𝑌𝑜𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑖 - fainting on stage 🌡

993 28 11

Requested by: mi_kyung810

Sickie: Yoongi, (Jimin)
Caregiver: Jimin

Ship: Yoonmin

No one's pov

Summer. Concert.
Two simple words, but they meant hell.
Concerts are always fun, for the members concerts were something where they could interact with their fans, something very special.
It didn't matter if someone was injured or sick, they were still on stage most of the time.. For their fans!
In the summer, however, concerts were always a torture, but sometimes the members had no choice but to go through it anyway.


This weekend they had to concerts in Seoul, one already yesterday and the other one this afternoon. They were exited!
Yoongi had texted with Namjoon, talking about a rap part of one of the songs. He didn't feel confident, and had hoped that the leader would help him out.
Yoongi was nervous, he always was.. but being alone with his thoughts didn't help his anxiety.
He wanted someone's advice..

Yoongi pov

After picking up my last stuff, I closed the door of my apartment behind me, locking the door and took out my car key.
This afternoon we would do another concert, like yesterday and I was exited. I loved seeing our fans and I loved dancing and rapping for them.
But there wasn't only excitement..
There was also this weird feeling that I just couldn't get rid of. A feeling that something was going to happen today.  Maybe that's because Jimin had fainted after the concert yesterday.. I didn't know.. but what I did know was that it was way too warm for my liking.

Although it was only 8a.m., the temperature was already over 30°C
I opened the door of my car and was immediately greeted by the thick warm air that had been building up since yesterday. I sighed deeply.
It was going to be a tough day.
The drive to the Hybe building was short and painless, although despite the air conditioning, sweat ran down my back.  Today, I was driving on my own.. no driver.. no small talk.. no awkward silence.
Usually a staff member would pick us up, but today I had refused.. I really wanted to drive on my own.

Just right after I had parked my car, another car I knew very well pulled into the garage.
I locked my car and quickly waved towards the other.
"Jungkook-ah!" I greeted the younger one, as he and his driver left the car.
"Morning Hyung!"

We walked to the meeting room together. We had a meeting, to discuss tonight's concert. After that we would have another 3 hours of dance practice and finally a break until the soundcheck started.
When we arrived the maknae knocked on the door and we were ushered in by our manager.
"Morning." We greeted with a slight bow and finally sat down. I sat down next to Namjoon and Hoseok and Jungkook next to Jimin. Jin and Taehyung arrived a few minutes later.

During the whole meeting my eyes kept wandering towards Jimin. He was noticeably pale and looked very tired. It was obvious that he hadn't recovered from the night in the hospital yet. It hadn't been anything serious, but he had still needed a hospital visit and an IV.
"Jimin, you shouldn't be dancing today." The manager announced, pulling me out of my thoughts. I saw Jimin's eyes widen and I think he would have jumped up in anger if he hadn't been so tired. 
"I have to dance!"
The manager shook his head about to say something.. but Jimin interrupted.
"Don't say it. I have to dance." He looked down on his lab and I heard Namjoon sighing beside me.
"Jimin-ah.. You know It's up to you, but I don't like this." The manager said, defeated.
"Just be careful and don't overdo it." Namjoon added, raising an eyebrow
and I nodded, agreeing.
I just hoped he wouldn't faint today as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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