Chapter 15

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Vanitas was working right now at a cafe, he was a cook, baker, waiter and Host basically all the positions. He was taking a break in the break room right now.

The break he was having was great, he was working his butt off since early in the morning. It was barely 12 in the afternoon right now and he was hoping that his day will go well that is until his break was over.

The break room door opened "Vanitas. Sorry to ask but we need your help as a waiter." A co worker asked Vanitas as he sighed. "Of course you do. I'll be out there." Vanitas stood up and walked out.

"Table three is where we need you at." Vanitas nodded at he grabbed his notepad and pen, he walked towards the table. "Hello my name is Vanitas and I'll be your server for today. Can I start you with your drinks?" He introduced himself and asked the group.

When Vanitas opened his eye with a fake smile it immediately faded. There sitting was Noé, Dominique, Jeanne and Louis as they glared at Vanitas well expect Noé.

Vanitas glance behind him to see the manager staring at him to see if he was doing a good job. "You work here?" Jeanne asked with a glare, Dominique and Louis glared still. "We want another waiter or waitress." Louis demanded.

This was making Vanitas pissed, he so wanted to punch Louis and bad mouth the girls but he couldn't. Instead Vanitas put on a smile "I'm sorry but there are no other waiters or waitress to replace me. So can I get you anything to drink?" Vanitas nicely says.

The four couldn't believe this was the Cold-Hearted Prince. Dominique sighed "I'll like to have iced peach tea." She ordered her drink, Jeanne and the others looked surprised.

"We need to order our drinks. We can't keep him waiting for long." Dominique told them, Noé smiled "Yeah, that is true." Noé looked at the menu as he raised an eyebrow "What's the coconut-lime french soda?"

Vanitas still had the force smile "It's a coconut lime flavored soda. It has sparkling water, lime juice, and coconut cream and to make it sweet it has whipped cream and a slice of lime on top. It's the perfect cream soda, it's quite sweet." Vanitas explained the drink.

Noé eyes sparkled "Woah! How do you know the ingredients by heart?" Noé excitedly asked Vanitas, he looked away "I actually came up with the drink. It's actually quite popular." Vanitas tells them.

That surprised the group "I'll have that to drink than." Noé says with a smile, Vanitas nodded as he wrote it down. He looked at Jeanne and Louis now "I think I'll like to try the Rose Lemonade." Jeanne ordered her drink.

Vanitas nodded as he wrote it down "How about you sir?" Vanitas forced his tone to sound nice, Louis spoke "I'll have Earl Grey Tea." Vanitas nodded once again "Very well. I'll be right back with your drinks."

With that Vanitas left "Wow didn't know that he worked." Jeanne says as they watched Vanitas disappeared. Louis nodded "Maybe he is spying on us." Louis tells the group.

Dominique took a piece of bread from the basket with some butter. "I doubt that. Some students actually work, but I don't see why if he has a scholarship." She tells them. "Maybe he lives alone and needs to pay rent?" Jeanne says eating bread.

Noé nodded with a smile "Yeah. A lot of college students live alone or share an apartment with others like us." Noé says as they nodded. "Yes but family is helping us with the rent." Louis says.

Everyone now wondered why Vanitas parents aren't helping him. Vanitas came back with a tray of drinks "Sorry that took sometime, we are understaffed right now." Vanitas says as he gives them their drinks.

Once done Vanitas took the tray and took out his pen and notepad. "Are you all ready to order?" Vanitas asked them. They nodded as they ordered their foods.

Noé took the chance to tell his friends the news "Hey guys. I need to tell you two things." Noé says nervously, Vanitas was watching from the kitchen. "What is it Noé?" Dominique asked him.

The group looked at him, judging by the looks of curiosity it meant Louis never told them about their break up. "First off. I'm sure you haven't heard but me and Louis broke-" Noé was cut off.

"Quelle?!" Dominique and Jeanne both shouted already knowing what Noé was going to say. Louis still had his pride and he smiled "Noé as we discussed we are just taking a break." Louis tells Noé.

This confused the girls now "Non. Louis you have to understand, we broke up and no one made me break up with you. It was my decision to end it with you. I thought I should tell you and Jeanne about this Domi." Noé tells the girls as they nodded "Thank you for telling us this."

Jeanne tilted her head "What's the second thing you needed to tell us?" Jeanne asked Noé as he was now feeling more nervous of telling them. Noé glanced at Vanitas who was focused on cooking.

Taking a deep breath and letting it out helped Noé. "I'm dating Vanitas." Noé told them as the group froze at hearing the news that Noé just told them.

"Vanitas do you think you can make some samples of that and give some to the customers to try?" The manager asked Vanitas as he thought about it 'I promised to make Tarte Tatin for Luca and not to mention I got to go and talk with Mr. Fortis and Mr. Olivier...'

The manager was waiting for Vanitas answer, the group were listening and still in shock. "I actually can't make a lot, I can make a few. I have some business to attend to with my teachers at my college after work." Vanitas tells his manager.

It disappointed the manager but he nodded in understanding. "I understand. A few is fine as long as some of the customers can try them." Vanitas nodded "I'll get started on them once I'm done here." Vanitas tells him.

The manager smiled "Okay I'll let you finish up here." The manager left to his office. Suddenly a slam was heard, Vanitas looked up to see who slammed their hand on the table.


To be continued

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