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Minho POV

!haha bitches time skip 1 year!

Jisung and I are still together. Chan found a girlfriend, her name is Jihun. Hyunjin came out to the group as asexual and panromantic. And Jisung is a year clean from self harm (I'm very proud.) Not much has happened other than that. 

But, today, Jisung and I are moving into our very own house. Yes, house, not even just an apartment. That also means I get to bring my cats. 

We have gotten all the boxes to their designated rooms and now it's time to unpack. It's gonna be a long couple of days.

The house itself is a cute little 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom. But, the kitchen is pretty big and we have a good amount of living space. We plan on turning the smaller bedroom into a studio, but that's an activity for later. 

And don't worry, we aren't leaving Stray Kids, we will still being doing everything with the members. It is public knowledge that we are moving in together, but we are still assumed to just be best friends. But we know that non-homophobic stay probably know. 

"We're gonna have to buy a lot of stuff for the kitchen... and we don't have a couch or a bed yet. I guess we should do that first?" Jisung asked.

"Yeah, let's go to ikea." 

"Ooh, yes." 

We walked out of our new home, locking the door. I managed to get my driver's license this year so my parents gave me their old car. We drove to Ikea, listening to got7, twice, etc. It's only about 20 minutes from our house.

We proceeded to sit on every single couch and bed before deciding on them. We also got some random furniture, like a coffee table and nightstands. We bought a ton of kitchen supplies as well. 

And somehow, we fit all that in an SUV. 

We dropped everything off at home before going to target for cleaning supplies and the grocery store for food. By the time we had all the essentials it was 5pm, we decided to order takeout. 

"This is so fucking good." Jisung said as we ate our noodles in the floor. We didn't have the effort to build any furniture yet. 

The only thing we did build was the bed. And yes, we broke it in by having sex on it. 

"I love you, Minho." 

"I love you too, Ji."

We said before falling asleep, cuddling. 

And we lived happily ever after, in our sweet little house. No more nightmares. 


started: 04/23/22

ended: 06/14/22

sorry it ended so soon! i kind of ran out of ideas but i do love how this book turned out! i'm very sorry if i left any plot holes that i forgot about!

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