Chapter 7

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Wednesday after school
Steve's POV
I was sitting on my BMW when I heard a feminine voice calling my name, "STEVE!! There you are," i turned back to see Max, her voice echoed through the carpark as she came running towards me. " what happened this morning? I heard that you went to the principal's office. You didn't get into more trouble right?", she pressed on. I chuckled seeing her concerned face, "haha no Max, nothing happened I just had to do a replacement detention for missing the one yesterday." With that said, Max rolled her eyes and groaned, "I just don't understand why you didn't tell the principal the truth on why you skipped yesterday's detention like come on, Tommy and his friends deserves it.... Billy too, he beat you up the most.", she added the last part awkwardly since that is her brother whom she's shit talking about. I was a little taken aback by her defiant attitude towards her brother and I smiled, thankful that she has my back. "It's fine Max, yesterday was just their revenge on me for when I beat Tommy up, I deserved that so if I just lay low and not fight back, we'll be even and they won't do shit to me anymore. Plus, snitching on them would just cause more troubles and that's not worth it.", I replied as Max nodded in response and frowns a little, probably still not convinced with my reasonings.

"MAX! GET IN THE CAR OR I'M LEAVING WITHOUT YOU.", Billy's voice boomed across the carpark though today I parked my car quite far away from his Camaro which is where he stood right now yet,I could still hear his earsplitting, sharp voice yelling at Max. I gave Max the "do you have to deal with this everyday?" look and she just shrugs and says "see you later for the hangout!", and before I could even give a reply back, she already sprinted off in the direction of Hargrove's car.

    It wasn't very long before I heard another set of voices calling my name. "Yo Steve! Sorry we're a little late, Dustin was waiting for me when I was talking to Vickie, you know, from band, we were just talking about Tammy Thompson and get this, she said her singing voice sounds just like "Kermit"," Robin chuckled, "I can't believe I used to find it good just cause I had a c-", she immediately halted her sentence and her body tensed, my eyes widened as I realized Dustin whom doesn't know Robin's secret was literally standing next to her. Dustin's eyebrows raised, probably confused on why she suddenly stopped her sentences midway before saying "had a...?".

"I meant- we used to have a really difficult class together, yeah it was really hard to pass but she uh- she persevered through and I- um really respect that about her character as a person...", Robin blurted and stutters a little as she struggles to think of a way to continue the conversation. Gosh Robin the way you deliver your lies needs to be improved, I mentally groaned as I added on to help Robin, "YEAH! Told you Tammy can't sing for shit, I ain't the only one thinking that.", I jest as I try to change the topic, "so y'all wanna start heading to my house soon? The others will be there in about an hour or so. We can prepare the tables... order some food too so it'll already be there by the time everyone arrives."

3rd person's POV
    Dustin and Robin smiled and nodded in agreement to Steve's suggestion as Robin took the passenger's seat and Dustin plop himself on the backseat. They all had a karaoke session in the BMW during the ride to Steve's house, jamming to songs broadcasted on the radio.

    The trio arrived at Steve's house about half an hour prior to the hangout time and started prepping all the items, ordering pizzas and snacks, arranging all the rented new released movies in a pile next to the television and setting up the D&D campaign.

Billy's POV
Max and I got home and she took about half an hour to get ready and prepare her bag for Harrington's nerd party or whatever. "Billy! I'm done packing and El is here... so we're ready to go." Max yelled from outside my bedroom door. I threw my doors open and saw 2 figures standing, Max and... "oh you must be El, Max's friend? Max why didn't you tell me your friend is tagging along too.." , I muttered exasperatedly. "Oops sorry, I kinda forgot to tell you...since I was in a rush this morning...", Max replied with an awkward smile. "Hi.", the girl, El said as she did a little wave. "Ughh fine whatever let's just get your asses to Harrington's house.", I groaned as I made my way downstairs and out of the house to the car.

Max plop herself on the backseat and El joined her and they began chattering about school "dramas" and girl talk or whatever. Max seems to really like this El girl, I noticed as they laughed and joked non stop all the way to Harrington's.

"Billy, just take a right there and we're here.", Max abruptly spoke from the backseat. As I parked outside his house, I was astounded at how humongous and well kept his house is... there is many types of plants and flowers blooming in his garden, an in-ground swimming pool, et cetera... Even though his house looks so grand but since it is built in Loch Nora, it just blends in with all the other houses, making it seem so... run-of-the-mill. "No wonder there are rumors of how Harrington used to held some of the best parties.", I thought to myself.

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the back doors being thrown open, "Billy, come on! We're here.", Max excitedly walked out of the car and walked up the garden footpath as El followed. I decided to follow them up to the front door and just drop them off there. El pressed the doorbell and it only took a few moments before Harrington swung open the door with a derpy smile on his face until he glanced at me and it was obvious I ruined the mood as he scowled a little. "Hey I'm just here to drop off my sister and um El, you don't gotta be so pressed dude I won't do anything to you.", I said as I lifted my hands up in a surrendering way. "Yeah I know, I didn't mean to scowl, it's just a reflex when I see your face,", he replied "anyways come in El and Max, Robin and Dustin is already here.", he added ignoring me. "Whatever... Max I'll be back at 8pm to pick you up, it can't be any later than that cause your mum wants you back early tonight and the old man wouldn't like it if I disobey her...", I spoke with a blank expression. Max nodded in response before dragging El by the arm inside. Bam and the door got shut in my face by Harrington. I took out a cigarette, light it,place it on my lips and drove off.

Steve's POV
As Max and El walked into the house, they soon joined Dustin and Robin in watching the new released movie "The goonies" by the couch as I went to the kitchen to prepare more popcorns. Just as I was about to grab a bite of the popcorn, the door bell rang again, "oh, it must be the others...", I thought as I hurriedly walked from the kitchen to the front door. I grabbed open the door and on the other side was Will, Mike, Lucas, Nancy and Jonathan. "Hey guys! Come on in the others are already here, they've just started to watch "the goonies", I've also made popcorn and ordered some food!", I said, voice full of excitement as I grinned. "YEAHH LET'S PLAY D&D!!", Will cheered as Mike and Lucas follows him inside to the living room table to set up their campaign. Nancy and Jonathan laughed in amusement as they sat on the couch watching the movie. Everyone was beyond thrilled to finally be able to all hangout together, just like old times.

3rd person's POV
    The hangout was a blast, after the D&D campaign was over, they all went to play in the pool splashing each other, splashing their troubles and worries away. They had dinner and watched more movies like "Star Wars" as they talked about their boring school life, goofing around and just having plain fun enjoying each other's company.

    The group is now sitting in the twilight by the pool, some dipping their foot into the water when they suddenly heard the doorbell ring. "Oh! Must be.... Oh my god, Hargrove, damn he actually arrived at 8 on the dot.", Steve spoke in disbelief as he squint his eyes to see the figure. "Max! Your mum and Neil won't be pleased if you stay out too late, come on!", Billy's voice could be heard from the porch to the garden. "Oh shit okay I shouldn't keep him waiting for too long, bye guys see y'all in school! Today was awesome!", Max said as she waved, took her bags and ran out of the garden and onto the front porch where a figure, Billy stood.

After a while, it was starting to get late and since it'll be a school day tomorrow, everyone started to say their goodbyes and left. Steve is now once again alone with his thoughts in his parent's huge but empty house.

Steve's POV
"Hmm just now when Hargrove came to pick up Max... it was kinda weird and disrespectful how he addresses his dad by his name...", I wondered out loud into the now empty living room after tidying up. Wait. Why am I even thinking of him? Who cares if he's a disrespectful piece of shit, it's not my problem he's an asshole. He's an asshole to everyone, he's probably the same to his parents. Not a surprise. I thought to myself as I shook my head in an attempt to clear my head and to stop myself from further thinking about him. "Ah whatever it's been a fun long day, I should go sleep, tomorrow's first period is English.", I groaned thinking about the class schedule tomorrow.

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