Chapter 9

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Saturday morning
Steve's POV
    My eyes flung open as I jolted awake, "oh my god, shit what happened last night", I mumbled as I covered my eyes with my hands from the sunlight shining through my glass window. I rolled across my bed trying to recall last night, everything was a blur, pieces of my memory were scattered everywhere, nothing made sense. How did I get back home? There's no way I could've drove back without crashing, on top of all this, my head is pounding, "god I fucking hate being hungover..", I groaned as my migraine worsen, I turned towards my nightstand and saw my denim jacket folded nicely on it,yeah someone definitely sent me home last night, I mentally noted. "who was it...", I muttered to myself as I attempt to recollect the faces I glimpsed at during the party and then it hits me suddenly that it was  Billy fucking Hargrove who offered to drive me home. Billy, the tyrant who torments others just cause he feels like it, an egotistical Casanova who probably already slept with half of Hawkins high population (not just the students...) helped me last night when I was inebriated, I find it really difficult to believe.

All thoughts were put on hold when my pulsating head worsened and a wave of nausea hits me. I stumbled my way to the bathroom, twice almost tripping over my own legs as I hurried to the toilet bowl where I immediately threw up. "Shit...", I groaned in discomfort as I pulled a toilet roll to wipe my lips. I rest my head on the ice cold toilet seat as I try to relive last night in my head to recall everything that happened when abruptly, it crossed my mind that I have a work shift with Robin today at "Scoops Ahoy". "Fuck, it's Saturday today, which means it'll be a busy shift.", I muttered, voice filled with regret of even going to that calamity of a party. I splashed my face with cold tap water and decided to take a quick shower after realizing that I haven't showered since yesterday afternoon before the party. I threw on the "Scoops Ahoy" work attire and grabbed some bananas to satisfy my empty stomach before getting into my BMW.

    The drive to Starcourt Mall didn't take long, I managed to park my car in the jam- packed carpark and sped walk my way through the crowded mall, as I was nearing the shop, I spot Robin with her elbows resting on the counter and hands on her face, staring at nothing in particular. Clearly she is jaded.

    As I hastened past a group of teens and entered the shop, Robin looks up in my direction from the sounds of my footsteps. "Yo Steve! God you look dead- and oh my- your hair! No Farrah Fawcett today?", she jest as her eyes lit up from amusement. I rolled my eyes as I replied with a sigh, "How can I when I woke up with a colossal pain in my head." Robin gave a genuine look of concern and asked "Just how much did you drink yesterday after I left, did you get home fine?" Robin raised her eyebrows, giving a meaningful look and lowering her voice before adding "don't tell me you blasted a roach at the party-" "blasted a what?", I interrupted as I was taken aback. "You know, getting stoned, taking some hippie herbs and doobs and a tad load of wacky skunks." "NO! No. No. HAHAHA non of that bizarre stuff you just said happened plus I didn't even drink that much too, I think my tolerance has just dropped.", I hastily responded with a grin as I lean against the counter.

Robin snickered while making a face before pressing me to answer her other question. "Oh about that...", I give an uneasy smile. I don't know how I'm going to tell Robin that Hargrove of all people was the one that helped me home since he has made his hatred towards me very crystal clear. That caught Robin's attention as she hand gestured me to go on, I feign a cough and blurted "Billy insisted on helping me and drove me home," As Robin heard the mention of the unexpected name, she dropped the pen she was fiddling with between her fingers and probed me to go on. "Nothing much really happened but he seemed really genuine, he offered to drive my car home when he could've been partying with his friends...", I cringed as I added.

Robin didn't say anything for a while and I was getting anxious. "Billy Hargrove, the school's antagonizer, who may I add has beaten you up numerous times, helped you at that catastrophe of a party with no other sinister intentions? That's a total 360 degree switch.", she gasped in disbelief. Looking at her seriousness I assured her that it was probably nothing and that it was most likely the alcohol in the atmosphere influencing people to do insane things.

Before we could change the topic of our conversation, speaking of the devil, guess who walked into the shop? Hargrove. He sauntered confidently with perfect posture into the shop towards the counter, Robin eyed him skeptically before monotonously asking "Hi, what ice cream flavor would you like?" I began to stride my way towards the backroom for employees to avoid the strained atmosphere.

Billy's POV
Harrington's face filled with uneasiness once he noticed me and began to back off towards the backrooms, well at least I wasn't the only one feeling nervous. Accepting the dare was obviously a mistake, it's never going to work, this was such a waste of time. As Harrington was about to leave the counter, I hesitantly grabbed his hand to stop him from leaving. He turned towards me, confusion clearly written on his face and stammered "what- why are you here Hargrove, what do you want?" I inhaled a deep breath, mentally preparing myself for what I'm about to say out loud, as I know once I say it, I won't be able to take it back. God why is this so much harder than talking to actual girls? "Harrington, how's your hangover? You got it pretty bad last night, here's some aspirin for your headaches.", I faltered as I reached inside my pocket and pulled out a aspirin bottle, handing it to him. He murmured a few words of thanks and as I was about to reach inside my other pocket for a small folded piece of paper, the girl, whom's name I learnt is Robin Buckley blurted out "hey- sorry this is getting way too awkward for my liking, I'll just be in the backroom while y'all sort this out okay.", with that she practically dashed off towards the back.

Harrington feigns a cough after Robin left, leaving only him and I, he looks down towards our intertwined hands and I quickly realized I had forgotten to let go of his hands from earlier just now. "Oh shit- my bad sorry, I didn't realize,"I apologize as I swiftly dropped his hand. "anyways I'm just here to check if you were fine, you were pretty wasted last night, also, you're not that bad of a guy Harrington, here's my number if you'd like to call sometime.", I said voice feigned with confidence while doing the telephone gesture and handing him the small folded piece of paper with my number written on it.

Harrington looks down at it in surprised for a while and finally muttered out "thank you Hargrove for your help yesterday and this aspirin bottle,", he gave the bottle a little shake, "but why the sudden change of attitude? You've always hated my guts and it hasn't even been a week since you last beat the shit out of me... and now you want to be what? Friends?" "Yeah! I do, I do wanna be friends and I'm really sorry for treating you badly before, I hope we can start anew and no hard feelings, letting bygones be bygones.", I breathed. After a few moment of silence, Harrington nodded his head and plastered a small grin "yeah I'd like that, to be friends, I'll give you a call once I'm home from my shift.", he chuckled.

He reached out for a handshake in which I firmly took, I don't know if he felt it too, but I felt a static current when I made contact with him. I didn't abruptly pull my hands away because I didn't want to seem rude so I just went with it.

I waved him goodbye and left the shop. Wow, I feel so different, I've never apologized to someone before let alone openly showing care to someone I hardly even know. Maybe this bet couldn't be that bad... being nice is actually... nice. That pile of money is definitely going to be the easiest money I'll ever earn, Harrington is so gullible, I thought to myself as I drove off on my Camaro.

Steve's POV
I stood there in utter shock as Hargrove perambulate with swagger out of the shop. I was brought back to reality when Robin tapped me on the shoulders "holy shit Rob that scared me!", I chuckled, placing my right hand on my chest as I heaved in a sigh of relief. "So what was that about? I overheard the entire conversation- not that I was eavesdropping- y'all were just loud and the windows thing are very hollow.", she pressed on as if interrogating me. "Don't worry Robin, I am as entirely confused as you are.", I shrugged. "So what are you going to do about this? Are you really gonna be friends with him? This entire thing feels really wrong, what if he has other motives?", she nagged sounding like a mom. "Pfftt you have no idea how much of a mom you sound like right now, anyways what if he really changed for the better? Let's just give him a chance, what's the worst that can happen? A black eye, getting beaten up? Nothing new much.", I teased as I gently elbowed Robin at the side.

She made a face before adding "Just be careful okay dingus?" I nodded with a smile to show that I appreciate her caring for me.

We stayed there for a couple more hours until our uneventful shift ended.

A/N: Hey you guys, sorry this chapter's update took about 2 weeks. I've been having exams so I hadn't had the time to write. Hope y'all enjoy this chapter 🫶

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