Chapter 1

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3rd person POV
Other people would say Steve's social life truly went downhill and hit rock bottom ever since his breakup with that prim and proper girl, Nancy Wheeler. Losing his reputation, his previous title "king Steve" which used to brighten his mood when the students in the hallway would say to him because it reminded him that he is living the Highschool dream life that many other kids could only dream of. He was a total chick magnet, had a secured spot on the basketball team and he was on top of the world, well until he came falling down and became his ex best friend, Tommy Hagan's and his other friends punching bag. All because he had decided to become a better person and stood up for the students that were being bullied by his so called friends and not be a bully anymore causing him to lose all his Highschool privileges and fall right back down to earth.      

    However Steve himself would have to disagree. Not only does he now have a solid group of friends (the kids) whom he knows can always rely on because they had went through life and death situations multiple times together within the past two years, additionally his grades have been improving tremendously from not attending as many parties as before, leaving him with more time to study and catch up with his work.

    The kids aren't his only friends either, he met this girl name Robin Buckley during his new job at 'Scoops Ahoy' as he had too much spare time in his after school hours  because his parents are always on business trips, leaving him home alone in Hawkins which can be very lonely most of the time.  Robin and Steve had become really close friends within the past few months, while Steve tries his luck to flirt with the customers at the ice cream shop, Robin would make fun of him when he can't pull any, "oh how the king has fallen" she'd say.

Steve's POV
"God, I hate Mondays, it's schedule contains the worst classes of the week all packed in a single day!", Steve mumbled to himself upon hearing his alarm clock which so rudely had woken him up. He stumbled half-awake to his bathroom brushing his teeth and styling his hair using only the best products that the Hawkins store offers (obviously),styling it till he was finally satisfied with it, he threw on a black tight fitted shirt, a flannel and some oversized jeans and off he goes without even grabbing anything to eat before heading off to his car because he is running a little late today and didn't prepare any light food before hand, additionally, his parents are still aboard on a business trip so his parents wouldn't have been able to prepare food for him so there he is, alone for a few weeks now. Mr and Mrs. Harrington only comes back once in a while leaving Steve with pocket money for the groceries.

As much as Steve would hate to admit it out loud, he is very lonely and longs for his parents to actually show care for him like other parents do, he wishes that his parents wouldn't have to leave him alone for many weeks at a time before only coming back for a few days before leaving him alone again, but he knows that they were only wishful thinking. He has never told anyone, not even Dustin about how he felt about his parent's ways has been bothering him and it's going to continue that way.

Steve has finally made his way to school in his BMW 733i and only with a few minutes to spare before being officially tardy. As he was finding a available spot to park his car, he saw that there was a large spacing between the other student's car and Billy Hargrove's car. "Hmm they really feel threatened by him huh, whatever it's a public property, I'm gonna park wherever I want." , Steve thought to himself, not giving a care in the world if this angers Billy because that's the exact reaction he wants from him.

As Steve walk down the hallway, he can feel multiple eyes starring at him but he has gotten used to it, it's been happening ever since he lost his 'king Steve' title and lost all his popularity, it's not even the stares that bothers him, it's the fake rumors they make of him trying to ruin him even more. It used to hurt him back then, but he has now learnt to brush it off.

Just as a boy tried to trip him, luckily he saw it coming beforehand and instead harshly stomp on the boy's foot causing him to yelp and point the middle finger to Steve, Steve turned around to walk away but hastily collided to the one and only Billy Hargrove. With that, Steve inwardly cursed as he knew his day was only going to get worse, "oh just my luck, why must it be him of all people goddamn it!"

I tried to apologize and walk away from Billy but he grabbed my shoulders and my body wouldn't budge, "curse that strong body of his, I think I'm gonna start working out more often after this.", I mentally thought to myself. "Hey I already apologized what more do you want from me?? It was just an accident Hargrove I really didn't see you there.", I harshly uttered to Billy hoping he'll let this go since it was an accident after all. Billy stared at me for a while then replied, " I'm letting you off this time princess Harrington, but next time you won't be so lucky, so watch where you're going and stay in your lane." And with that he let go of my shoulders and walked off. I felt relieved that I wasn't going to be part of any fight today as I quickly hurried to my first class, ENGLISH.

As I sat down at the table where I always sit which was unfortunately right next to Hargrove's, I could feel him intensely starring at me for whatever reason, I tried to block it off and listen to the teacher but his stare was getting annoying and on my last nerve so I angrily mouthed "it's rude to stare barf bag, so whatever you wanna say just spit it out."

Hargrove looked stunned for a few seconds and smirked, "looks like he didn't expect me to say anything about him starring I guess.", I thought before my thoughts became interrupted by his whisper "watch your mouth princess, also I wasn't starring at you, I was just trying to copy off your answers on your sheet." With that, my face started to turn red as i inwardly cringe at myself and try to end the conversation and pretend like that didn't happen but once billy saw my speechlessness, he wouldn't let it go and smirked while amusingly whispering once more, " oh you were serious?you really thought I'd waste my time looking at you?? HAHAHAHA you're funny Harrington, what do you take me for ." I didn't want to dig my own grave even more so I kept quiet the whole lesson.

After ENGLISH ended, I hurriedly walked off to my next lesson before Hargrove can make even more fun of me. "Today is gonna be a long day..", I thought to myself.

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