Pool scene that also a memorable day for Kiyokei

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Since this option was one of the options that had so many votes like "I call you "Kei" then" but it's not much as "I call you "Kei" then" that's 26 people who vote to that option than this who had only 12 people vote for this option, so this is second to be reacted.


"Okay, since you finish the previous video, what about this video," said Aokimuchi.

And since everyone agreed, he play the video.

Upon closing hours, Ichinose suggested going back before it became crowded which everyone agreed on. 

"before that, I want to tell you that the timeline in the video, is after you return from the island," Aokimuchi said

"If you want to ask why Ayanokouji mentioned Ichinose, well that's because they went on a pool vacation earlier from that video, I don't only show it to you, " he add

"Wait, why is he with someone else in class B, that means_" Miyamoto was stopped by Aokimuchi.

"Don't jump to your conclusion right away. Besides, not all class Bs go to the pool, Ichinose, Chihiro, Amikura, Kobashi, and Kanzaki" he said.

"look, Honami-chan looks like we're going to pool vacation," said Amikura

"yeah, Mako-chan," said Ichinose.

"I-I look forward to it too," said Chihiro

"Actually, that is the last day of summer vacation you do the pool vacation, and you are not the only people who go to the indoor pool because there were a few students in class D that also joined you," said Aokimuchi

"oh, it's okay even though it was the last day of summer, it's still okay as long we enjoy that day," said Ichinose, and Amikura and others agreed.

"looks like Ayanokouji was the only one who join with Ichinose and her close friend on pool vacation," said Manabu.

"what do you mean, Niisan?" asked his sister.

"Yeah, what do you mean, senpai?" ask Nagumo.

'because Aokimuchi mentions "few students" instead of "only one student "' thought Kiryuiin.

"Suzune, your idiot you know that" 

"wha_" Horikita cant accept the reality.

"and you too, Nagumo'

"why," ask Nagumo.

"because you didn't notice some word on what Aokimuchi's said," said Aokimuchi. 

"what is it?" ask Suzune.

And Ayanokouji was the one who answer her question.

"He said that Aokimuchi said the word 'few students'. if I was the only class D student who join pool vacation with Ichinose, why did he uses the word 'few students' instead 'only student'?" said Ayanokouji

And Horikita and Nagumo get it now.

"So, that means that it was not only Ayanokouji who join Ichinose but the other class D as well?" ask Sudou.

"Yeah, and what I said, only a few students in class D so the students in class D that join with Ichinose and her friend in summer vacation are you,"

"me?" ask Sudou while pointing his finger at himself.


"me too?" asked Ike while pointing his finger at himself.


"me too?" asked Yamauchi while pointing his finger at himself.

"Ayanokouji, Horikita" 

"wait, why I actually join them?" ask Horikita

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