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Henry Creel

"You'll hate me for this." I am unable to resist the burning desire in me to kiss her, the softness and warmth of her skin that's taunting me to touch her in places I shouldn't.

I kiss her like she's oxygen and I need her lips to stay alive, I kiss her like these are our last moments on earth. I don't know how I am supposed to kiss her, the rhythm and motion are hectic and I have no control over them, but I kiss her as if I've dreamed of it for all these years.

I wait desperately for any response from her, whether that be to pull me closer or push me away, but she stays frozen, her limbs unmoving against my hands and her lips shut against my hungry and demanding ones.

Despite the animalistic need in me to never stop kissing her, I pull away, and as soon as I do my chest hollows out, already missing her touch.

Her eyes remain closed, her cheeks are reddened to a lovely shade of pink and her breath is shallow, her chest heaving up and down. I need a reaction from her now more than ever, just the sight of her makes me want to indulge in sinful actions.

"Eve, please tell me something." I say and it sounds like a desperate whine, my voice betraying me.

"Don't stop Henry." She whispers, and it's all I need for me to be on her lips in seconds.

Her hands wrap around my neck, her fingers tugging at the root of my hair and I lower my forehead to hers, our erratic breaths fanning over our faces, our bodies hot to the touch despite the icy cold water enveloping us.

I watch her lips part, her tongue running over her plump bottom lip and a shudder runs through me from my head to the bottom of my spine. "You're torturing me, Eve."

I kiss her again, this time her back arches against me, her chest touching mine, and I constrict myself from leaving her lips and latching onto her throat. A raw instinct in me demands to sweep my tongue against her lips, and when I do a breathy moan escapes her lips.

A sound that I did not expect to have such an effect on me, and yet I can feel the blood rushing to my groin and a heavy cloud fogging my head.

The kiss went from sweet and innocent to demanding and naughty in just a second.

I grip her hips, hissing at the barest touch of her tongue against mine. Every part of me is on fire, and every part of me is demanding more of her, more of her everywhere and she's all I think about.

I've waited for this moment for years, I have anticipated it, dreamed it, and in some instances dreaded it. But now, it's all I want to do. I want to kiss her until I am sick of it, I want to kiss her till my last breath. I am addicted to her touch and I need her in my arms like an addict needs drugs.

Our bodies are tangled in a mess I don't want to get out of. I want to stay in her presence for the rest of the time. I want to be hers and I want her to be mine. The thought should scare me, but instead, it coats me with a giddy feeling.

Our lips finally separate and we come out for a breath, both of us gulping air as if it's the first time we are tasting oxygen.

There are so many words I want to tell her, and yet nothing comes out of my mouth.

"Henry." I don't recognize this version of her voice but I want to hear it for the rest of my life.

"Yes, love?" I caress her cheek with my palm, her head leaning into it.

I watch her through hooded eyes, and despite having gazed at her so many times, watched her do nothing and everything it feels like I'm watching her through new lenses. The sight of her brings a feeling so deep and joyful in me that I almost tell her the three words I've come to despise most.

She's changing everything I knew about myself up to this point. Every belief I once had is being crushed by a single glimpse of hers. I wonder what I will become in a few years.

"I loved that, please do it again." She smiles up at me and I can feel it transfer to me as my smile curve up to an identical smile.

"Which part?"

"All of it."

It took just three words for me to delve back into her lips, and devour her once more.

We smile against each other's lips and I am quite sure that this is the best moment in my life. Here, in the viciously cold hug of the water and her proximity.

I want to imprint the image, feelings, and sensations on my mind, I don't want to ever forget about this, I want this memory to replay in my head every day like a movie.


It took us hours to release each other and finally get out of the water. I don't know if we will suffer from a cold in the future for being so long in such a low temperature but it's worth it. She's worth even dying for. Her touch was heaven on earth, even for a few minutes.

I feel alive for the first time, and right now everything feels possible, even the impossible.

I don't release Eve from my arms are we lay down on yet another makeshift bed we made. We don't fall asleep but neither do we talk. We gaze upon the stars peacefully, there is such a mutual understanding between us that the silence doesn't feel like a weight but rather a warm blanket that relieves us of every worry and insecurity that we had in us.

I don't know what our friendship will develop into after today, but I doubt I want it to be a friendship.

I grew up thinking that I didn't want a partner. I didn't like the idea of being like my mother and father and yet now I find myself craving the bond that they had, the disgustingly loving bond that they seemed unable to keep hidden under covers.

I want to be something meaningful to Eve, not just a friend. Friends don't touch each other like that, and if I am supposed to be her friend, I shouldn't feel this intense emotion for her.

I don't share with her my thoughts. I am too afraid that if I do she's going to doubt everything that happened between us, that she's going to leave me and run for the hills at my crazy proposal.

"Henry, we have to talk about our argument earlier."

The argument?

Oh, right, the argument before the kiss.

It seems that my mind has forgotten everything that led up to the kiss, it feels unimportant compared to the passionate moment between Eve and me.

"Yes, what about it?"

"I want to know more about it, but not by experimenting with crazy ideas that could get us hurt." She says calmly like she has thought it over many times since then.

"Okay, whatever satisfies you." I turn my head in her direction and give her the grin of a lifetime.

She reciprocates it and I have the urge once again to wipe that smile off of her with a kiss again.

"You gave up without a fight, I had thought of so many ways to convince you." She says with a fake pout.

I raise my brows at her confession. "I am in a great mood today, take advantage of it, and don't make me rethink what I said."

"Okay fine." She laughs and I have to turn my head away before my head starts racing with thoughts I don't want to face today.

Eve turns her back against me and nestles her back against my chest and her legs tangled in mine. I wrap my arm around her waist and breathe in the smell of her hair.

"Goodnight." She places her hand over mine.

"Goodnight love."

The sleep comes fast and knocks me over immediately, I don't make plans of our future to fall asleep, I don't rethink the same thing over and over again until I'm tired. I am at peace for the first time in my life. 

A.N. This was one of the hardest chapters I had to write and I don't know why to be honest. Hope you liked the kiss. 

Love, Krist. 

Hellbound - 001/Henry Creel/Peter BallardWhere stories live. Discover now