Chapter 3

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3rd person's POV
It was finally the last period of the day, gym class, Steve's least favorite and Billy's most favorite class. You'd think that it'll be Steve's favorite but bam you're wrong, well it used to be his favorite till Billy joined and his competitiveness was just really a waste of Steve's energy, Steve really doesn't mind the exercising and work out part but when it comes to the games they play, basketball, dodgeball, frisbee et cetera, Steve always never leaves gym class uninjured and it's all thanks to competitive Billy who puts in a 101% effort to each and every game. Steve dreads going to gym class and prays that he's on Billy's team instead of the opposing team to avoid challenging him however knowing Billy, he'd still get hurt during the game on purpose just to mess with him.

Steve's POV
"I just gotta survive 1 more class before I can leave this shit hole for the day.", I thought to myself. "God but it's gym class, the most shittiest and useless class in the syllabus why is this even compulsory, I hope I'm on Billy's team today my bruises just healed from last training.", I groaned before changing into my gym attires in the lockers room, I was alone or so I thought. "Well, well if it isn't king Steve, you look like you've gained a few pounds if I do say so myself.", Tommy taunts at me, I didn't want to cause any troubles today so I ignored him and was about to leave the locker room, just when Tommy kicks me hard from behind and I slipped onto the floor, not expecting to be kicked by Tommy. As I was about to stand up and leave, Tommy right hooked my face and my ears started to ring, I was beyond angry as I mumbled under my breath, "fuck it.", I jabbed his face as hard as I could and he flew back knocking onto the lockers. "That felt good. That felt amazing actually, I've forgotten how great it feels like to punch someone." I thought to myself. With that, my emotions started to cloud over my judgements as I began to walk towards Tommy he tried to fight back but my reflex were faster than his, I cross, hook, uppercut and jab his face. Repeat. Cross, hook, uppercut, jab. Over and over until I began to calm down as I realized I fucked up, "I let my emotions get the better of me I had just become the old Steve, the bully, a monster..." I panicked, I am no better than that son of a bitch Billy Hargrove.

No matter how much I hate Tommy now, he was still my childhood friend so I can't leave him here like this. I hurriedly picked up Tommy and ran towards the nurse's office. I mean at least now I get to skip gym class, yay? I guess?

As I waited for the nurse to treat to Tommy, time seem to pass by really slow, my thoughts started kicking in, loudly invading my mind, "oh no what if you killed him Steve? What if he has permanent damage because of you. What if he loses his memories or something cause you fucked up his brain, how are you gonna explain it to his parents? All just because he said I gained a few pounds..", I groaned feeling frustrated with myself for beating up a dude just simply for saying I've gained weight, am I that sensitive?

My thoughts were abruptly put on hold as Tommy walked out of the nurse's office, slowly limping towards me. I could hear his groans as he stops right in front of me. "HARRINGTON, ow, YOU'RE GONNA PAY-ow, FOR THIS IM GONNA FUCK- ow YOU UP. YOU'LL REGRET-ow BEATING ME UP- ow TODAY.", Tommy vowed, before limping off. "Ok I totally deserve what's coming up for me god, I really thought I'd get pass today with no fights damit you're such a mess Harrington." I inwardly cringed at myself. "IM SORRY TOMMY!!", I yelled knowing he could hear it. I'm just so relived that I didn't accidentally kill him gosh.

Billy's POV
I went to the locker room to get changed and I saw Harrington's clothes left alone on the bench, I wondered, "did he really forget to put his clothes into the locker? Or does he think there's some maid around here to clean up after him.. gosh he's so spoilt I fucking hate it." I feel bad for copying off his answers for the test this morning though.. but I'll never admit it to him, gross! I'll be a decent human being for once and help him keep his clothes in my locker incase his shirt and jean gets stolen. It'll be a favor in return for the answers i latched off him this morning. I'm doing this because I hate feeling like I owe others something, by doing this I won't owe him jackshit. Yes, totally, there's nothing more to it.

    As coach selected me to choose my team, Harrington was no where in sight. I was surprised because he has never dodged classes before no matter how much he hated the lesson. I walked up to some of Tommy's friends and asked " yo have any of y'all seen Harrington or Tommy as a matter of fact." They all didn't know where either one was at. The coach just so happens to overheard our conversation and announced that Tommy and Steve was at the nurse's office and they had a little "dispute". With that, the class quietly chattered within their circle of friends and made theories of how badly Tommy must've beaten up Steve for him to be at the nurse's office.

    I ran down to the nurse's office and saw Harrington sitting on a bench outside.. looking perfectly normal, not bleeding and certainly doesn't look beaten up. I sat next to him, he must've been spacing out because he didn't seem to realize that I was there right next to him.

     I lightly punched his sides as he turned to look at me, I asked "what happened Harrington, you don't look beaten up so what are you doing here, why are you not at gym class, you don't know how much I look forward to trashing you in gym and seeing you lose makes me feel something." I paused, waiting for him to say something, he finally retorted back after a few more seconds of blank stares, "why would you like to know, it's non of your business if you wanna know just go ask your bestie Tommy, now piss off Hargrove."

3rd person's POV
    And with that, Steve  grabbed his bag and left leaving a very confused and speechless Billy behind.

    Billy went off to find Tommy and later found him in study hall with most of his other friends gathering up in a group, "what happened Tommy?", I spoke.
    "Steve beat the shit out of me in the locker room just because I kicked him, I want y'all to help me get revenge.."

Billy's POV
    "So that's what everyone was talking about, how Steve used to be a badass and not a people pleaser, he used to be...just like him.." Billy said aloud to no one in particular after finding out from Tommy what happened in the locker room. Billy smirked, "that old Steve is resurfacing and I dig it."

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