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Jake drove more recklessly than usual.

His eyes were burning red as he maneuvered his way around the cars, pressing the honk of his car ever so often as he rushed towards the hospital—all of which he did while simultaneously hoping that Siyeon was still there. Hyejin barely told him anything, yet the mere mention of the possibility that Siyeon may die if he let her go had been enough to ignite something in him. And despite the downpour from earlier that gradually turned into a drizzle, the speed of his car did not decrease in the slightest.

All his mind could think about was Siyeon's welfare rather than his own.

With the hospital building entering his line of sight, his foot pressed harder on the gas pedal until Jake parked his car somewhere near the entrance. When he exited his vehicle and hurried toward the wide doorway, Jake hardly took the danger of the car being towed into account. Given that a hospital was a public building, the sight of him running towards it had not in any way alarmed the guards. It was understandable, considering the views they see on a daily basis.

He rushed towards the counter and demanded to speak to Siyeon, whose name sparked familiarity with the nurses who stood behind.

"Miss Jo? We can't guarantee that right now. Her parents aren't allowing visitors at the moment." The nurse answered.

Just as when he planned to protest more, a voice decided to involve itself in the encounter between Jake and the nurse. Jake looks to his side, only to meet eyes with Haeseong, who looks far weaker than usual, dressed in casual clothes, as he slowly makes his way to the counter.

"Let him in," Haeseong instructs the nurse, but the nurse is reluctant to oblige.

"But your father instructed us-"

"The person you restrict access to and the person asking you to lift those restrictions do not need to follow my father's instructions." Haeseong was forced to use that card because that was the only way he could think of which could grant Jake immediate access. The nurse regretfully stepped back, and for a second, Jake felt terrible, but he was aware that they were in a situation that left them no choice but to resort to this.

Jake was about to run if not for his lack of knowledge regarding his destination. So forcefully, he turns to Haeseong, who figured the man would speak to him from how he looked at Jake.

"I'll bring you to her." He smiles before he begins walking. "Do you know the truth now?"

"I don't, but someone told me not to let her go, so here I am," Jake explained what he was doing there.

A look of relief had washed over Haeseong's face after hearing what the other had to say. "If there's anyone who can change her mind, I have high hopes that it's you."

His reply to the sentence had been silence.

"When you learn the truth, don't be angry at her like I did. She was never the bad guy here."

"Do you think I can save her?" Jake asked him as soon as they stopped in front of a door.

"Anyone can save her; it's the matter of whether she'll allow you to. Right now, you're the most probable one." Haeseong answers his question. "Here's her room. Good luck, Jake. I'm rooting for you."

Haeseong watched Jake slowly turn the knob, revealing a girl who sat by the bed as she stared at the huge window, which perfectly captured the view of the city. The sound of the door prompted Siyeon to turn her head, only to see Jake and her brother standing by the doorway. Entering the room and pushing the door close to provide themselves privacy, Jake continued to stare at her, hoping that this time he'd be able to read her like a book. Yet the mystery remained, leaving him with no choice but to confront her with the knowledge he now knew because of Hyejin.

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