Chapter 30

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(Btw the blue moon mark will still be in this story.)

Vanitas was laying on his bed looking up at the ceiling. He just got home from work, he needed a break before working on his assignment for his major.

It was lonely with no one in the house, he was alone. No Amelia no Dante no Johann no Luca and no Noé, well he was the one that told Noé to go back home and have fun. Plus he told Noé to never come to his home.

"I thought he'll at least message me to check up on me or something..."

That was what Vanitas thought would happen but he was wrong. Vanitas expected that Noé might have figured out that he was the Blue Moon killer that he encountered. "It was bound to happen..." Vanitas mumbles to himself.

Light blue eyes soften with sadness in them 'This is what I get for getting too close to that idiot.' Vanitas thought to himself.

An image of adult with long white hair and a younger boy with short curly white hair popped up in his mind. They both have the same color eyes as Vanitas himself. "Luna. Mikhail." Vanitas whispered two names with no emotion hinted in it.

Closing his eyes he remembers the memories that he had with the two.

"What about you child? Do you also want to come with me?"

A younger Vanitas eyes widen staring at the person before him. 'I want to leave this place no matter what...' Vanitas thought to himself as he stood up and ran towards the said person.

At this time Vanitas didn't have those eyes like the person. Instead they were a shade of dark blue, Mikhail had grey eyes instead as well.

Vanitas and Mikhail were saved from this so called orphanage which they had a hidden laboratory to experiment on the kids. Kids that wouldn't be missed and that no one's cared about.

So many kids died and the only ones that survived experiments was both Vanitas and Mikhail but at that time they were called No.69 and No.71. They were just numbers to them.

"Who are you?! Why did you save us and destroyed that place!" Vanitas asked the person in front of them. They turned to face the kids "I don't have a name but some call me Vanitas of the Blue Moon. I'm still looking for a name for myself." Vanitas of the Blue Moon tells younger Vanitas.

Vanitas eyes widen in anger as he goes to attack the Blue Moon. "Your that killer! Dr. Moreau ejected your blood into us for some unknown reason!" Vanitas yelled at the older person.

The Blue Moon caught Vanitas wrist to stop him. "Your quiet skilled with that but I have no intention of harming you both. After all it was you who asked for my help."

As time went by the two boys were having fun. Of course Vanitas was still a little distant to their savior who saved them from almost getting killed.

Neither Mikhail or the Blue Moon knew how to cook or clean. Vanitas was the only one that knew how to cook and clean. So Vanitas was like a housewife that stays home doing all the cleaning and cooking.

"Hey Mikhail why do you call the Blue Moon father?" Vanitas decided to ask as he was picking up the mess. "It's Misha! I call father that because father is a man." Mikhail tells Vanitas.

A confused look appeared on Vanitas "The Blue Moon is a woman." Vanitas told Mikhail "No father is a man!" "It's a woman!" The two started arguing about what gender the Blue Moon was.

At that moment the Blue Moon walked in and they happen to overhear the two arguing. "I'm neither female nor male. I can be both." They told the two.

Mikhail decided to still call them father and think of them as a man still. Vanitas will still think of the Blue Moon as a woman.

Winter came by for the three, they decided to play outside in the snow well more like Mikhail. Vanitas was sensitive to the cold so he just watched, the Blue Moon watched with a smile.

Vanitas noticed the moon coming out as he glance at the one next to him. "Luna." Vanitas says moon in latin as that got the Blue Moon attention.

The Blue Moon smiled "I love it! I'll go by that name from now on." The Blue Moon now known as Luna happily says making Vanitas blush "I-I didn't choose it for you!" Vanitas shouted.

Mikhail ran to the two and jumped to hug them. "Father! Big brother!" He yelled happily, Vanitas fell into the embrace as well as he felt safe in Luna arms.

Luna looked at the boys sadly "There would be no point in hiding this from you. Because of the experiments you both have endured your bodies will break. The best I can say is that you have only five years left to live."

Mikhail was laying in a bed with Luna beside him. "Father am I dying...?" Mikhail asked Luna Aka his adoptive father.

Bangs covered Luna eyes "There is a way I can save you both. By giving you a mark that is blue." Luna tells Mikhail as the boy sat up "Give it to us then all three of us can be together." Mikhail says with a smile.

"I refuse. Even if I die tomorrow I refuse to have a mark that makes me part of your family." Vanitas told him with a glare.

An image showed of Vanitas hugging Luna who was bloody. A blue mark was showed on Vanitas right arm.

Vanitas lifted up his arm, he usually puts tape that blends in with his skin but he took it off right when he got home. A mark that was the color of his eyes, the color of Luna's eyes.

The mark looked like shattered glass. "Luna wasn't a normal human..." Vanitas mumbles to himself as he kept staring at the mark. The only ones that seen this are Dante, Amelia, Johann, Luca and Chloe.

They didn't judge in fact they said the mark looked cool. This was one of the reasons he was loosing his sanity.

"I don't care if it looks cool." Vanitas says as he now thought what Noé would think about it. He shook his head right away "I will never show him this! I don't even care what he will think about it!" Vanitas shouted.

That's right all Vanitas needs to think about is breaking up with Noé once he gets back.

To be continued

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