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By the entrance of the venue Jake could spot Hana standing by the front door, a frantic expression on her face as she talked with someone on the phone. He looked at the watch on his wrist and from there he figured out the performance should've been far from over now.

Walking straight to where she was, upon catching sight of the cousin she had insisted to arrive early, she puts her phone down. That action alone was a clear indication she was upset with him, and any kind remark would not be able to change her attitude. Yet he couldn't help but also wonder why she was still there, because knowing her, she wouldn't wait for him for no good reason.

"What are you still doing here?" Jake asked, approaching her closer but he should've thought twice as when the distanced between them was reduced to two feet, her hand began to slap his chest incessantly. "O-Ow!"

"Where the hell were you?! Do you know how upset Hyejin was throughout the performance?! And why weren't you answering your damn phone?!" Hana all said at once, her head almost the same shade of red as the carpet had been and he swore, he broke a few ribs from the impact of her palm.

"I know, Hana! I know!" He tells her, encaging her wrist with his hand to stop her from hitting him again. Hana's face softened as she came to realize the guilt that gradually crept to her cousin's face.  "Siyeon... She was sick, I couldn't leave her."

As if everything suddenly made sense to her, her upset face finally changed only to be replaced by disappointment and perhaps, pity. "I also couldn't leave Hyejin, the day hasn't been nice to her. She's still in there if you want to speak to her."

"Thank you Hana." He smiled at her, and when he was about to walk forward, she stopped him first by grabbing on the sleeves of his jacket. "What is it?"

"I'll support you always Jake, but please if you like Siyeon, tell Hyejin now. You weren't the only one between the two of you who was in love." She tells him, almost pleading as she looked up at him. "I'm not only saying this because you're my cousin, but also as her friend."

You weren't the only one between the two of you who was in love. It was never just him. Hyejin expressed her feelings in a more subtle way than he did and often times when she did, it was easily mistaken for an act of friendship. She was never vocal about those sentiments and yet of all people, he knew it was never just him who was chasing around, waiting for something to happen between them. And as he slowly makes his way inside, where the sound of the piano swallowed the whole room, establishing a heavy atmosphere as the pianist herself poured her soul into the keys, making it known she understood the sad piece.

Hyejin looked as beautiful as always, and no matter Jake's affection, she will always do so. While he stood there, listening to her play a piece he wasn't quite familiar with did the guilt he was feeling become the heaviest. She was never just a potential lover back then, but rather, a best friend also, a person who he could confide in and trust to always be there for him even when the future starts to look bleak. That made him wonder if the real reason why he loved her as much as he did was because it comforted him to know she'd be there, or perhaps maybe his feelings really went beyond that, he just never knew. And not knowing that it had went deeper allowed his feelings to be altered by another person.

The piano stopped all of a sudden. Her familiar brown eyes looked at the person who stood at the middle, forcing a smile on his face even as his heart broke watching her struggle to do the same. The amount of times she failed to fake a smile could only be counted with his fingers as she grew up perfecting that particular talent, even in the harshest situations, she always manages to do it. Knowing now that she's struggling gave away that whatever it was inside of her, was pulling her down.

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