Christmas Hours: 3

334 12 20

Yall I'm stupid... No joke thought I already posted this part a few days ago until somebody messaged me and I checked, lmao. Also I was busy watching longmire, getting the peacekeepr in bf1, and playing Medal of Honor VR

This part might be a bit shorter than the others
Y/n Pov:

I just stood there, shell shocked. My vision was in yellow, similar to Dead-Eye, except there was a ticking sound like a stopwatch. I was in the middle of a field, frozen. A battlefield to be exact. I didn't know how I got there, but only thing I could do was close my eyes and pray for the best.


I woke up, sweating. Sonic was staring at me from above. His lips were moving but I couldn't hear him. My ears were ringing, probably because I was asleep. I think.

I regained my senses and heard Sonic

Sonic: "Y/n? Y/n! You good?"

Y/n: -sleepy- "Y-yeah... I think so."

Sonic: "What? It's a yes or no question..."

Y/n: "Nice."

Sonic was just visibly confused, you couldn't comprehend much due to just waking up.

Sonic: "Well. Guess what!"

Y/n: "What?"

Sonic: "It's Christmas!"

Y/n: "Wait... Is it actually?!"

Sonic: "Yep!"

Y/n: "Oh... I forgot to get gifts for them!.."

Sonic: "I'm sure they won't mind."

Y/n: "You sure?"

Sonic: "A hundred percent!"

Y/n: "Huh- Well... Should we go downstairs?"

Sonic: "Sure. I'll head down, we'll wait for you."

Y/n: "Alright, later."

Sonic ran down leaving you behind, you stood up and stretched a bit. You put on your belt and placed your hat on your head. You put on your shoes and just has the "great stare" we all have in the morning.

It's been a while since I've used my revolvers. But I guess that's a good thing...

I made my way downstairs and saw everybody down there by the Christmass tree.

I was going to go and greet everybody until a certain somebody stopped me from behind

Arthur: "Now hold on a minute, boy!"

I turned around and low and behold. Arthur Morgan!

Y/n: "Arthur?!"

Arthur: "Yes, sir. How you doing kid?"

Y/n: "Better than ever! Hey uh, merry Christmas Arthur!"

Arthur: "Merry Christmas, Y/n."

Y/n: "So, why you here?"

Arthur: "Just wanted to see how you're holding up. I see you've been pulling some moves-

Y/n: "Wait... how do you know?"

Arthur: "I can essentially spectate you whenever I want. You got a weird life kid, I'll give you that."

You smiled at him and he smiled back

Arthur: "Well. John and I got you a present."

Y/n: "Really? Can I see it?"

Arthur: "After you're done with your little group over there. We'll alert you, anyways good luck with the fox. 'Til we meet again."

Lone Wolf (Tails x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now