Chapter 20

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Noé just walked to his door and didn't make eye contact with Louis. "I thought you went on the trip with Domi and the others?" Noé asked his ex as he opened the door.

Louis didn't smile "I wasn't allowed to go on it. Apparently a teacher was passing by and heard what happened from a customer. So as my so called punishment I am not allowed to go on the trip and I'm suspended from school for two weeks." Louis tells Noé.

Noé was still standing in the doorway "Am I suppose to feel pity for you?" Noé asked Louis as he nodded "Of course after all-" Louis was cut off "Don't call me your lover. I am not your boyfriend anymore, I told you before that I don't want to see you or talk to you. So why are you here?" Noé asked Louis with anger in his tone.

Louis stared at Noé "Were you out on a date with Vanitas?" He asked his ex boyfriend hoping he'll say no.

Noé looked Louis in the eyes "Why does it matter to you. It's none of your business if I was on a date with Vanitas." Noé tells Louis as he walks in and closes his door.

Sadly for Noé Louis stopped the door from closing all the way. He forced himself in Noé apartment "Hey! You can't just barge your way in here!" Noé shouted at Louis but Louis grabbed Noé by his shirt.

"I want to know why you chose him?! I just need to know! There is nothing good about the cold-hearted Prince at all!" Louis yelled at Noé wanting to know.

Noé was surprised, Louis gritted his teeth in anger "Tell me right now!! What's so special about that man! I want to know! So tell me! Why him of all people out there in the world!" Louis shouted again.

With Vanitas

Vanitas was sitting down as he decided to see what Noé was doing. Yes Vanitas set up some video cameras in Noé apartment to keep an eye on him.

When Vanitas turned the tv on and connected it to the cameras he saw Louis yelling at Noé and grabbing him by the shirt. "Why the heck is he doing at that idiots place?" Vanitas asked himself.

Vanitas decided to watch for now but he glared at Louis. "I hate that guy so much." Vanitas says glaring at the tv.

Back with Noé and Louis

Noé was mad "Yes I was with Vanitas on a date. We're not dating so you don't need to know what I do." Noé tells Louis with a mad face and angry tone.

That shocked Louis, Noé grabbed Louis hand that was still gripping his shirt. "Like I said before who I date is none of your business. I chose to date Vanitas out of my own free will. I don't like you Louis, I hate who you became." Noé tells Louis.

Louis let go as he backed away with widen eyes "Don't say that! You don't mean that do you!! You hate Vanitas not me!!! Remember you said you didn't like him!!!" Louis shouted as he was going crazy.

Noé felt like he didn't know who Louis was, he hated it. "I hate you..." Noé mumbles those words that Louis never wanted to hear from Noé. "Non you don't! Stop lying to me!!" Louis shouted.

"I like Vanitas! I might even love him! Don't you dare badmouth him ever Louis! I hate you for what your saying and I haven't forgiven you about what happened at the restaurant either!" Noé yelled at Louis.

Louis was going crazy "It's all his fault!! I want that man dead!!! He's the one that's changing everything in our life's!!!" Louis yelled loudly looking really crazy. Noé pushed him out of his apartment "Go before I call the police." Noé says as he slams the door.

That of course shocked Louis and made him feel hurt. There was an angry expression on his face now "I'll kill you, Vanitas." Louis kept repeating to himself as he left Noé.

Vanitas smirked at seeing the whole thing "My plan is working." Vanitas whispers to himself but he felt warm and happy when Noé stuck up for him. Even the part that he loves him.

Vanitas shook his head to erase those feelings, suddenly an email came from Vanitas laptop. He walked towards it "It's been a while since I got any job requests like these." Vanitas grinned at the job.

With that Vanitas went to change to black jeans, a black shirt, a black jacket and black boots. He pulled a box from under his bed and took out a pair of daggers and a gun. "Time to go do a job." Vanitas happily says.

Vanitas grabbed his cellphone and his laptop, he went to the location. He jumped on roofs and roofs until he was sitting on a building roof where his target is at.

Sitting down and taking his laptop out, Vanitas opened it. Vanitas was re-reading the request 'Blue Moon. I request for you to kill my boyfriend. He's been cheating on me and taking all my money. He beats me and he nearly killed me three times. I have enough money to pay you. How does 50,000 sound?'

The grin on Vanitas widen as he started typing 'I'll accept your request but I want you to send the money now.' Vanitas was now waiting for the client reply. A ding was heard from the laptop 'I want the job done first! I'm not stupid enough to give the money first before the job is even finish.'

Vanitas laughed at that, he decided to call her from a blocked number. "Hello? Who is this?" A woman asked Vanitas who just wanted to laugh "Who else would it be ma chérie . I want the money first or I won't do the job." Vanitas tells her.

The girl gasped "How did you get my number?!" She yelled, she was clearly afraid someone would find out. Vanitas smirked at hearing her voice sound so scared.

Just by hearing her voice, Vanitas knew she was scared. This was most likely her first time hiring someone to kill another. "Dear, who do you think I am. I'm Blue Moon remember and I never failed my jobs. So send the money now or I leak to your job, family, friends and boyfriend about this." Vanitas threatened her.

The girl gulped "Non! I'll send it now." Vanitas looked at his phone to see that money was wired into his secret account. "Good. You're see tomorrow on the news about this." Vanitas tells her as he hangs up.

Vanitas jumped off the roof and swiftly landed on the ground. "Damian." The man known as Damian turned to look at Vanitas well tried too. He was clearly drunk and couldn't tell what was going on.

"Who the heck are you...?" His words slurred, this made Vanitas want to laugh. "You heard of me before." Vanitas tells the man.

Damian looked confused, the next thing that happened was Vanitas was on top of him. "Get off of me!!!! I'll fucking kill you!!!" Damian yells loudly so someone could hear him.

Vanitas laughed at that "Hahaha!! You kill me! I doubt that hahaha I'm going to be the one to kill you!!!" Vanitas laughed as he stabbed Damian right hand. "Gyahhh!!!" He cried out.

But Vanitas didn't listen, he got his other dagger and stabbed Damian left hand. "STOP!! WHY ME!!" Damian cried out in pain some more. Vanitas smirks "Why? This isn't compared to what you did to a certain someone."

Damian looked confused like he didn't know what Vanitas was talking about. This made Vanitas want to laugh even more "Hahah! Don't tell me you don't know! Hahah then I'll make you remember!" Vanitas shouted as he pulled both his daggers making Damian scream more.

Vanitas stabbed and scratched his back with his daggers. "How about your girlfriend! Did you treat her right?!" Vanitas yelled still inflicting pain on him.


Vanitas smirked more "Do you want to die that badly?" Vanitas asked the man with a sinister smile, Damian saw it as he was scared. "D'accord! D'accord! I abused my girlfriend and nearly killed her three times! I even cheated on her so please spare me!!" Damian begged for his life.

Sadly Vanitas already made his decision from the very beginning. "Sorry but I don't feel like it." Vanitas sliced his neck before Damian could even scream or beg.

Vanitas got up from the dead man "I hope you enjoy hell buddy." Vanitas says with a smirk and covered in blood.

To be continued

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