Chapter 6

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Billy's POV
"You are to babysit your sister today, she needs a ride to her friend's place today after school, you are to take good care of her. Got it?", Neil commanded me in a flat tone. "But I've got a date today and you're telling me this so last minute plus Max shouldn't need a full time babysitter she's literally 15.", I replied, anger evident in my tone, it's just so unfair to me that he always makes me babysit Max. "You are to do as you're told! It's for your sister it's not a choice! It's a responsibility that you must uphold to.", he continues, stubborn as always. "SHE'S NOT EVEN MY REAL SISTER!", I yelled, half regretting what I just said because I know I've just crossed the line. Neil started charging at me, I try backing away but he's too fast. He grabs my neck and starts squeezing my neck forcefully and slams my back to the wall. " I thought I've made it clear about the respect and responsibilities we must all uphold and maintain in this household, Maxine is your sister and you are to follow my every orders.", Neil reprimanded me as my eyes starts to glisten with tears, my breathing became laborious, my body turning rigid as I bit my cheeks in an attempt to stop myself from whimpering. "Yes, I'll cancel my date..", I managed to choke out the sentence. "Yes what.", Neil pressed on. "..yes, sir.", I muttered. With that, Neil let go of his hold on my neck and storms out of my room.

    As the door slammed shut, my vision starts to blur as tears freely runs down my cheeks. I began to sob uncontrollably as I slid down to the floor, back against the door, pressing my face to my knees. I could feel my hands shaking as I wipe my tears, wiping away the hurt that Neil caused me. I sat there until my breathing became even and I grabbed my bag pack and made my way to my Camaro.

    I could see Max already sitting on the passenger's seat listening to a cassette tape as she rest her head on the window. I flung open the door, got in the car and began to drive off, I was still angry at Neil and i guess it must've shown in the way I drove, going pass the speed limits and I have a feeling Max could tell I was irritated at something as she kept staring and eyeing at me.

    "What's your problem Billy? Woke up on the wrong side of the bed? Oh yeah did Neil tell you that I need a ride after school to my friend's pla-", Max began to speak but once I heard the word "Neil" and the reminder of the "conversation" with him just now, I just lost it. The painful reminder of Neil and his fucking asshole attitude towards me is such bullshit and what's even more bullshit is that I can't do anything to help myself, I can't even stand up for myself to him. I pressed down hard on the gas pedal as we sped pass the streets, going at 70km/h passing the speed limit by 30km/h. "Billy! Slow down, what's gotten into you? I'm sorry I forgot to ask you sooner for a ride to my friend's.", she stifled out, fear evident in her voice.

I didn't reply. "...or is that not the actual reason you're's Neil isn't it..? I'm sorry he's so harsh on you, I understand how you feel, how he always forces you to babysit me, he's a fucking piece of shit, you know, you can always just talk to me if you feel like it, I'm here for you, even though I can't help you, I'll be a listening ear, we're siblings..", she expressed out, sincerity filling her voice. After a moment of silence, I calmed down and slowed down the car. I decided to change the topic to avoid awkwardness,"so today after school huh? Whose house are you even going to?" , I questioned. Max quickly replied, probably to ease the awkwardness, "Oh, my friend Steve's house, I think you know him well enough, y'all do attend some classes together. He lives in Loc-" I cut her off, "Harrington? Ohh right, he's friends with kids, I totally don't find that weird as fuck but I didn't know you hang out with him too, and yes I in fact do know where he lives, everyone in the goddamn school knows he's filthy rich living in Loch Nora." "He's really nice once you get to know him you know and so what if he hangs with kids, it's not like he's a pedophile or something.", Max retorted, immediately siding with Harrington.

"Whatever you say man but in my eyes he's just another spoilt brat with daddy's money living in Hawkins, like come on man who the fuck has the nick name "King Steve"where the whole student population calls him that." ,I uttered in disbelief.

Steve's POV
    "STEVE I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE D&D CAMPAIGN LATER HAHAHA IM SO EXCITED!", Dustin's voice thundered through the walkie talkie. "Yeah man it'll be such a fun hangout too, we can order pizzas and anything, it'll be just like a party HAHAHA.", I added but with a wince as my lips were busted. "Meet me after school in the carpark, also Robin is tagging along for the ride since it'll be more convenient, see ya Henderson.", with that, I threw open the car door and walked off to first period.

    As I walk through the hallway I could feel stares from the Basketball team and Tommy smirking at me, I didn't want to retaliate so I just kept calm and walked to my locker to grab my books. I need to get to the principal's office sand talk to him about missing the detention yesterday, I internally groaned, it wasn't even my fault for missing it.

    I knocked on the door, waiting patiently for him to allow me in. "Come in, Harrington.", I could almost hear the disappointment in his voice even though I couldn't even see him yet. "Explain yourself.", he pressed on, giving me a chance to explain myself. "...I was um..preoccupied with some personal issues and I couldn't make it to detention on time..", I managed to say while fidgeting with my hands behind my back, it's a bad habit of mine when I'm stressed about something. I held my breath as he seems to take my reasoning into consideration, hoping I don't land myself into further troubles. After a while, he finally said, " I'll turn a blind eye for this one but next time I won't let you off so easily, clear a day in which you're not busy for your replacement detention, you may leave Harrington." I smiled showing him I was thankful as I left the office.

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