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"Do you know where they brought Siyeon?" Jake asked Jungwon once class was over.

Earlier Siyeon was escorted out by the teacher and ever since then, she hasn't returned. He wasn't very used to physics without her, in fact, he wasn't even challenged at all. But he couldn't deny that it was fun taking all the glory alone.

Jungwon raised his eyebrow, wondering why his friend was suddenly asking for her. "Why are you asking?" He asked instead of answering Jake's question.

"Just curious." He replies which didn't seem to answer Jungwon's question.

"She always leaves, did you only realize just now? This happens every week. I have no idea where they bring her though." Jungwon replied with the only knowledge he knew about Siyeon's weekly abrupt leave. "I'll get going, see you!" He smiled at his friend before grabbing his bag and leaving the classroom.

Jake was about to do the same but he came to a halt when he heard the voice of his teacher calling his name. "Yes?" He replied as he put his bag on his back.

"Can you bring Siyeon's bag to the infirmary?" The teacher points at the bag sitting on the floor next to his seat.

She's in the infirmary again? He thought.

Forcing a smile on his face, Jake nods. "Alright." He says, and shortly after, he crouches to pick up the bag from the floor and made his way to the infirmary.

Fortunately, Siyeon's bag didn't weigh that much which meant it wasn't a challenge carrying it to where she was. He tried to recall what she looked like earlier before the teacher had escorted her out. She didn't look any more unusual than the past days. Then he remembered what Jungwon said about her leaving weekly. Did he only realize now that he was sitting next to her?

On his way, he passed by his cousin who looked at him ever so weirdly, especially with the unfamiliar bag in his arms. "Since when did you have two bags?" Hana asked, stopping in her tracks to ask him that.

"No this is Siyeon's." Jake sighs when her mouth forms into an 'o' with a slight smirk slowly appearing after. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"So you're carrying her bag now?" Hana says, humming in the end.

He rolled his eyes. "She's in the infirmary. The teacher only asked me to give this to her. Stop making quick assumptions." He said as he flicked her forehead softly but just enough that it would still hurt. "Go home now, it's getting late."

"I still have to make a quick stop at the library. See you, Jake! Don't give her a hard time than you already do." Hana grins at him before walking away from him which he did not like because as much as he loved seeing her happy, if the reason for it is her made-up imagination of him and Siyeon, then he wasn't very fond of it.

He continued walking to the infirmary where he continuously wished that he would not pass by any of his friends who would ask him about the bag he was carrying. He will never hear the end of it if ever they do. That is assuming Hana doesn't rat him out. Upon arriving, he knocks twice before opening the door on his own accord, and there he sees no nurse inside.

"Siyeon?" He called her name.

The sound of the curtain moving to the side surprised Jake and briefly, Siyeon's head appeared as she took a peek. She looked very much surprised to see him in the infirmary, especially at that hour when everyone is usually on their way home.

"What are you doing here?" She completely moves the curtain so she could have a better view of him. She was sitting on the bed with her phone placed just beside her. Then her eyes traveled to the bag on his right arm and out of nowhere, she extends her hand to his which confused him at first but she clarified it by pointing at her bag.

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