Chapter 18

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Vanitas looked around to see nothing but darkness. "Where am I?" Vanitas asked even though he knew no one was going to answer him.


Once again Vanitas heard the familiar voice as he turned to see a young boy with curly white hair and the same light blue eyes like him. Vanitas eyes widen at seeing the boy.

The boy smiled at him "Brother your finally here! I been waiting for you!" He happily tells Vanitas. Vanitas couldn't speak or move, he was in shock to see the boy.


Vanitas managed to say, the boy known as Mikhail smiled at him. "It's Misha. Where have you been brother. Father is waiting for us you know." Mikhail tells Vanitas as he was excited.

That made Vanitas eyes widen more "This isn't real!" Vanitas yelled out as he just wanted to wake up. A frown came on Mikhail face "Don't be like that brother."

Mikhail still frowned as Vanitas looked up at him. "This is a dream! Your dead and so is Luna! This is only a dream and nothing more!" Vanitas shouted at Mikhail who looked sad now.

"I'm only a dream? I guess I might be but who's fault is it that me and father are dead? It's your fault." Mikhail tells Vanitas as his tone changed.

Vanitas eyes widen once again at hearing that. Vanitas fell to his knees as he felt Mikhail behind him now as he hugged him from behind, Mikhail smile.

This was a dream, Vanitas kept repeating that over and over in his head. Mikhail was close to Vanitas ear now "It's all your fault and you know it. Why else do you reject all those around you." Mikhail says but a small smile came.

"Well expect for those four Dante, Luca, Amelia and Johann. But who knows that boy might even be on that list, what was his name again oh Noé Archiviste that's his name." Mikhail tells Vanitas with a small smile still.

Vanitas didn't move at all "Noé isn't on that list...I'm only using him...that's all nothing more...I don't care about him..." Vanitas says to his brother with a poker face.

"Liar. You just don't wanna believe that your starting to care about him. I told you before that me and father are the only people you need brother."

No other words would come out of Vanitas mouth, it was like his mouth was sewn shut. Mikhail smile grew as he still hugged Vanitas "We are the only ones you need."

He wanted to say something but no words could be formed. Vanitas didn't know what to say. Mikhail, his brother told him that he doesn't need Amelia, Johann, Dante and Luca anymore. That he even doesn't need Noé.

Not that Vanitas wants Noé to be with him at all. "I'll always be by your side brother. No one else just me and father will be there." Mikhail assured Vanitas.


Finally something came out as Mikhail looked at Vanitas. "You and Luna are dead. The ones that I accept by my side are alive. Amelia, Luca, Dante and Johann are the only ones that I really will always be here but so will Luna." Vanitas says to Mikhail.

Mikhail glared and frowned "You might say that now but you might hurt them or even kill them brother. Can you live with hurting them or even killing them? I truly wonder that my dear brother."

Vanitas grabbed his head "Shut up! Just shut up! Shut up!!" The words Mikhail said kept repeating in Vanitas mind over and over again. Mikhail watched with a smile.

Mikhail stood up with his hands behind his back. "I know you brother. You will do something terrible like you did before meeting them. Don't forget you are a horrible person brother." Mikhail tells Vanitas.

Vanitas eyes widen more "I said to shut up! I don't want to hear that! Don't say anything more!" Vanitas kept shouting as he tried blocking out the words.

Mikhail smiled still "I won't hurt them or kill them! I know I won't! So stop lying to me! I know I'm a horrible person but I won't hurt them!" Vanitas shouted.

Mikhail chuckled "How about Noé then? Will you open your heart to him or harm him brother? I really want to know that, so tell me?" Mikhail asked his big brother with a smile, wanting to know his answer.

Vanitas bit his lip hard "I won't! I will never open my heart to him! Never! I rather die than to open my heart to that Prince of Niceness! I hate him! I couldn't care less about him. So shut up!" Vanitas shouted as Mikhail still kept that smile on his face.

Mikhail was slowly fading away from Vanitas now. He chuckled watching his big brother looking so vulnerable right now.

"We'll see what you end up doing to them brother. And see if your right about Noé Archiviste big brother."

Those were Mikhail last words before completely fading away from Vanitas sight who was still looking Vulnerable.

Vanitas eyes shot open right away as he sat up from his bed. He was sweating and panting heavily too, he looked frightened by the dream he had. Vanitas looked around him. "I'm awake now..." Vanitas mumbles to himself.

This was why Vanitas hated sleeping, Vanitas got up and went to the kitchen. He grabbed a cup of water and grabbed a pill bottle with his name on it. Vanitas grabbed two pills and took them as he drank water after putting it in his mouth.

Vanitas swallowed them, he went straight to the couch and turned the tv back on. "I will not go to sleep. I won't." Vanitas says to himself as he puts on a movie.

There was still sweat on Vanitas, his breathing calmed down. All the words that dream like Mikhail kept repeating in his mind still. He hated it especially the part he said about Noé.

"I will never open my heart to someone like that. I will always hate him and not love him. I won't ever! I rather die then fall in love with someone like him." Vanitas says to himself.

Yet something in Vanitas heart was saying something else, but Vanitas refuses to listen to it. He will keep his promise of never opening his heart to Noé or loving him.

To be continued

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