Chapter 17

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It's been a few days since Vanitas went to the hospital now he was being released. Noé was with him "Make sure to get enough rest Mr. Vanitas." The doctor told Vanitas.

Vanitas nodded in understanding "Yes I know. I'll be fine and I'll get some rest." Vanitas says as they finished talking and left the hospital. "Why have you been coming to the hospital to visit me?" Vanitas decided to ask.

"Because I'm your boyfriend and I was really worried about you. I was scared that I might have lost you." Noé tells Vanitas with a worried look as that surprised Vanitas.

This was a first time someone actually worried about him other then Dante, Amelia, Johann and Luca. Vanitas was speechless, Noé brought Vanitas into a hug making Vanitas even more surprised.

Noé grip tighten a little as he was also trembling a little too. Vanitas felt it too "I-I was so mad at myself for not being able to do anything for you...." Noé voice was trembling too.

Vanitas didn't realize he was now hugging Noé back "It's fine. I'm alright now so no need to blame yourself." Vanitas assured Noé.

They stayed like that for awhile until Vanitas cellphone rang. Vanitas pushed Noé away right away a little flustered, he answered his phone "Hello. Oh it's just you baldy." Vanitas scowled at this.

Noé was watching Vanitas as he was on the phone "What?! Why in the hell are you guys going anyways! Fine, just go and tell Amelia that she doesn't need to worry. Have fun you jerks."

With that Vanitas hung up "Is something the matter Vanitas?" Noé decided to ask him. "Not really." Vanitas simply says as he was now typing on his phone basically sending a text.

Once Vanitas was done he put his phone in his pocket. "Dante, Johann and Amelia were asked to go on a trip at school. Apparently they were some of the students selected to go on it. I was too but I turned it down." Vanitas tells Noé as he started walking.

Noé followed "Oh I know what trip your talking about! I was also chosen but I turned it down as well." Noé tells Vanitas, Vanitas raised an eyebrow.


It got Vanitas curious as to why Noé would reject an offer to go out of the country for a month. Noé tilted his head like he didn't really understand Vanitas words. "Well I figured you wouldn't go so I decided not to go either."

That actually surprised Vanitas "You rejected because I wasn't going? That's stupid of you to do that." Vanitas mumbles but Noé heard him.

Noé stopped walking "Vanitas." Noé called out his name so Vanitas could stop walking and he did. Vanitas turned and looked at Noé standing there "What is it?" Vanitas asked Noé.

It was silent for a few seconds until Noé decided to speak "How about we hangout with each other while our friends are away on the trip. Like we can go on dates..." Noé suggested with a smile.

Vanitas was taken back a little then he sighed "Fine. It's better then doing nothing and we are dating too. Tomorrow we meet at the plaza at 12 don't be late." Vanitas tells Noé as they parted ways.

Noé made it to his apartment with a big smile "My first date with Vanitas! I can't wait for our date tomorrow!" Noé excitedly says but stopped as he touched where his heart is at.

"I'm way more happy and excited then when me and Louis had our first date. I wonder why I feel like this with Vanitas then with someone I knew since preschool..." Noé asked himself but he couldn't find an answer.

He shook his head "Maybe I'll find out on our date tomorrow." Noé whispered to himself as he goes and decides on his outfit for tomorrow date.

Noé really hoped he can find the answer to his unanswered question. Suddenly his phone vibrated as he saw he got a text from Louis, Noé sighed "I'm not going to read it." Another text came but this time from Dominique.

Dominique messaged Noé so he decided to open it. 'Wanted to let you know that our flight is about to leave now. And I also want to tell you one more thing, Jeanne told me that she heard from Luca that Vanitas hates when people loves him but it's okay if he loves them. I wanted to let you know that. I have to go now bye bye!'

This was a new information he got about Vanitas. Noé re-read the text over and over again as he sighed, imagines of Vanitas started popping up in his mind. "I'll make sure to win this game for sure." Noé says with a determine face.

With Vanitas

Vanitas made it home and of course Amelia was not there since she left for the trip. He turned on the lights and sat down on the couch. Vanitas turned on the tv and started flipping channels.

For some reason Vanitas felt something he hasn't felt. It was a warm feeling that he didn't know that he could feel "What is this feeling?" Vanitas asked himself, he felt it when he told Noé they were going to go on a date tomorrow too.

Without even realizing it Vanitas became a little flustered "Crap. I hope I'm not feeling this way because of that stupid idiot." Vanitas mumbles trying to shake off the warm feeling.

For now Vanitas decided to watch a movie to get his mind off some things right now. He didn't want to think about what happened at work or his date tomorrow with Noé.

Vanitas shook his head "Non! One of my convictions are that I will push those who love me away. I hate when people love me, I'll love them but they are not allowed to love me." Vanitas says to himself trying to watch the movie.

About two hours later the movie was over as Vanitas decided to call it a night. "Time to go to bed." Vanitas says even though he actually won't fall asleep but right when his head hit the pillow he felt sleepy.

"...Why am sleepy...?" Vanitas asked no one as he closed his eyes to sleep.


To be continued

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