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"You're quick to assume that."

Jake said, unfazed by what Siyeon previously announced. Both sat on the island, still staring at each other whilst they feel the atmosphere surrounding them get heavier.

"It's easy for you to say, you have no clue about the truth." There was a ghost of a smirk on her face, and he found himself far from amused or provoked.

He was burning from curiosity, aching to know what she was hiding. And he blamed it all on his nosiness. He wanted to involve himself in a business that was not his nor will it ever be. He looked at her and all he could see was the mirage of a sea that was far deeper than it seemed. Siyeon has piqued his interest since she sat next to him and yet he never had the heart to admit it to himself.

Jake sighed, knowing very well he wasn't going to get through to her. "I'm never going to find out about it anyway." He concluded. "Plus I don't want to exert a lot of effort breaking your walls."

He finally stood up and made his way to the pantry, grabbing a mug for himself and a teabag. he was supposed to have tea, that was the initial plan. It was only delayed because of the unexpected presence in his kitchen.

"Good to know your nosiness has a limit." He glanced at her and noticed her standing up to probably take her leave and go to bed.

"Do you want tea?" He suddenly offered. "We only have earl grey."

She was reluctant at first, and while he waited for an answer, he finally realized what he had just done. It was an impulse. He offered out of kindness and the dislike of seeming rude to the other for not offering. What he did meant nothing. He knew he would've done it for anyone who entered the kitchen. After a long pause, she returned to her seat and gave him a slight nod. He managed to breathe after that. It did not even register to him that he held his breath as he waited for a response from her.

Pouring the hot water on both mugs, he gave the other one to Siyeon while placing his in front of the seat a chair away from her. He briefly glanced at her for who knows what reason and she was tying her hair up with the tie on her wrist. Refusing to stare at such a sight, he tore his eyes away from her and returned to his tea.

"You and your cousin seem very close." She broke the silence that he thought he would have to endure until his mug was drained of tea.

"We grew up together, it's only natural we're close," Jake replied. "Are you not close with your cousins?"

She shook her head, placing her elbow on the table and resting her head on her palm. "I don't have first cousins. You and Hana seem closer than cousins, it's like you are both siblings."

"You got that from one dinner?" He stifled a chuckle.

"You weren't being subtle about it anyway." She scoffs, pressing the mug to her lips which yet again forced him to look away. "You look at her in a worried manner. Believe me, I know how that face looks."

"Should I even ask how you know?" He heard a cough that rather resembled a laugh come out of her.

"My older brother looks at me like that," Siyeon answered, surprising Jake who never expected an answer from her. "Vague truth. That's our thing, isn't it?"

"Yeah, I guess so." He took a sip of his tea to hide the ghost of a smile that almost betrayed him. "I have never told you a truth. It's always you telling one." He shares the realization that appeared in his head.

"Alright then. I'll ask you a question." She said, glancing at him after keeping her gaze away from him earlier. "Do you hate me?"

Although he expected a more personal question, he couldn't deny that he failed to anticipate she'd ask a question similar to what she just did. But even so, he struggled to find an appropriate answer despite it being a yes-no question. Did he hate her in a way that he would boil in anger when she's near him? Maybe sometimes when they're in a classroom fighting over a physics problem.

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