In with the Zone

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' ' means thoughts

After the events of the high-speed chase, Sonic and Y/n are running towards Green Hills which is now where they live

They zoom past Wade and greet him while he has a bit of a bored tone.

They make it towards their house and slowly tip-toe to the their room. Sonic almost causes some noise but Y/n quickly grabs the item that's about to fall down

Sonic: "Ah come on!" Sonic says as he notices the banknote stuck on his shoe

Y/n: "Huh there's a banknote stuck on my tail."

Y/n and Sonic quickly dispose of the items

Sonic then grabs his bag of rings and gets out his world map which has a feather in it that falls out.

They both notice it and stay silent for a while.

Sonic then puts everything away and tries to go to sleep.

Sonic: "And now for some shut eye."

Ozzie (the dog) then goes towards him and licks his face which causes Y/n to let out a laugh

Sonic: "Ugh! Blegh! Ozzie, morning breath!"

Y/n: "Heh it seems as if Ozzie is starting to like us more. Well... You more."

Sonic: "Oh really? I wonder what gave it away." Sonic says in a playful brotherly way.

Sonic and Y/n hear footsteps coming towards them so they quickly act like they fell asleep. But since Y/n isn't as fast as Sonic he drops down on the ground as if he were passed out.

Maddie: "Sonic why are you still in bed? You're supposed to meet Tom remember?"

Sonic: "Oh yeah, I forgot."

Maddie: "Why is Y/n on the ground?"

Sonic: "Oh.. uhh, he hit his head to hard when he. Was. Uh. Eating..?"

Maddie just stays silent before talking

Maddie: "Hey, Y/n. Wake up kiddo!"

Y/n (in a fake tired voice): "Huh.? What happened did I eat the door?"

Maddie: "Hmm something tells me you didn't.."

Y/n gets up and stretches.

The scene changes to Y/n, Sonic, and Tom in a boat fishing.

Tom: "Ahh, what a day. Thanks for coming out guys. You know, it feels like we haven't been spending much time together."

Y/n: "Well I-"

Tom: "Also for you, we are gonna have to talk about firearm safety, because we can't have somebody running around with whatever revolvers you have."

Y/n: "Well, I already properly know how to use them, only problem is some people get terrified seeing a wolf with firearms holstered."

Tom: "Huh"

To sonic, Tom: "How's it going over there? Did you get any bites?"

Sonic is dead asleep and he's snoring too with some drool coming out of his mouth

Y/n just chuckles before trying to catch some fish

Tom bends over which rocks the boat a bit. Sonic then falls off the boat which quickly woke him up

Sonic: "AHH! I can't swim! If I die don't look in my closet!"

Y/n is in the corner laughing his lungs out while Sonic is practically drowning.

Lone Wolf (Tails x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now