Chapter 31

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Noé came back earlier then expected, he didn't tell Vanitas he was coming back. Noé instead went to the cafe that Vanitas works at, it didn't take him long to get there.

"Welcome! Oh hello Noé." The waiter that is always working greeted him. "Is Vanitas here?" Noé asked him, he shook his head "He always ask for this exact day on every month off. He leaves town to go somewhere, that's all I know." He tells Noé.

Noé nodded with a smile "Thank you, I'll ask one of his friends. Have a good day." Noé says as he waved goodbye too the man.

With that Noé left the cafe and realized something important. "I don't have Vanitas friends numbers..." Noé sighed at this. Noé didn't know what to do now. "He's at XXXX Cemetery in the next town."

This made Noé jump as he turned around to see who gave him this information. "Who was that?" Noé asked as he couldn't find the person that told him Vanitas Location.

'I'm not sure if he's really there but I'm just going have to trust that strangers words.' Noé thought to himself as he headed to the trains to get to the next town to find Vanitas.

It was a two hour trip for Noé so he was going to have to wait to get there and hope Vanitas will still be at the cemetery.

With Vanitas

Vanitas stood up while looking at a stone with two names carved on it. "Luna...Mikhail." Vanitas mumbles these names as he touched the stone while he has a pain expression on his face.

There were flowers that he brought and Vanitas made some cookies. "You idiots loved the sweets I made so I brought cookies." He says to no one.

Setting down the flowers and container of cookies down nicely making it look nice. He cleaned it too so it looked clean as well.

Two Hours Later

Noé finally made it to his destination, he stood in front of the gate of the cemetery that Vanitas is in. Noé gulped but started walking in "I hope that I'm in the right one." Noé mumbles to himself.

The graves had beautiful flowers and some were cleaned while some were pretty dirty like no one visited in awhile. Noé finally saw Vanitas standing in front of a grave with no emotion present on his face.

Walking up to him and now standing behind Vanitas looking at him. "I'm guessing you came all the way here because you figured it out." Noé didn't say anything just stared at Vanitas back.

It was silent, Noé didn't want his suspicion to be right. "Who is this grave? Who's Luna and Mikhail?" Vanitas clutched his fist, he knew Noé was going to ask him.

Taking a deep breath Vanitas unclenched his hand. "Luna and Mikhail was family. You see my mother died after giving birth to me and my father died right in front of me as he protected me. I was left alone and taken to a orphanage, it might have looked nice on the outside and inside but underground it wasn't." Vanitas paused for a few moments.

Noé waited till Vanitas continued "They brought certain kids down there to do some experiments on. I was one of them and a year later a new boy came named Mikhail. We didn't have names instead we were called by numbers. Mikhail immediately saw me as a big brother and I felt that I needed to protect him so every time we were experimented on I took his place most of the time. And every time they injected us with a blue liquid that ended up being someone else's blood. After so much torture we were saved by someone. They saved us and took us with them, they gave us a home and food not that they could cook at all or even clean. Mikhail grew fond of them while I distrusted them because of their blood we were ejected with." Once again Vanitas stopped.

Vanitas fell to his knees while Noé ran and bend down in front of him. "Who was this person? Why are their names on this grave stone?" Noé asked him some questions as Vanitas bit his lower lip.

"They were known as Vanitas of the Blue Moon but now went by the name Luna. I was the one that gave them the name Luna..." Noé eyes widen at this.

Noé didn't know what to say, 'He was with the killer and was being taken care of by him...?' Noé thought to himself. "The reason why their names are on here is because they are dead..." Vanitas trailed off, Noé felt like he was going to hear something he didn't want to hear.

They both looked at each other sadly and Noé saw it in Vanitas eyes. He was going to say something terrible that he doesn't want to hear, and it will change everything that they built.

"I killed them. With my own two hands."

Noé eyes widen "Vanitas your lying..." Noé says as Vanitas didn't look like he was joking. "Don't joke around like that." Vanitas still didn't look like he was joking. "It's my fault that their dead I was the one that killed them. I'm broken." Vanitas tells Noé.

Hearing this made Noé feel scared not for Vanitas, but he was scared of Vanitas himself. The suppose cold-hearted prince saw fear in Noé eyes. 'He's afraid of's time to do it now...' Vanitas thought to himself.


Noé flinched at his name being called from Vanitas voice. 'Why am I scared of Vanitas.' Noé thought to himself as he looked his lover in the eyes.

It broke Vanitas heart to see the person he loves being afraid of him. "Let's break up. We never should have crossed path, I'm done. I don't see a point in us dating anymore. We never really loved each other. It was fake from the start, we only started dating for the bet you suggested." Vanitas broke up with Noé.

This of course shocked the other as he looked at Vanitas. "But why don't you see a point in us dating anymore." Noé asked not even realizing he's been showing his fear towards Vanitas.

"You're afraid of me! I hated you from the beginning Noé! Your stupid niceness annoys the shit out of me! I wish that I never met you! I don't love you! I hate you so much! You're flinching and every time you look me in the eyes you end up looking away! We're done! Leave now!" Vanitas yelled at Noé.

Noé of course had nothing to say because it was true, he was afraid of Vanitas now. Noé listened as he got up "I'm sorry Vanitas." That was all Noé said before leaving.

The tears finally fell, so much tears streamed down Vanitas cheeks. "Bullshit..." Vanitas mumbles to himself in tears.

To be continued

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