she shared with the most amazing man, Wren was unsure exactly what the future would hold, but she knew that there was only great things ahead of them

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