Stay Safe

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Wren didn't have a chance to talk to Rooster before they arrived on the ship. She was looking around through the crowd desperate to catch a glimpse of his slightly wavy hair. Hangman was in a much better mood today, walking up to Wren with a smirk on his face.

"I realized, not being on mission means we get to play hero when things hit the fan." 

Wren smack him in the chest causing him to double over groaning.

"Don't say that! We don't want shit to hit the fan."

"Ok sorry, jeez," he said. "If shit hits the fan, think about how thankful Rooster will be when you show up like a knight in shining armour to save his ass."

"You're an ass Hangman. You're lucky I put up with you," Wren said distancing herself from Hangman and the worry that her friends might run into trouble. Wren found Rooster up with his plane, taking the time to check everything over multiple times. Wren could feel the nervous energy coming off of him from across the deck.

"Hey hot shot," she yelled, jogging up to help him run through his checklist.

"Atlas, sorry I didn't get a chance to talk to you last night. I needed some time to myself."

"Hey you don't have to explain yourself to me. Are you ready?"

"As I'll ever be." 

"You've got this. I believe in you. Maverick believes in you, you just need to believe in you." Rooster nodded his head, his eyes still squinting slightly as he thought things over in his head. "And Rooster, do me a favour."


"Be safe."

"Always am," he said taking a step forward moving in as if to kiss her, but Maverick approached, calling to Rooster at that moment, causing Rooster to freeze in his approach. 

"I'll go," she said. "Remember what I said. I've got your back if you need it." She squeezed his hand and stepped away to get herself ready in her own plane.

" She squeezed his hand and stepped away to get herself ready in her own plane

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"Dagger one up and ready," came Maverick's voice through the headset. 

In the seat in front of her came Hangman's voice, "dagger spare up and ready."

"Dagger four up and ready," Payback and Fanboy.

"Dagger three up and ready," Phoenix and Bob.

"Dagger two up and ready," Rooster's voice sounded signalling the end of the ready calls. One by one Wren watched as the F-18s took off. She reached up and knocked on the back of Hangman's seat. He didn't respond so she did it again. Hangman sighed and reached back, returning the knock. Wren was satisfied so she leaned back ready to listen in on the most stressful 10 minutes of her life. 

"Dagger attack, approaching target, 2 minutes and 30 seconds in three, two, one, mark," and just like that, they were off. Wren watched as the timer on her screen counted down, holding her breath as if it would somehow effect the mission miles away. 

Over the radio Wren could hear that Rooster was falling behind course. She silently willed him to speed up, she knew he had it in him. The missiles hit the enemy base, taking out their runways, and over the comms she heard that bandits were inbound to protect the base. Wren could hear Hangman quietly encouraging Rooster. "Come on, come on, come on." 

Something must have happened because suddenly Rooster was shooting ahead, enough so that Payback had to call out for Rooster to slow. Wren let out a sigh of relief, and then another as Bob's voice came over the comms excitedly, "that's a hit."

"Fanboy where's my laser?" Rooster called over the radio. 

"There's something wrong with the laser," Fanboy said. "Dead eye, dead eye!"

"There's no time, I'm dropping bombs." 

Closing her eyes and willing his shot to be on target, Wren stayed frozen until the sound of a cheer could be heard across the radio. They did it!

The celebration may have come too soon because shortly after they could only hear chaos over the radio. 

Rooster called out, "I'm out of flares,"  and Wren's heart sank into her stomach. She was shocked to hear Rooster a second later calling that Maverick had been shot down. He must have sacrificed himself for Rooster. 

Rooster called for the team to turn around but was shut down by Cyclone. Warlock called for a search and rescue but again was shut down.

"Requesting permission to head out for backup support sir," Hangman said hoping that they would be able to do something.

"Negative pilot, we're not losing anyone else." 

Wren slammed her headset up in frustration. They could be out there doing something! Why were they brought along if they were just going to sit here and watch their captain die.

"Dagger's return to base," Cyclone ordered. Wren had a bad feeling settling in her stomach. She sat waiting for each plane to confirm their return knowing she'd be forever waiting on the one she was really listening for.

"Dagger four, confirmed and returning."

"Dagger three, confirmed and returning."


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