New Days and New Nights

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New Day...

It's-a-me! Not a plumber... But the fastest Hedgehog in the World! Sonic!

What? It was a great introduction- anyways... The entire group has been alright and fine. We're currently living normal, average, and peaceful lives! None of that fighting to save the world stuff! And we're all pretty happy with ourselves, I think...

But... Yeah! Life's been treating us all well... Except for... Y'know, yeah... he basically vented to me about everything that happened. He seems really lost right now, but I promised him that I'd help him out with new things to get his mind off Valentines Day... it's been a month, jeez. It's been a new year for a while, so that's pretty cool. People keep saying this weird new year new me thing, but at this current time people stopped saying it, haha.


Cut to Sonic

Sonic Pov:

And one, two, and three! *BANG*

Haha! I never expected this game to be so fun and coo-

Game Over

Sonic: "Nevermind, I HATE THIS GAME!"

I was thinking about throwing the controller... Until I remembered the price on it. Professionals have standards.

AAAH- I'm bored...! It's been really quiet, and really awkward between the others, except for Knuckles. He's been enjoying his life right now.

Seems like Valentines Day really messed up the others, for some reason one of Y/n's hands have been shaking a lot? What is he, a soldier? Hehe...

Y'know- If I was ever a soldier, I'd be pretty darn good at it! I mean just look at me- Handsome, charming, and fast!

Anyways. A hardworking hedgehog like me, deserves an undisturbed power nap.


Cut to Knuckles

We see him alone, minding his own business. It's almost as if he's got nothing to worry about, why don't y'all try being more like Knuckles?


He walks outside while humming some weird tune. What is the tune? How the hell am I supposed to know?

Let's find out!

Knuckles Pov:

Strolling around the base they call house, it's calm. More people should try it. And it builds up muscle.

Even a warrior has to take a break from others. Yes, I have allied with the Hedgehog and Wolf. But I would still like to be myself.

The others, they're greatly bothered, whether it is mentally or physically, I should keep my distance. Or at least that is what my father would say.

It's been a while, but someday I'll rebuild the Echidna tribe. By the way things are, there may not be any use of fighting, but it's good to be safe.

Something is greatly bothering Y/n. He's got the spirit of a soldier, and the kindness of a human, he's loyal. And from what I've learned, loyals are the most important, so I should be a "friend" and look out for him.

Hm. I should go back in. It's getting cold, not like it matters. But I'd rather be inside, there's a difference between being tough and an idiot.

So yeah.

Y/n Pov:


Goddamnit- What am I doing with my life?!

Lone Wolf (Tails x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now