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Eve Creel

All it takes is a word for Henry to unravel and show his beastly side to me.

At once his sweet words and affirmation disappear into thin air as he supports himself on his hands and knees and lies above me.

Our noses barely touch, our breaths mingle and I feel a satisfying warmth in my heart knowing that he is breathing my air and I'm breathing his.

"If this feels too much for you just tell me to stop and I will." He whispers against my lips before kissing me and searing his name into my soul again.

This is the beginning of my undoing, and weirdly enough I am okay with it. I'm okay with being his and his only.

It doesn't take long for the lust to blast in my stomach like an inferno once again, and soon enough the need to have him closer to me, the need to feel his bare skin against mine is so overwhelming that it nearly short-circuits my brain.

I raise my hips off the best and grind them on his in demand. There is only one thing I want and it is him, but as time passes by I realise that it's not want at all, it's need. I need him in me. I need him in me desperately.

Henry groans against my lips and pins my hips down with his powers before placing a hand around my throat, pinning me in place once again.

I don't know why or how I like this, the questions about our physical lusts are endless, but nevertheless, I want him to be in control of me, I want him to direct me, to shove me against the bed and punish me whenever I get too ahead of myself, I want him to whisper dirty words in my ears like oxygen. 

"Please." I whine when his lips nibble along my jawline, the pressure that was already built heightening to new highs that I'm afraid that I won't be able to control.

He laughs against my skin before holding me down with his powers even harder than before. "You're gonna get what I give you and you won't complain about it." His voice is even darker than before, the controlling tone polishing the liquid heat in my veins.

"No, I want you in me right now." I continue, driving him to the edge with every word I say.

He lifts his head and looks at me with storms in his eyes, his head cocking to the side mockingly. "Getting more confident now aren't we?"

His thumb traces my bottom lip, pulling it downwards, making it even harder for me to respond, maybe he's doing this so I don't shoot another snarky remark that will send him off control for good.

In defiance I shoot out my tongue and flatten it on his thumb, tasting a hint of myself and him too.

"Fuck Eve." He lowers his hips against mine, giving me what I want and a taste of him.

His clothed hard-on brushes against my clit, sending sparks of adrenaline all over me and a dozen of butterflies in my stomach. I arch against him, feeling his powers dissolve as he lets all the control fall and the lust take over and my waist rises off the bed, to increase the sweet friction against me.

"Please Henry, just fuck me already."

Those words seem to undo him completely, and he finally takes off his underwear and lines himself up with me, looking into my eyes tenderly, waiting for my last confirmation to really seal what we are going to do.

I nod excitedly and he finally plunges himself in me.

The fullness and the pain at first are unbearable, almost blinding but as he lets me settle around him and adjust to him I feel the pleasure creep in eventually until the pain is nothing but a reminder.

"Are you okay?" He asks with caution, looking into me and trying to decipher the sensations in my body.

"Yes, go on." I barely manage to say.

He breathes, looking deep into my eyes, trying to find the discomfort that is no longer there before thrusting his hips gently once.

The movement alone is enough to wrench profanities out of me immediately, extracting a blinding pleasure from a place inside of me that I never even thought existed in the first place.

I grab onto Henry's shoulders, sinking my nails deep into his back, careless of the pain I'm causing him, needing to be anchored to something, craving to feel the realness of this moment.

I could easily get lost in my own head and think that this is just a dream, but he's real, and his whispers in my ear are real too.

He pulls in and out of me rhythmically and soon enough I've gotten up to speed with him and I start grinding against him with the same frequency.

"That's it, Eve, you're doing so good."

His words alone elicit more lust out of me, making this all the more heavenly. I feel weightless at his praise, perfect, a goddess and he's worshipping me.

"Harder," I say when the pressure inside of me demands more of him, and he obliges, putting more force into his thrusts, hitting a spot of nerves so deep in me, making my back rise above the bed and push my breasts against his naked chest with every thrust of his that triggers me over and over again.

His hand grabs my waist, and guides me, taking full control over my body, knowing somehow how to give me the satisfaction that even I don't know how to give to myself.

"Reach between your legs love." He says with a low moan, a new heat crashing all over me at the sound of his lust-ridden voice.

I snake my hand down my body, reaching the apex of my pubic bone, unsure what to do. He notices my confusion, and guides me with his hand, placing my middle and ring finger over the nub of flesh that feels so sensitive before I even properly touch it.

That's what he must have targeted earlier to make me explode.

"Rub in slow circular motions, speed up once you feel like it." He teaches me and I start, trying to match the movement of his hips.

Instantly I feel a rush coming down on me, the pleasure intensifies to a whole new level, the fullness working so well with the clenching of my flesh around him, the nerves under my fingers firing up like bombs, destroying my whole body before birthing it anew with a feeling of nirvana unparalleled.

There is nothing that could compare to this, and I'd be damned if I didn't beg Henry to do this to me every day just so I could relive this over and over again.

Henry curses behind his teeth as the pressure around him sucks him deeper into me, his hips flush with mine. The head of his dick hitting at the right stop, my fingers speeding up just enough and my eyes gazing up at his forest green eyes I allow myself to collapse under him, to absolutely let go.

I twitch and tense under his arms as a wave of intense pleasure unfolds before comes over me and washes me in a slumber so deep and comfortable that I never want to wake up from it again. It doesn't take long for my orgasm to crest, Henry has kept me on the edge all this time, and he's finally letting me freefall. 

My eyes slam shut, I bite my lip against the sounds leaving my mouth, and arch my back higher than I ever have, my head reaching all the way back.

Henry starts twitching inside of me too, and eventually pauses before letting himself go too. Coming down from our high with me.

But before I can open my eyes and look into his after the magic that we shared, the hot air becomes cold, realise what is happening and come back from reality after the rise to heaven, I see a deep red sky glaring back at me angrily with Henry is nowhere to be seen.

-A.N. oops.

Hellbound - 001/Henry Creel/Peter BallardWhere stories live. Discover now