Chapter 25

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The Next Morning

The bright morning light hit Noé as he woke up and saw that Vanitas was not there. "Where did he go...?" Noé says drowsy, he was still tired from waking up.

There was a plate covered and a note right next to it. It got Noé curious as he sat up and picked up the note first and opened it to read it.

'Dear Noé,

I have a morning shift today as I told you yesterday but you refuse to let me go. I had to leave extra early so I can go home and change into my work clothes.

Just wanted to let you know because knowing you, you might end up pouting and not remembering of what I told you. Oh and also....I made you some breakfast...

I only made you some because I made myself some so don't get the wrong idea! Forget it, I need to go now! Bye!"

This made Noé chuckled at it "Even in a small note he still gets embarrassed." Noé says as he takes the cover off the plate to see what Vanitas made.

On the plate was crepes on a separate plate. On the bigger plate was some eggs, hash browns, sausages, bacon and a piece of toast. There was also a small bowl with a salad and the dressing was on the side.

Noé smiled at this "Yeah you made some for yourself." Noé mumbles knowing Vanitas worked hard on this breakfast for him. He knew because he made crepes and he knew Vanitas despises sweets.

The crepes were delicious to Noé, it felt like he was in heaven. He ate every last bite of the food that Vanitas made for him.

Once done Noé washed his dishes and sat at his desk. He logged into his laptop and looked at the blank page in front of him. "Okay I need to write this..." Noé mumbles to himself.

Noé took a deep breath as he started typing "This is the story of how two people who knew nothing of each other met one day. Of how they both fell in love with each other without realizing it." Noé mumbles some of it as he smiled.

To Noé it actually sounded much better at least "This short story will be about us." Noé says as he continued to type a few words down. He knew what it was going to be about so far, Noé smiled to himself remembering how he met Vanitas and how they disliked each other.

To Vanitas

"Look at this. You got my shirt dirty now."

A guy was on the ground coughing and bleeding. The one that did this to the guy was Vanitas himself, he was only taking the trash out and unexpectedly a guy was waiting for him.

Vanitas bend down and narrowed his eyes "So wanna tell me who had you try and attack me?" Vanitas decided to ask the man as he grabbed his pocket knife.

The man was frightened of Vanitas, he was shaking in fear from just looking in his eyes. "I-I don't know his name but he has shoulder length hair and yellow eyes. Please don't hurt me..." The man confessed and begged.

Vanitas smirked and laughed at this "My that bug is interesting now. Sending even lower pest after me to get his dirty work done so he doesn't get his hands dirty." Vanitas laughs more at this.

The man tried to escape but Vanitas threw the pocket knife at his leg. "I didn't say you can go now, did I?" Vanitas asked the man.

The man was scared very scared because the look Vanitas was giving him was a very frightening one. "NOOOOO!!!!!" The man screamed but Vanitas was able to shut him up.

The cafe back door opened "Vanitas, what was that scream?" Vanitas turned around with a smile "Sorry sir that was me. A cat ripped the bag and scratched me a couple times." Vanitas lied.

He had cuts on him and made sure his shirt was dirty of the garbage. The manager looked at Vanitas then spoke "You can leave early today and try to get some more rest. You looked pretty exhausted still." He told Vanitas.

Vanitas nodded "Thank you sir. Sorry I have to leave early because of something so small." Vanitas apologies as him and the manager went inside so Vanitas could clock out and get his stuff.

The man was tied up and gagged, he was bleeding even more. Vanitas gave him a deep wound, Vanitas came back out and stood above the man.

"I'll let you live and call an ambulance for you if you keep quiet about this. After all you would be the criminal as I just used self defense."

The grinned made the man nodded very scared, he was afraid if he told anyone about this that Vanitas would track him down. Vanitas took out his phone and dialed a number.

"This is XXX, what is your emergency?" Vanitas wanted to sighed but he needed to act scared and worried. "I just got off of work and found a man bleeding! I need an ambulance at XXX cafe!" Vanitas acted.

"Help will be on the way right now sir!" The lady says as Vanitas hung up and dragged the man closer so the ambulance could see him. He untied the man and un gagged the man.

The man wanted to shout and scream but if he told them it was Vanitas, he just didn't want to think about what Vanitas would do. "Tell the guy that hired you that he's never going to beat me." Vanitas tells him.

With that Vanitas walked away before the ambulance got there so they don't question him. They asked the man who called and found him but he pretended that his vision was blurry and couldn't remember the voice.

Vanitas phone rang and he answered it "Hello?" Vanitas answered with a bored tone. "Vani! I just saw that you called XXX! What happened!" It was Amelia that called him.

In the background Vanitas could hear Dante and Johann yelling if he was okay. "I'm fine. That bug sent someone to attack me but he ended up being attacked. Hahaha!" Vanitas laughed.

"Give me the phone Amelia! Hey Quack! We we're worried that you might have been hurt or caught!" Dante was now yelling at Vanitas "Awe you do care for me. I'm fine don't worry about it. I won't get caught or hurt." Vanitas assured them.

The three sighed and Vanitas wanted to laugh but they were worrying so he won't. Another incoming call was coming in. "I have to go now." Vanitas tells them as he hangs up to answer the other call.


"Vanitas! It's me Noé!"

This of course made Vanitas want to laugh because he already knew it was Noé. "I know idiot. What's up?" Vanitas asked Noé as his boyfriend sounded happy "I just finished writing my story." Noé tells Vanitas.

Vanitas was surprised "That fast?! What the hell did you write?" Vanitas asked him now. Noé was grinning on the other line "About us!" This of course made Vanitas blushed "What! Why!" Vanitas shouted not caring if people were staring at him.

"Because I wrote it based on romance and I thought about us. Don't worry I used different names." Noé assured Vanitas as he sighed "Fine. If you used different names then I'll be okay with it." Vanitas tells Noé.

Noé chuckled from the other line "Are you going to come back today after work?" Noé asked Vanitas "Sorry can't. I got dirty at work and need to head home to shower and change. I also need to wash my work clothes now too and I still need to finish a essay for my class." Vanitas tells Noé.

Vanitas can tell Noé is disappointed, he smiled at the thought. "If I finish early I'll let you know if I'm able to go over." Vanitas tell Noé as he perked up. "Okay! I'll be waiting for your call!"

With that their call ended and Vanitas headed home.

To be continued

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