Chapter 5

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Liam's POV

I was walking as fast as my legs could take me. How could she fucking do this to me!!? I thought we were meant to be! I was on my way to suprise her for our 4 year and 9 month anniversery and this is what she does!!!

"Liam, wait!" Katie called after me. I didn't answer.

"Liam, please! I beg you please!" She screamed towards me and grabbed my waist.

"What do you fucking want from me!?" I say and she turns me around to face her.

"Please...let me explain." She says breathless.

"Explain what!!? That you fucking hooked up with some small mother fucker with round shaped glasses!! That fucking ass hole!" I shouted at her.

"I just got carried away ok??" Katie put her hands in the air and back down.

"Maybe I was wrong to leave Sophia.." I narrow my eyes at her and walk away with tears, threatening to fall.

"What- don't fucking bring that bitch Sophia in this!" Katie yells back at me as I start to walk away.

I turn around. "Oh yes I will! You fucking brought Nicky into this so I should have the right to bring Sophia too! And you probably never loved me! Well you know what!? I'm through with your ass! It's too much! We've been offer her for so long and you always try to ruin it! Go suck a dick!" I scream at her and walk off faster.

"Liam...did you mean all of that?" Katie whispers. I ignore her.

"I can't believe you.." She trails off and starts to cry and runs into Rebecca's arms. Did I just make Katie cry??

Harry's POV

A lot of people say I'm a womanizer but I'm not. What's the matter of being nice to girls? I can like someone really easily. And that's not my fault. It's just who I am. I love with my heart, not my eyes. Just like Niall said. And Rebecca has a great heart. I can agree with that. I would date her if I wanted too....but I've been looking my eye for someone else. Ashley isn't really my type and I don't think I'm in to her that much.

"Yeah good one." I said, not listening to Ashley. But staring at her friend.

"Is..everything ok Harry?" Ashley puts her hand on my arm.

"Oh um..yeah. What did you say her name was again?" I asked Ashley quietly.

"Oh yeah, Ishi. Short for Ishika." She smiles.

"Oh alright...beautiful name." I smile widely, teeth and dimples showing.

"I gotta go guys." Ishika states. "It was nice meeting you Harry."

"Oh um you too. I have to go too." I say clumsily and get up and grab my coat.

We both walk out and walk home together.

"Ishika..." I say dreamingly.

"It's Ishi." She says and looks away.

"I like Ishika. It's so beautiful." I smile.

"Thanks but...I like to be called Ishi." She flusters.

"Can I call you Ishika?" I ask her.

"I don't know.." She looks the wrong way and trips.

I catch her and she rubs her eyes.

"Are you ok?" I ask her meaningfully.

" I think so." She says and pushes me away a little.

"My dorm is near here. I think I can walk the rest of the way." Ishika tells me.

"Really? Well do you wanna meet again tomorrow?" I take her hand.

She looks down at them and then sighs and giggles. "but we just met Harry." I like it when she said my name, had a soft tone to it.

"yesh so we can get to know each other more. And I'm still walking you back to your dorm, it's getting late." I tell her and take her hand and walk her back. She giggles but pulls her hand away. Don't tell me I'm falling for another girl...

Katie's POV

"He never through our ring or any sort of thing like that. He just said we were through!" I cry harder in Rebecca's arms As we sit on her couch.

"Dude, it was rude of you to just hook up with Nicky like that, I mean...what if you guys had se-

"I don't know ok!!" Katie shouted and the door rang. Rebecca ran up to open it and it was silent. Someone walked through the door and I saw that it was Liam. I got up from the couch and walked backwards slowly.

"Katie...I'm so sorry. I've never should of yelled at you that way. I mean, I never meant anything if what I said." Liam said, tears streaming down his face.

"No..I'm sorry. I'm sorry I did all of that with Nicky. I just..-

"No it doesn't matter, all I want is you." He smiles sadly and hands me flowers. I put them in the table and we hug warmly.

Rebecca smiles and tries not to laugh when Niall comes in.

"Anyone want Chinease!!?" Niall comes in and screams.

"I'm starving but not the time Niall." I tell him and kiss Liam.

Our Boys ( A 1D Fanfiction )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora