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Eve - 005

I have no words to describe the fluttering feeling in my chest that erupts every time his sapphire eyes connect with mine.

The barest touch makes my head spin deliriously and every word that spills out of his mouth makes me wonder how it would taste like if it was whispered against my lips.

He occupies my mind day and night and there is no saving from his sweet torture. Only if Henry knew that he was the star of my dreams and all my thoughts.

Our moment in the lake plays in my mind again and again like a movie. The sensation has not faded away yet I want to refresh the memory more than anything.

I've never felt such an acute thirst for something ever in my life. I want him more than I did freedom long ago.

I am infatuated with every aspect of him, but I don't know if my feelings are reciprocated.

Is this why he hasn't kissed me again since then? Was that moment just a moment of weakness for him and not lust and desire?

The thoughts of doubt and uncertainty swivel around in my head until they unite in a hurricane of devastation taking over me.

"What's wrong, love?" He asked, having noticed my foul mood.

"Nothing just thinking." I give a curt reply, being mad at him for no particular reason.

"About the other universe?" He inquires further.

"Huh?" Then it hits me. The other universe, the thing that's been troubling me for the past week, not a silly kiss that meant nothing. "Yes." I cover it up with a lie.

"We will figure it out Eve, don't worry about it." He takes my hand in his and squeezes it reassuringly as we trek up a hill.

His gesture was intended to comfort me yet all I felt from our touch is nervousness.

His gaze is on me, and I suddenly grow weary of my appearance.

What do I even look like?

I haven't seen myself in a mirror for weeks now. I don't know what my hair looks up after weeks of not being cared for, how my clothes look on me.

All the superficial things I did not care about a few moments later begin to mean everything to me.

What is happening to me?

Am I so smitten over Henry that the whole trajectory of my life is spinning around him?

Complex emotions arise everywhere and I shut them down before they have a chance of developing. I don't want to deal with them, yet.

"Yeah, yeah we will." I pull myself off the stupor I was in and stare at the wilderness around me.

We've been in this forest for god knows how long and it's all starting to mesh together into a big ball of confusion.

Every area looks the same, every tree looks the same, it feels like we are running in a circle and we will never escape it.

"How long until we leave the woods?" I ask, knowing the answer that I'll get before receiving it.

"Not long." Is all he says, but unlike every other time he doesn't go on a tangent about the dangers that await us out of the forest.

"Really? I am sick and tired of it." I gesture my hand to our surroundings and he smirks at my comment.

"Just a few more days love, I'll get it all sorted out and you will never see a forest again." His arm wraps around my shoulders and pulls me into a side hug, his head lowering down to mine and kissing my hair.

Hellbound - 001/Henry Creel/Peter BallardWhere stories live. Discover now