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"If you're asking me because I have a car, let me remind you that I didn't bring it nor will I have one for a week."

Siyeon rolled her eyes. "My memory is good, don't underestimate me. I'm bringing you with me because— I'll explain it to you when we're out of here, so what's your answer?"

The things we don't expect to come true, often never do or if it does so, occur very rarely. Or at least that's what Jake thought throughout the entirety of his life, and he had come to an agreement with it. It was only when Siyeon entered his life did the unexpected started becoming true. One by one they were correct, changing everything he thought to be right.

Such as how Jake never would've expected that Siyeon asking him to ditch school with her would ever come true.

Truth be told, he was torn during the long process of finding an answer to give her. It was either he let his attraction for her take over and agree to her offer under the pretense of accompanying her when in truth, his mind only wanted to spend time with her, or: he lets rationality take over and say no to avoid staining his almost squeaky clean attendance. It was a dilemma of a sort with a clear answer in mind. It was a clear no to ditch school, but somehow knowing that he'd be leaving with Siyeon, is swaying every logic he has left.

"If I do this, will you explain to me why you're leaving?" Jake compromised, immediately getting a nod from her as a response. With a sigh, as soon as he says yes, a grin appeared on her face. "You do know how to sneak out right?" He asked while he followed her to wherever she was headed.

Siyeon scoffed, looking back at him with a mischievous expression he was familiar with. "Of course, I know. Do you think this is my first time?" She spoke as if it was something to be proud of.

Jake rolled his eyes after, earning another sound from her which was somewhere between a scoff and a chuckle. They arrived at the classroom where he only stood by the doorway whilst his eyes tailed the girl who maneuvered her way to her seat, grabbing the bag from the floor and swinging it to her shoulder. The people knew better than to wonder or suspect the other of ditching school, not only because she had a reputation of being smart, but because of her weekly visit to the infirmary which everyone was both aware and jealous of (they were jealous because she could avoid a boring lecture whilst they were forced to sit through it).

While Siyeon made her way to the door, there was confusion on her face as to why he was empty-handed and frozen in the doorway rather than grabbing his stuff for the crazy act they were about to do. He was going to do the same initially, but due to his inability to have a heavy bag weighing him down throughout whatever the day had in store for him, he left it in the classroom. There was always Hana who could bring it for him or any of his friends who would notice.

"I'll just have my friends hide it for the meantime and make up some dumb excuse for me." Jake shrugged, sharing the plan he strategized during that short moment when she had grabbed her bag. "I got everything I need anyway."

"If you say so." She said, managing to brush away the remaining confusion still on her face. Glancing to her watch, he noticed her perplexed expression which was replaced by determination as she gazed up at him. "Come on, let's go. They're coming."

What does she mean they're coming?

Before a word could slip out of Jake's mouth, a hand encloses on his wrist, and not a second passed, he was being pulled somewhere with unfamiliar eyes following the unusual duo. Sparks flew over him, electrifying his body from the back of his neck down to his spine. A momentary daze visited him, and the whole world around him disappeared. He had nothing to look at but Siyeon, whose back was in front of him, depriving him of a glance at her face.

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