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hello this is flauvier thanking you for making it this far in afterglow!

this book was an adventure to write, filled with struggles of writer's block and having to balance school works and hobbies. but to my relief and joy, afterglow finally has come to a conclusion.

afterglow was never meant to exist, or rather you were never meant to see siyeon and jake really. all my books have pre-determined plots, and the plot of this story had been made up since i was writing lovesick. for almost over a year this plot stuck to my brain, revising ever so often until the story was to my liking.

the original story of this book centered on hyejin and jake, and siyeon's feelings were not reciprocated unlike in afterglow. the key similarity between the original and new plot was siyeon's ending. for over a year, i revised the plot, everything bound to happen was changed but never siyeon's ending.

i think it's worth mentioning also that i hate playing with major character death.

i don't know if it was noticeable but i tried coating the term many times, because i wanted to make sure that i wasn't using it the wrong way.

i find mcd very difficult to write and i was afraid of writing it incorrectly. if ever i did do it wrong, i would be ruining this book completely.

hopefully, i managed to execute it right :'>

next i wanted to talk about is the concept of truth which was insanely highlighted in this story.

both truths were said in this story.

the truth of the narrator (jake)

the truth of the other main character (siyeon)

each and everyone of us have our own truths, and often times our truth burdens us much like how siyeon's weighed her down. and sometimes our truth are similar to jake, we deny its existence until we are forced to confront it (his feelings for siyeon, for example) 

then we have the vague truth which i obviously got from 'it ends with us', the concept of 'naked truth' piqued my interest so much so i decided to make my own version. i like vague truth because it gives you just a little glimpse of someone's truth, it's like small steps to really getting to know someone.

and finally for the upcoming book two! yes i'm finally going to write a book two!

i will never leave a book unresolved and this book still has so many issues that have yet to be resolved. though fair warning, i cannot promise that the book will be as softhearted as this one, but i also cannot guarantee that it will be very dark. 

more details about book two will be posted soon! 

if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask :> 

i really hope afterglow was to everyone's liking because i really worked hard on the narrations of this one. and to those who have been here since the beginning, i appreciate you all so much.

until the next book! i love you all <333


started at : 06/03/2022
ended at : 10/11/2022


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