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It's been hours since Henry left my room and went off to whatever duties he had to fulfill and I am still lying down on my bed thinking of our last interaction. The thought of loving him is mildly terrifying, we are too close to the end, too close to possible death, and loving him will be the last straw. I cannot lose him, I cannot feel compassion for him while the impending doom is hanging over our heads by a single thread.

I don't know much about love, I haven't heard someone say it to me since my last day of freedom. I was on the hospital bed, nearly dying, my mom was seated near me and whispered words of encouragement and I love you over and over again while we both cried.

Feelings don't exist in a world like this, having love for a friend is not acceptable in this lab where the strict rules and sterile rooms leave no place for love to grow but it's still blossoming in my heart like a wildflower. Loving someone is not possible when they could go missing at any time.

The morning alarm blares from the speakers all over the corridor and I wonder what time it is. Surely I couldn't have stayed up all night glaring at a white ceiling thinking of blue eyes and kind smiles.

The melodic rhythm urges me to get up and get ready for another day like a siren, like a control over me.

I repeat the same mundane routine that I always have, every morning, this time with the thoughts of a different future occupying my head.

I put every thought of Henry in the furthest part of my brain, thinking of him only elicits a heartbreaking thought of a worst-case scenario.

I stare at the toothpaste container and bring it to my hand, with my powers.

I let a small smile show, content with happiness at the little things I can now do.

Laughs and chatter sound from the corridor, my signal that I am late and I need to join my siblings before I get punished.

I open my door to several shaved heads and childish shouts of exhilaration as the youngest kids play with each other. Oh, what I would give to still be a child and headless of all problems one might have.

We all get in line based on our numbers and march to the rainbow room, the daily routine that I've grown bored of.

Usually, I would dread this time of day, I would fake being sick to avoid the playground from hell or injure myself purposely so I would have to skip one day. Now, I understand the giddiness the others feel, the ability to show my powers and use them to play with the toys that up until now were useless to me.

But more importantly, I now get to fight back if my siblings decide to pick on me again. I can now defend myself and not hope that Henry or Papa will burst into the room to help me. I don't need help anymore, I've got all I need in me.

I take confident steps through the corridors even though I am trapped between Four and Six. Six isn't mean, not always at least, she just likes to follow Two and the rest, while Four is Two's right hand, Four is cruel and merciless, Four needs to be taught a lesson if she continues to fuck around with me.

We reach the large white double doors and swarm in, each person choosing their game of preference and team player. I head towards the corner with the wooden blocks. I plan to build a structure without a single touch.

"Hey Five, I don't think that game is for you, come over here." Three yells out at me and points towards the drawing table, my favorite table since I came here.

"No I'm fine, thank you." I shoot a kind smile and continue to gaze upon each wooden block, moving them around not with the same ease as I was expecting but moving them still regardless.

Hellbound - 001/Henry Creel/Peter BallardWhere stories live. Discover now