Chapter 4

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3rd person's POV
Steve was not looking forward to going to school today after what happened yesterday, in fact, he's dreading it. He's well aware that Tommy is going to snitch out on him to the principal and he's probably already planning his revenge on Steve right this instant with his other bunch of popular friends.

Steve's POV
    "Mr. Steve Harrington, please come down to the principal's office now.", the loud speakers echoed through the halls. As I walked through the hallway, I could feel eyes of judgements burning through the back of my head, some pairs even being bold enough to stare at me in the eyes.  I looked down to the ground avoiding the stares to make it feel less awkward, it didn't help. "God what am I gonna do if I get expelled, my parents will kill me, how am I going to enroll into another school if I have "acts of violence" in my records.", I inwardly groaned knowing I severely fucked up big time by letting my emotions get the better of me. My thoughts were put on hold when I suddenly knocked into a person..again. "Fuck I really do need to watch where I'm going, I swear to god if it's Hargrov-", I mouthed under my breath, looking up to see it was non other than Carol Perkins, my ex best friend, well at least it ain't Hargrove. "Watch where you're fucking going Harrington, you already beat up my boyfriend, I'd watch my back if I were you, one of these days you're gonna get it.", she murderously spoke and walked off, leaving me standing there in the middle of the hallway, eyes still staring at me.

At last after what left like a really long journey to get to the principal's office I dug up the courage and knocked on the door. "Come on in Harrington.", I heard from inside the room, I gathered up as much confidence that I could wager, head up high as I walked into the office. "You may sit Harrington.", the principal spoke with a blank expression. I noticed Tommy sitting on the couch a few meters from me as he stared at me with fury anger in his eyes, his jaw and fingers clenched, knuckles turning white. "What do you have to say for yourself Harrington, I already heard Hagan's side of the story.", the principal's voice thundered within the office's walls. "I..I admit that I'm wrong for punching him multiple times-but Tommy started it, he kicked me in the locker room after insulting me, I was going to let it slide but he punched my face when I was going to leave. I-I don't know what came over me after that but that is what happened..", I spoke, trying to justify myself. Tommy abruptly spoke, " but that's not fair I only hit him twice but he went full on rage mode on me, principal you should expel him, he doesn't deserve to come to this school and jeopardize the school's reputation!" "Enough! Hagan you started the fight without thinking he was going to fight back? And Harrington you shouldn't have hit him so hard and instead should just defend yourself instead of losing control of your emotions. You both are going to serve detention after school for 2 hours today and reflect on your actions.", the principal uttered disappointment dripping in his voice.

    I couldn't believe my ears, I'm not getting expelled, oh thank god, detention isn't even that bad. " thank you principal, I promise you this would never happen again!", I gasped, thankfulness and sincerity coated in my words. "WHAT? WHY IS HE NOT GETTING EXPELLED OR A WORSER PUNISHMENT FOR LITERALLY BEATING ME UP?!!?", Tommy's voice blurted out full of outrage. "I've made my decision Hagan and it's final, now you 2, leave and go to your first lesson.", the principal said calmly, ending the conversation. I mentally threw a party and did a dance as I made my way out to first period.

Billy's POV
I dropped off Max and reached school in the nick of time, leaving only a few extra spare minutes before we'd be officially late. Max sped walked out of my Camaro but she wasn't too far off of my hearing range before I heard some static noise coming from her bag pack, I suppose it's one of her friends contacting her through a walkie talkie, I then overheard a boy's voice, he said " CODE RED, Steve just got called into the principal's office, I think it's got something to do with the Tommy incident yesterday, what if he gets expelled?!", in concern. I could tell Max's mood instantly switched as she replied, " god, Tommy that snitch, wasn't he the one that started it too and always picking on Steve, that's so unfair, the one time he finally stood up for himself he's getting in trouble for it.", she spoke in disbelief.

" damn I didn't think Tommy was gonna snitch, doesn't this hurt his pride and ego for getting beaten up by a "loser"." , I thought after overhearing Max's conversation with her friend. "Wasn't Tommy's plan just to bring the basketball team and beat Harrington up when he least expects it, that's such a low blow though.", I added.

As I made my way to first period, I was surprised when I saw Harrington making his way to class too.. I didn't think he'd get away with it but I guess he did? "How was he let off so easily? Was it his rich parent's money that let him off the hook? I guess rich people don't have to live by the rules, rules just doesn't apply to them.", I thought to myself, anger bubbling up in my emotions.

"Harrington, did your rich mommy and daddy brought this goddamn school to help you out of this mess?", I taunted, my smirk widening when he didn't reply and just gave me a blank stare. After some time, he retorted, "and so what if they did? It's not my fault my parents care so much for me. And for your information this mess wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for your best friend Tommy.", he spat out, with that, he purposely collided his shoulders with mine and walked into class.

"God, Harrington is so fucking full of himself...maybe I should change my mind and help Tommy with his plans..", I angrily decided as I strolled into class.

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