Chapter 15

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Rebecca's POV
"Great job guys!" I high five Liam and Zayn.
"Thanks." Zayn smiles. I smile sympathetically and turn to head back to the hotel.
"We leave first thing in the morning!" Paul tells us and I decide to go and visit Katie's room.
"And you guys have another tour starting soon." Katie tells Liam as we go inside.
"Yup." Liam shrugs and flops down on his bed.
"I hate to say this but...aren't you a teensy bit tired of all these tours and albums. I mean, FOUR is great but you just released Midnight Memories and you just finished the Where We Are Tour." Katie says locking the hotel door.

"Nope. I love my fans and I love my job." Liam says, obviously sounding annoyed and flops over to the other side of the bed.

"Fine. Whatever you say." She says and mocks Liam by making silly faces.

"We aren't coming with you guys on the On The Road Again tour are we?" I ask Liam and sit down on the chair beside the bed.

"Sadly, no. But at least I get a break from Katie." He smirks at her. She hits Liam with a pillow and he laughs.

"Geez just kidding."

"Oh...I'm gonna miss you guys this time. This tour is gonna be a long one." I sigh and look out the window.

"Yeah. Can we turn off the lights? I'm quite drowsy." Liam says and turns the lights off. I decide to sleep on the chair tonight.

"Would you like to drink some tea?" The man in the blazer asks me.

"Uhh...yeah actually yeah." I smile.

"Dude!" He shouts at me.

"What?" I ask rudley.

"Wake up!" He shouts again and starts shaking me.

"Wait what?" I narrow my eyebrows.

"WAKE, UP!" He grabs a random tea cup from nowhere and throws it at my face. It wasn't hot, it was freezing!

"BITCH WAKE YOUR ASS UP!" I open my eyes and see Katie next to me.

"Ugh....did you just throw water on me?' I ask her.

"Yeah I mean, we've got ten minutes to leave and your sleeping like a-

"TEN MINUTES!? WHY THE HELL DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP?" I say getting out of bed and ripping off my clothes.

"Li said you'd wake up eventually." She shrugged.

I scream and grab a towel. "Is he here? Because I'm naked!"

"No he want to go eat breakfast downstairs."

"Ughh breakfast!" I shout and hop into the shower. I brush my teeth while I shower and then run out and rub lotion quickly.

"Dude we have to leave soon!" Katie knocks on my door.

"Wait can you wait for me!? I'm almost done!" I shout even thought I didn't even put in my shirt yet.

I throw on my black tank top and wear my red and black checkered flannel not buttoning it. I pull my skinny jeans on as hard as I can and then run out of the toilet.

"Just on time. Here are your socks and shoes." She throws them to me and grabs my bag, I wear my socks and step into my black converse.

"We run out of the hotel room and sprint to the elevator. We breathe heavily and I look into thee lavatory mirror.

"Oh god" I shriek.

"What!?" Katie jumps.

"I didn't comb my hair!" I bite my nails.

"Seriously? Ugh." Katie comes next to me and runs her hands through my dark brown hair.

"Better?" She asks.

I look in the mirror and I have now become the new human lion.

"Just put it in a high bun." She says and the elevator opens. I wrap it quickly into a messy bun and we find the tour bus.

We run inside and sit down on the big couch in the tour bus living room.

"I AM SO GETTING THE TOP ONE." We hear Ishi scream. I walk over there and see everyone fighting over who gets which bunk.

"Okay let's settle this wisely and MATURELY." Liam says and looks specifically at Niall.

"Niall and Rebecca, you can get the bottom bunk on the right side while Ishi and Harry share the top. Louis can sit on the top bunk on the right side and Katie and I will be in the bottom. Zayn can sleep on that bottom bunk with Perrie in the front when she comes later." Liam moves us to our beds.

"Perrie's coming?" I ask Liam.

"Apparently." He sighs sitting down.

ZIAM ZIAM ZIAM IS REAL BITCHES AHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!!!! I think in my head and smile like a dork.

"What's so funny?" He asks.

"Wh-what?" I snap out of my thoughts.

"Why can't we get the bottom bunk?" Harry asks.

"Well why can't you?" Katie annoyingly asks.

"Well....privacy?" He scratches his head.

"Why on earth would you need more privacy? It's big, and it has curtains." Katie narrows her eyes at him.

"Well we wouldn't want people to hear us!"

"Hear you doing what?"

"Okay I'm out of here." I say and walk out. Harry was such a pervert sometimes.

"So when is Perrie coming?" I ask Zayn on my way out.

"In a few hours. I'm going to go sleep. Wake up when she's here." He yawns and and crawls into his bunk and shuts the curtain. Typical Zayn. Always sleeping.

Ishi's POV
I lied down on the red leather couch until I felt the bus come to a stop and the front door open. I sit up and see who comes in. Perrie comes in with her luggage and thanks Paul and comes to me and laughs.

"Hey. You must be Perrie." I shake hands with her.

"The one and only. Have you seen Zayn anywhere?" She asks.

"Yeah he's sleeping in there." I smile and then turn around and get back to lying on the couch. Well that was awkward. I hear someone plop down beside me and I sit up again.

"Hey Harry." I smile.

"What are you doing here we're all going to sleep." Harry takes my hand.

"No I accidentally just fell asleep here I guess." I shrug.

"Perrie's here you know." I tell him.

"Yeah that littl-

I cover his mouth and we both walk back to our bunk in the room. We climb up the ladder and we get in the bunk and shut the curtain.

"Don't say anything about Perrie when she's around. I don't want you boys fighting." I whisper to him.

"We aren't fighting love." He strokes my hair.

"It seems like it. It's okay. I know Harry." I say and he pulls me into him as we sleep for the night.

Our Boys ( A 1D Fanfiction )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora