Chapter 8

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Thursday morning
Steve's POV
As I strolled down the hallway, I flung open my locker's door, plunging my books into my bag. When suddenly 'BAM!', my locker slammed shut, I raised my eyebrows in surprised as I turned to see Robin smirking playfully. "What's up Robin?", I questioned as a smile starts forming on my face due to Robin's contagious smile. "Steve! I was just talking to Vickie and she asked me if I wanted to go with her to the party tomorrow night!" , Robin replied enthusiastically with voice full of excitement. "That's awesome Robin! I'm so happy for you, you're finally gonna hang out with Vickie!!", I cheered as I gave her a pat on the back. "RIGHT, finally man I was doubting if she was even a tad bit interested in me.... Also! Steve I was gonna ask if you would want come to the party too- and before you say no- just remember how many hot girls is gonna be there-", Robin asked as I interrupted her mid sentence, "absolutely not Robin, you know I hate going to those kinds of  parties," "-but you used to go all the time plus it would be totally radical for you to finally do something new and not rot at home doing nothing." , she countered. I didn't reply for a while and Robin started inching closer towards me, probably to persuade me to go. "....ughh fine Robin, you win, I'll go to that stupid party tomorrow", I replied reluctantly, hoping I wouldn't regret this later on, Robin grins so widely that if it was any wider her face may burst.

Friday evening
Steve's POV
    "Gosh I should really start getting ready, Robin and Vickie will be here soon...", I muttered to no one in particular as I walked towards my wardrobe. Hmm what should I even wear? I haven't been to a party in quite a long time... Oh! This wouldn't look bad, I thought as I picked out a navy blue oversized shirt, a denim jacket and a pair of oversized jeans.

    As I slid on some rings onto my fingers, the door bell rang, Robin and Vickie must already be here, I thought as I stride down the stairs and onto the front door. "Hey! We have arrived, you ready?", Robin gave him a mock salute with a small smile as Vickie waved. "Yeah, I just gotta grab the keys and put on my shoes.", I replied as I step into the living room, reaching for the car and house keys on the coffee table. I put on my high top converse and we got into the car. "Where's the party even held at?", I questioned as I turned on the radio. "Oh it's at Jason Carver's house,apparently his parents are out of town for the weekend that's why he's holding the party and invited basically Hawkins High entire student population.", Vickie replied as Robin jams to the "tears for fears" newly released song on the radio. I groaned in response and started driving us to Jason's place.

When we arrived it was late evening, the front door was widely opened, many people were already there as the music could be heard blasting throughout the mansion and some cheering could be heard from the backyard outside. We spotted many familiar faces from school and even some whom we have never seen before. Many people were just dancing to the music, some just chugging down alcohol and most were simply making out. "God, the music is so loud, there's literally nothing to do here at a party maybe I should've just stayed home.",I groaned as I sat down on a unoccupied couch in the living room as Robin and Vickie excused themselves to grab some drinks.

I could feel some teens staring towards me, probably thinking "what is that loser Harrington doing here at a party?", I assumed. I couldn't take the awkwardness anymore so I got up from the couch to find Robin.

Billy's POV
"39,40,41,42!", many people screamed and cheered as I was slowly put down after doing the keg stand. "LET'S GIVE IT UP FOR OUR NEW KEG KING! BILLY!", everyone cheered as Chance, a member of the basketball team hands me a lighted cigarette, in which I nodded in response and placed the cigarette on my lips as I made my way inside the mansion, everyone still chanting my name. I was looking around to find a cloth to clean the beer that's sticking on my chest as I bumped into Tommy and Jason. "Looks like we've got ourselves a new keg king! Congrats bro, wanna play truth or dare-spin the bottle?", Jason smirked but was interrupted by Tommy, "what the fuck is Harrington doing here? I didn't think he'd come.", he says with a disgusted look on his face as he shifted his gaze behind me, I turned to see Harrington chugging down beer while talking to a short-haired girl holding a drink whom I've always seen hanging around Harrington almost all the time, inside and outside school, next to her was a red head who appears to be laughing. "Uh yeah sure let's play spin the-", I tried replying to Jason's question before Tommy pulled me with him, making his way towards Harrington. "Harrington! You've just been officially overthrown by Billy as the new keg king! Eat it Harrington.", Tommy sneered at Harrington and his friends around him smirks. "Whatever Tommy, I don't care. Now just leave me alone.", Harrington replied dryly as he took another shot of vodka as him and his friends walked off towards the kitchen. "Just leave him be Tommy, who cares about that brat, it's a party let's just fucking have fun and do stupid shit.", I said as I pulled Tommy back to where Jason and his friends were standing.

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