Chapter 35

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Noé and the others ran to the hospital as Noé opened Vanitas room door. "Vanitas!" There sitting on the hospital bed awake was Vanitas. Amelia and the other two looked down like they needed to say something.

Vanitas looks at Noé "That's I know you or your friends?" Noé eyes widen along with Luca, Dominique and Jeanne "Vanitas it's me Noé don't you remember me..." Noé asked Vanitas.

Dante and Johann stood up "Amelia stay here with Vanitas. You four let's go and talk now ." Amelia nodded as they walked out of the room. Vanitas watched them leave "Do I know them Amelia?" Vanitas asked her.

Amelia gulped wondering if she should tell him 'No I can't tell him...Vani will just be in pain..' She remembered how sad Vanitas sounded on the phone while he told them about him and Noé breaking up.

Vanitas waited for Amelia to answer him, she gripped her dress. Amelia looked up at Vanitas with a smile "They go to the same college as us but we're not that close to Noé or his friends." Amelia kinda lied to Vanitas.

In the hospital waiting room

"What do you mean?!" Noé shouted at Dante and Johann, he looked angry at the two. The two girls glanced at each other, then Luca walked up to Noé.

The others looked at Luca "I think we should do as they say Noé." Luca agreed with Dante and Johann who told Noé to pretend that he and Vanitas aren't close along with Dominique and Jeanne. Not that the two girls were close to Vanitas.

Noé looked down in shock, Luca eyes sadden at seeing one of his friends look so sad. "Noé you have to understand them. What if Vanitas feels pain that he won't be able to stand if he is forced to remember anything." Luca tells Noé.

That of course made Noé flinch at hearing that, he didn't want Vanitas to feel any pain. 'It is my fault that he is in so much pain right now and I don't want to make him feel anymore pain...' Noé thought to himself.

Noé clutched his fist tightly "You must already know it is for the best Noé. It's better that Vanitas doesn't remember for now, we can't force his memories to come back." Johann tells Noé.

Dominique grabbed Noé hand "Cher. This is for the best, I know it will hurt but you will have to wait." Dominique says with a sad smile, Jeanne looked sad for Noé.

They all can tell that Noé still loves Vanitas even though they just broke up. But even so it was better for Vanitas if he didn't remember anything for now, just letting him live a peaceful life.

Noé didn't unclenched his fist "Fine...if it won't bring him pain...then I won't say anything..." Dante and Johann was about to sigh in relief until Noé spoke up again "But I will start over with him by making him fall in love with me again." Noé tells the two.

Honestly that made Dante, Johann and Luca smile at hearing that. "Do what you want pretty boy, just as long as you don't force anything on him." Dante says with a grin as Johann chuckled a little.

Noé looked at Dominique, Jeanne and Luca "I want to speak with Dante and Johann privately right now." Noé tells them. "Okay we'll wait outside for you." Jeanne says as she grabs Dominique hand and walked out along with Luca.

Once the three were alone Noé looked at them with a serious expression. "I want to know everything about Vanitas and how you guys met. I figured out some stuff and he confirmed it..." Noé trailed off.

Dante sighed as he wanted to smoke "So that's why the quack broke up with you." He tells him as Noé nodded, Johann stared Noé in his eyes. "Noé Archiviste, I'm guessing what you figured out is about a terrible secret correct?"

Noé once again nodded, the two glanced at each other "Very well. Why don't you send your friends home, this will take awhile." Johann told Noé but Dante interrupted "But have the shrimp stay, he needs to be here too."

That surprised Noé "D'accord." Noé says as he walks out to send Dominique and Jeanne home while asking Luca to stay. A few minutes later Noé came back inside the room with Luca.

Luca looked at Dante and Johann with a serious expression. "Are we telling him about it now?" Luca asked as Noé realized now why they wanted Luca to stay. "Luca you knew Vanitas from the beginning...?" Noé asked him.

The little boy nodded "I'm sorry to have lied to you and the others. I known Vanitas since we been in Highschool, he saved me and for that I owe him my life." Luca told Noé as the tanned man now wondered how Vanitas saved him.

"Please tell me everything from how you all met and what you all been doing till now." Noé tells them as he looked determine to find out about Vanitas past no matter what.

Dante crossed his arms "Just a heads up, we don't know a lot about Vanitas past only small details so don't get your hopes up." Dante warns Noé as he nodded. 'Even if there just small details I want to know no matter what.' Noé thought to himself.

To Louis

Louis was in cuffs and looking angry still as the cops were interrogating him. "So let me get this straight. You pushed that boy into the road because he stole your boyfriend even though your boyfriend told you he chose to be with him..." The officer repeated what Louis told him.

Of course the officer looked at Louis like he was stupid "Kid this is against the law. Your crazy for doing this just for this reason alone, that boy might suffer from this. We will keep you here until your trial and we will allow you one call." The officer tells Louis.

Louis gritted his teeth "I'll like to call my grandfather right now." Louis told the officer as he nodded and they took him to the phone for him to use.

He dialed the number waiting for it to ring then someone answered the phone not that long after calling.

"Grandfather, it's me Louis. I need your help."

To be continued

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