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Poe sighed as he stared stared the ceiling once more. He was laying in bed after a nights rest and turned to face his clock. It was 6:25AM of cource he slept it no wonder he'll be late. Poe didbt usually meet up with the guild but tonight was simply a day where he was needed. A rolled out of bed before dragging himself to the kitchen as he put the kettel on and grabbed some coffee beans from the cupboard above him.

He was exausted in general but theres nothing else he could do. He grabbed his clothes off the chair at his desk and brushed his hair. It wasnt as if it made much diffrence with the nest upon his head but it made him feel slightly presentable.

He paused for a moment the information given to him was the fact he was to go against somone yet who was this to be. Was it possibly the man he met some days before...

Whatever it shouldnt bother him now, he grabbed the papers off his desk catching one that flew within the air. He grabbed his keys and ran through the door with karl following behind . He rushed through the streets of yokahama towards the guilds ship.

He bent over one hand holding the papers and the other upon his knee breathing heavily. Karl caught up once Poe looked up at the ship and slowly walked abourd whilst greeting the members with a smile or a smile attempt of "hello" before walking off further towards Fitzgeralds office.

Ranpos perspective-

"Well then ranpo for the last time are you ready?" It was kunikida as always blabbering and bothering him about work the only thing upon his mind was the man from his last encounter. His luscious locks that covered eyes that he so badly desired to have the slightest sight of. Oh when was he to meet them again.

"Ahem! Ranpo i belive its time for you to go" Ranpo snapped back into realiality for once of cource this wasn't usual but who was to say he wasnt able to.

"Yeah yeah im going" he replied doubtfully
"And remember the guilds unpredictable.."

"Mhm" ranpo cut him off
"Ok im off to go now BYEEE!!" He ran out the door and gave a wave with a smile before shutting it. He knew quite well this would annoy kunikida at least a little and he enjoyed every part of it.

He walked through the streets of Yokahama to the adress that kunikida had given him o a small slip of paper. Once he arrived he looked up at the building a smililar one to a libary he wondered who he could possibly be against. As he wandered countlessly through the halls he came across a door with a note upon it.

Hmph he thought to himself this should be easy , he pushed open the doors whipping out his glasses in the process of doing so he began to speak

"So you're the master writer everyone's been talking about~" he looked up to find a man with dark locks shat upon a chair at the desk. He had a racoon upon his shoulder and wore a cape such as the man within his mind. How was this possible.


Poe looked up with a smile that crept upon his face
"My it's wonderful to see you again..
Detective ~"

"I take it you solved the riddle at the door, now how about you solve a mystery just for you a tale of masicur that will leave you in eternal turmoil. Youll be walking upon the hells scape i created shall you."

Ranpo walked futher towards them to find a chair infront of their desk he smiled this would be enjoyable he thought to himself.

"How about I start then~" he grabbed the book of the table and fell into the chair leaning back he opened the book to poe setting the scene.

"Allow me to place the image shall i , a scream with glass shattered across the body, trapped within a monor its unescapable.."

Ranpos eyes widened towards the sight of a brught light swirling around hi of cource his ability how could he be such a fool well to escape his hell scape it shall be.

Poes perspective-

My i didnt think i would see you again detective but it seems youve found me , im afraid this mystery will confuse you with many factors i look forward to sealling you're fate.

He laughed to himself you'll be dead in a matter of seconds unless that is if your manage well he paused for a moment before chuckeling to himself...


𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ( 𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐏𝐎𝐄 )Where stories live. Discover now