Cruel, Cruel World.

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For those that are confused as to how Robotnik went back to Sonic after chasing down Y/n this chapter will explain it

Y/n Pov:

I couldn't believe I just shot lethal bullets that could've hurt Tails. I ran out of non-lethal ones after the dance but I should've been smarter.

I kept on snowboarding down the mountain hearing Robotnik calling ne and saying that I couldn't get away from him

Robotnik: "Come back and surrender the compass child! Or else things will get real messy..!"

Y/n: "No! Go play mad scientist or something you stupid abortion!"

I kept on snowboarding while Robotnik and his droids chased me down.

Out of nowhere Robotnik's drones shot at me I quickly used Dead Eye on 3 of the droids which were shooting at me, it took up a lot energy and focus since I was wounded and could only shoot with my left arm.

I kept on snowboarding until basically out of thin air one of the drones shot at my snowboard, or broken part which left me with only one choice. I started running as fast as I can which was somewhat slow and very hard to do since I was in snow

Y/n 'This might be it..'

I quickly ran towards a steep hill and began climbing on it. The drones were shooting at me the shots kept on missing. I knew I couldn't possibly make it out alive and I didn't wanna die like this, I'd rather die doing something good something that a hero would do or a main character of a show

So I started to sing one of the only songs I knew

Y/n: "Cruel, Cruel World must I go on?

Cruel, Cruel World I'm movin' on."

Robotnik: "AHAHAHA! Singing won't get you anywhere boy! It'll just make it even funner for me!"

I started to keep on climbing up the steep hill/mountain it was slow and painful but I couldn't turn back now so I kept on singing on with my final words being something meaningful

Y/n: "I've been living to fast, and I've been living too long.

Cruel, Cruel World I'm gone.

This big ol' world sure got me running 'round,

I heard a voice that said, "Just settle down"

And with the moonlight as my guide,
And with this feeling deep inside,
I know now that I am homeward bound."

Y/n: "Gah- Finally, I made it to the top!"

Robotnik: "Oh I was busy watching your little show I almost lost track of humanity."

Robotnik: "Coming up here sure seemed like a waist of time, you sure you ain't come up here for anything else? Maybe you came up here to hit rock bottom. Hah get it because it's a hill made of rocks.."

Y/n responded in a cold way

Y/n: "Shut up."

Y/n then uses both arms although practically bleeding to death and starts fanning both both his revolvers until he runs out of ammo

Y/n Pov:

I took out every last one of those stupid drones. I tried to aim at Robotnik but his stupid machine wouldn't get penetrated

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