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"Did you just erase the whole sentence I wrote?!" Flabbergasted, Jake says.

"Yup," Siyeon answered, showing no remorse after what she had just done as she typed another sentence to replace the one he had written. "For someone who bragged about being so fluent in English, you're not very good at our own language."

Thirty minutes in and both were already feeling the pain of being paired together. None of them could agree except for picking the topic-- which was probably the easiest part of their presentation. They were tasked to present their take on a certain issue and since neither of them wanted to play it safe when Siyeon had suggested the education system, he immediately agreed.

The hard part now was agreeing to the contents of their presentation.

So far for the first slide, they had to play tug of war with her laptop to decide who was going to write the introduction, but after a series of glares, Jake managed to bag the introduction. Now they were in the first point, and they both placed sentences that would support their main idea. Yet the thing was, they were not satisfied with each other's contributions.

"Our ideas are conflicting, just give me the first idea." He suggested and when she came to realize that their points were conflicting, she sighed in defeat.

"Write your points on a piece of paper or type them on your phone. I'll add it later." She said, creating another slide and this time providing her point.

The students around them all had their heads stuck together to make this project work but Siyeon and Jake had to work separately for them to get something done. Jake raised his head, gazing at Jay, who was seated not far from him. Jay was mouthing something to the latter but Jake couldn't quite understand what it is.

"He's asking how you're doing." Siyeon abruptly says nonchalantly while she typed something on her laptop.

Jay and Jake looked at each other, and the former wondered why the latter seemed so astounded. Breaking their eye contact, he diverts his gaze to his seatmate that continued to type, unbothered by everything surrounding her.

"When did you even have the time to look at him?" He asked, this time earning her attention.

"I looked at you to check if you were working, instead you were busy deciphering what your friend was telling you." She explained, returning to the screen of her laptop afterward.

Getting the message that she was very focused on her work, he went back to writing all his points which he, later on, passes to her when he was finally finished. She had to read it carefully because of how strict she was with grammar. Feeling satisfied with what she had read, she placed it on the side of her table continuing to type on her laptop.

Then it was another round of tug of war because Jake wanted to read what she had written, but surprisingly Siyeon was insecure about it, claiming it needs more proofreading.

"I'll proofread it. Just show it to me." He says and unable to argue any further, she gave in and handed him the laptop.

Keeping true to his words, Jake did read it and surprisingly it wasn't as bad as she made it seem. It was well-written, it spoke greatly about their topic, and it was detailed. From the way he saw it, she made sure that no information was left behind while also keeping in mind the maximum length of their presentation.

"Wow, so this is how students from class A write presentations." He said, his expression remaining astonished by what he read.

"You overestimate students from class a." She comments, stealing the laptop from him and going back to her work.

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