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"It was a battle between my home or under the bridge! Do you want me to leave you under a bridge?!" Jake said after Siyeon realized where they were.

"I would prefer that instead of your house!" Siyeon replied.

"You said anywhere!"

"I never thought you would bring me to your house!"

He pinched the bridge of his nose, knowing very well that their conversation would only go on and on until one of them eventually runs out of patience or comebacks. His home was the only place he could think of plus he doubts Siyeon would check in a hotel, taking into account that no person their age would be carrying a large amount of money, and that she was hiding from her parents. How did he know? Aside from her refusal to go home, she turned her phone on for a short moment, only to be bombarded by it ringing repeatedly. She did not answer her parents nor did she leave any texts. If she had used her credit card, they would've easily tracked her down.

Since when have I been so attentive?

"Just... stay here until the rain stops," Jake said. Sighing in defeat, she frowned, crossed her arms, and looked away from him. Yeah, that's better than shouting.

The gates to his house opened and he parked his car. He grabbed his umbrella from earlier and he allowed one of the housekeepers to open the door for Siyeon. The housekeeper seemed surprised to see an unfamiliar girl with Jake.

He looked at Siyeon, who seemed to have been eyeing his house. "Sir Jake, your parents are home and Miss Hana is also staying for the night." His attention was stolen by the housekeeper informing him about the people inside.

Jake heard Siyeon snort after hearing what the housekeeper called him. "Ms. Go, you don't have to call me that when we have a guest. I told you Jake is fine." He kindly smiled at the older who had reciprocated the smile, even chuckling. "And besides, my guest here would hold that against me for the rest of my life-- ow!" He was cut off by Siyeon stepping on his foot.

"I'm sorry Jake, I just thought it would be necessary since you brought home a new face." She responds, glancing at Siyeon. "The two of you should go in. It's very cold outside."

Opening the door for the two, Jake and Siyeon both entered. He looked around, looking for his parents and Hana, who was supposedly home. "Jake? Is that you?" He immediately stopped searching when his mother called him.

He was going to respond but Siyeon had pinched his arm, forcing him to look in her direction. "Are you not done hurting me at my own home?!" He asked, rubbing the place in his arm where she had pinched him.

She rolled her eyes. "What am I supposed to tell your parents?!" She hissed.

"Just pretend like we're friends," Jake tells her.

Both of them were forced to fix their stance when a woman in her late forties appeared from the side, astounded that her son was not alone when she had approached the doorway to welcome him. She was wearing a white dress and her hair was fixed in a bun. Jake glanced at Siyeon who had a slight smile on her face as she faced the mother of the person, who minutes ago, she yelled at.

"Oh? Who is this lovely girl you're with?" His mother smiled.

"Good evening, I'm Jo Siyeon. Your son's... friend." Jake rolled his lips inward, stifling a laugh when he realized she barely managed to force the word 'friend' out of her mouth.

"It's raining outside so I couldn't leave her on the streets." He explained to his mother, who understood clearly because the sound of the downpour passed through their walls.

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