Chapter 19

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Vanitas was at the plaza, he looked at the time to see it was 11:40 am. "He better not be late or I'm leaving." Vanitas mumbles to himself as he crossed his arms.

"Oh my look at that man!"

"He's so beautiful!"

"He looks like the bad boy type. He's totally my type!"

"I wonder if he's in college?"

"That man is beautiful but his eyes kinda creep me out a little. He should probably put color contacts on."

Vanitas ignore them 'I have tried putting color contacts on before but they just don't work.' Vanitas thought to himself. For some reason whatever color contact Vanitas uses they don't work.

The eye color always stays light blue like the blue moon. He hated it. But these are now Vanitas eye color and they won't change back to his original eye color ever.


That caught the light blue eyes man attention now. "Your here." Vanitas says as Noé smiled "Of course I am." Noé says walking towards his date "Shall we get started on our date?" Noé asked as he held out his hand.

Vanitas looked at Noé hand "I'm not holding it. As I said before we will not be a clingy couple." Vanitas tells Noé as he walked pass him, Noé ran to walk beside Vanitas.

"So Domi told me that Jeanne and Luca told her about you hating people who love you, is that true?" Noé asked Vanitas hoping it wasn't true at all.

Of course Dominique would tell Noé well Vanitas expected this. After all he told Luca to tell Jeanne so Dominique can tell Noé, he knew that she would tell Noé about it. He wants Noé to give up this game of their's.

Vanitas didn't stop walking "It's true. I can love someone and I won't hate it. But if they love me back then I hate them and won't accept their feelings back." Vanitas tells Noé.

Noé was surprised by this even though he knew ahead. "What if they want to be serious with you and you actually want to be serious with them too. Then what?" Noé asked Vanitas.

This time Vanitas stopped in his tracks and looked Noé in the eyes. "I won't ever feel that way. That's one of my promises to myself..." Vanitas says and whispered the last part quietly.

Thankfully Noé couldn't hear the last part at all. Before Noé could say anything Vanitas once again spoke "Lets get something to drink from that coffee spot." Noé just nodded as they walked into the shop.

The two walked up to the cashier "Welcome. What can I get you today?" She asked them eyeing the two with hearts in her eyes. The cashier already fell for the two men.

The now irritated Vanitas sighs "I want a medium size black coffee. No cream or sugar in it. And my name is Vanitas." Vanitas orders first as the girl nodded and she looked at Noé next "How about you sir?" She asked Noé.

Noé looked at the menu above them "Can I get a large Hazelnut white mocha Frappuccino please. I'm Noé." Noé ordered his drink, she nodded "That will be $10.67." She told them the total.

Vanitas was getting his wallet out but Noé stopped him. "I'll pay. Here you go miss." Noé gave her the exact amount, she gave him his receipt. "We will call out your names when they are ready." She told them.

They decided to sit down and wait for their drinks. "Hey Vanitas did you get any sleep?" Noé asked him as Vanitas was a little taken back "Of course I did." Vanitas lied to Noé.

Noé looked worried still "Remember the doctor said to get plenty of sleep." Noé tells Vanitas, his piercing light blue eyes looked into Noé purple eyes. "I don't need you to tell me that. I'm studying to become a doctor so I know how to take care of myself." Vanitas tells Noé.

Before Noé could say anything their names were called "A medium black coffee for Vanitas! And a large hazelnut white mocha for Noé!" A different person shouted their names.

They both got up to get their drinks "Let's go now." Vanitas says as he took a sip of his black coffee. Noé took a sip of his sweet frappe and glanced at Vanitas.

"Where are we headed next?" Noé asked Vanitas since he was the one to ask him out on a date. Vanitas took a couple more sips before answering Noé "I was thinking about walking around and seeing what catches our attention. Is that fine?" Vanitas tells Noé.

Noé smiled happily and nodded "Yes! I would love that!" Noé happily agreed. Sadly for Vanitas he's going to regret it because he doesn't know Noé very well.

And like that Noé kept disappearing from Vanitas sight. He kept wandering off to places and Vanitas is the one that has to search for him and it annoyed him. "Seriously! Why do you wander off!"

Vanitas was holding Noé hand so he doesn't lose him. "Next time I'm bringing a leash for you!" Vanitas says in an irritated tone, sadly Noé was paying attention to his hand being held by Vanitas's hand.

The sun was already setting "The sun is setting already!" Noé says with a big smile admiring the beautiful sky. Vanitas glances at Noé to yell at him but stops himself.

The sunset hit the taller man making him look even more handsome. Vanitas eyes slightly widen from it admiring Noé handsomeness now. Noé felt Vanitas gaze and he looks at him "Is something the matter Vanitas?" Noé asked him.

Vanitas shook his head right away "Non! Everything is alright, nothing is wrong. We should probably get something to eat before calling it a day." Vanitas says trying his best not to blush.

Noé looked confused of course but nodded "Okay I know a very good place!" Noé dragged Vanitas with him and they ate dinner at a nice restaurant that Noé knew of.

The date soon ended "Do you want me to walk you home?" Noé asked Vanitas as the boy shook his head but Vanitas did paused for a moment "Actually...nevermind. I'm going now, see you later." Vanitas says leaving.

Noé watched Vanitas figure disappearing in the darkness "I wonder what he was going to ask me?" Noé asked himself as he was curious, he decided to head back to his apartment now.

Vanitas shook his "I can't believe that I was about to ask him if I could stay the night at his place..." Vanitas mumbles as his face became flustered now.

Vanitas just wanted to get home as fast as he can before anyone sees his flustered face now.

With Noé now, he made it to his apartment humming. Noé had fun and he could tell that Vanitas did as well even if he tried to hide it from showing on his face.

Noé went up the elevator and got off of it when it got to his floor number. He was close to his door but came to a stop seeing someone that he wasn't ready to see just yet. "Louis."

"Hello Noé."

To be continued

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