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Dear void,
(that's who Sister Woo told me to address)

Sister Woo told me to clear my head I needed to write how I feel. She even gave me this notebook to help me begin.

I'm Jo Siyeon. I'm 6 years old and I'm an orphan. A lot of couple have visited but none chose me, but Sister Woo told me today might be my day because important people are visiting us!

I want a family. I hope this is my chance to have one.



Dear void,

They adopted me!

I thought they were normal people, but when I saw the house I was going to live in from now on, wow.

I now have a brother but he won't talk to me. He only looked at me when I first entered the room, it kind of made me sad but Ms. Minseo, no wait, mom, told me he just needs some getting used to.

Yeah, maybe in the future, everything will be alright.



Dear void,

They're very strict about my health, I wonder why.



Dear void,

I finally spoke to my new brother!



"Do you also want tea, Siyeon?" The maid had asked when Siyeon took a peak of the kitchen where she saw her brother sitting there quietly with a mug on his hand.

"I-I've never had tea." She confesses, remaining on the doorframe of the kitchen, afraid of joining her step brother inside, who showed no clue of liking her.

"Oh that's fine! Come here, I'll make you one." The maid walked to her, holding her by the hand as she helped Siyeon sit on one of the chairs. There was one seat that separated her from Haeseong who kept his attention on the book he was reading. "Here, I hope you like this." The maid hands her a smaller cup which fitted her small hands better.

The maid left a few minutes after, claiming she had to check on something which meant the only two people left in the room were the step siblings. Siyeon thought they would sit there in silence while she takes a sip of the tea, but when she winced in pain because she accidentally held the part of the cup that was hot, everything shifted.

"Are you okay?" Haeseong asked, looking at her then back to her hand that was now red. "I'll get you something cold." He says, filling a glass with cold water before giving it to her. "Here hold this."

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