Chapter 2

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3rd person's POV
    Billy Hargrove recently moved to Hawkins from California a few months ago and from the moment he set foot in Hawkins he had rapidly gained popularity among the student population  in Hawkins High, not only that, but he is quite popular with the moms too for his good looks, charisma and badass personality. He became so popular in such a short amount of time and even took Steve's old spot of "king".  Billy tends to pick on other students who gets in his way and beat them up however the other popular students don't mind it as they are all the same, picking on those who annoys them or don't do what they're  ordered to do because they think they're so much more superior than them.

    You can even say that people are envious of his popularity and good looks and thinks he has a good happy life but they don't know what he really goes through behind close doors because that is his deepest darkest secret that he'd never tell. He never told anyone this: his biological father, Neil, physically abuses him and this has been going on for years since his childhood. He doesn't show it, but his father's behavior towards him has affected him so much than he makes it seem as Neil has not only left scars on Billy physically but also mentally. That is mostly the reason why Billy tends to have low patience and just beats anyone up if he feels like it. Weirdly, this only made him more popular in Hawkins High and being invited to almost every parties on weekends.

Billy's POV
    "BILLY! BILLY! BILLY!" "Knock.Knock.knock" "WAKE UPP YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME LATE FOR SCHOOL!!" I woke up in surprised and annoyance to the sound of my sister, Maxine's shoutings. I grumbled "just give me 15 minutes goddamn it also do you always have to shout so loudly in the morning, I'm gonna go deaf just go wait in the car." After hearing the sounds of her footsteps going lighter with each step until it was complete silence, I rushed to the bathroom brushing my teeth and began to style my dirty blond hair with a product that I'll never tell anyone since it's the utter most girly thing I've ever seen but it works wonders, styling my unkept morning bed hair to make it look at least presentable. After I was satisfied with how it looks, I ran to my closet to find a white button up shirt and made sure to not button up at least the top 3 buttons (obviously), a denim jacket and a oversized jeans with a belt.

    As I walked to my Chevrolet Camaro that was parked in the garage, I could see Maxine glaring out at me through the window at the passenger seat. "We're gonna be so late I swear if I have to go detention because of your slow ass..", she mumbled under her breath as I opened the car door and started the engine. "What did you just say Maxine?", I stared at her while driving towards school. "Nothing.", She hurriedly replied, I could tell from her voice that she regretted that outburst. "I don't think it was nothing Maxine, you better watch your mouth before I make you cycle to and fro school and not drop you off anymore, got it?" I whispered to her in a deadly tone and started driving faster passing the speed limit by 20km/h, "BILLYY SLOW DOWN! PLEASE!", Max pleaded but I only went faster passing the limit by 25,30,40km/h. I suddenly felt a guilty conscience  as I saw Max curling into a ball and tears forming in her eyes are threatening to fall from the rear view mirror so I slowed down, 35, 20,10km/h and finally going lower than the speed limit.

We finally reached school and I realized that we were pretty early since most of the cars parked were Hawkins High's teacher's cars and not the student population's. As Max plop down the car and started to walk into the school building I looked around the carpark to see if Harrington's BMV was here yet, it wasn't. "God, I despise Harrington with a passion, he's so full of himself with his daddy's money living in that huge house of his, I guess I ain't the only one who feels this way since it seems like the whole Hawkins High student population picks on him everywhere he's not just that, his happy-go-lucky attitude irks me." I thought to myself, "but I really don't have that many reason to hate on him  since he never did anything to me to be honest.." I added to myself.

    I was walking through the hallway when Tommy Hagan grabbed my hands pulling me towards the lockers where him and his group of friends were standing, I don't really like Tommy but I just put up with him so I asked "what's up? What do you want Tommy." Tommy chuckled, "come onn, I don't talk to you just to ask you for something HAHA , we're friends man." I gave him a questioning look before telling him to go on with what he was going to say. " well, Jason, you know him, head of Hawkins High basketball team, he's throwing a party this Friday after school, he's wondering if you'd go." "Ohh you mean the party where he's inviting the whole school? I don't know, I'll probably go if my old man lets me.", I replied. With that, I turned to walk off to my first class, ENGLISH.

     Just as I was about to walk off, unexpectedly, someone knocked onto me I looked to see it was non other than Harrington. He wore a blank look on his face while hurriedly apologizing and as he tried to walk away, I tightly grabbed his shoulders, stopping him from walking away, thinking to myself "god this is why I hate Harrington he probably thinks he owns this goddamn school walking around not giving a care about anyone just because he's so rich. It's disgusting." Harrington then harshly spoke again, "Hey I already apologized what more do you want from me?? It was just an accident Hargrove I really didn't see you there." Upon hearing what he said and his face expression, I decided he was being sincere enough, "I'll let you off this time princess Harrington, but next time you won't be so lucky, so watch where you're going and stay in your lane." With that, I released my grip on his shoulders and he hurriedly sped walk away to first period leaving me standing alone in the middle of the hallway. Not wanting to be late and having to go detention for the 4th time this month, I too hurriedly walked to ENGLISH class.

The teacher assigned us to do a pop quiz for today's class, "god if I knew there was gonna be a surprise test I would've just skipped first period never mind a detention.", I groaned, looking around trying to find a person with decent grades to copy off, my eyes landed on Harrington, "hm he does seem to get good grades, I'll just latch off him.", I thought, starring in his direction trying to read off his paper, I realized he has neat handwriting. When he turned towards my direction, he mouthed something, "it's rude to stare barf bag, so whatever you wanna say just spit it out.", I assumed. "Wait, he thought I was looking at him?", I thought, taken aback then put on a playful smirk whispering, "watch your mouth princess, also I wasn't staring at you, I was just trying to copy off your answers on your sheet." His face began to redden as he kept quiet, causing my smirk to widen I added, "oh you were serious? You really thought I'd waste my time looking at you?? HAHAHAHA you're funny Harrington what do you take me for.", I chuckled. Seeing he continued to keep quiet, I decided to put off the conversation and continue copying his answers.

     After the bell rang for dismissal of first period, Harrington hurriedly left the classroom before I could even open my mouth to tease him. "Today could be interesting after all..", I thought.

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